Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Losing Phones and Gaining Inches, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Last week, Ms. V had called me late Sunday and asked me to switch up, cleaning the front of the house for company on Monday and Carl's room plus the back of the house on Thursday instead.

This meant Carl had 3 extra days to mess his room and lose stuff before i got in there.  Then yesterday, he'd only had since last Thursday to mess his room and lose stuff.

In the pictures, you can't tell much difference between the spans of time.

Last Thursday, i walked in and he asked me, "Where did the discount card come from?"

As i hadn't even seen which card he was looking at, i had no idea.

He went off to eat breakfast, and i needed to ask him something, so i went into the main kitchen and saw him eating a nice, healthy granola cereal, the kind that really is healthy, with very little sugar.

He had added something to the granola.

Looked askance at the bag, i asked if he really liked having candy for breakfast.

"Well, it makes it taste better."

No comment from me, but he continued, "I read all this science talk, but all they want to do is gaming, it's all about gaming!"

Yes, i noted sadly, they could be using all this science to solve our world's problems and all they want to do is play.

"Yeah, the only problem they want to solve is how to play the game!"

I asked him if he needed a lunch, and he said hesitantly, "I only work until 11am?"

So you need an enhanced snack, right?

"Um, better pack a whole lunch, just in case."

Just in case he gets stranded away from home? i thought, smiling inwardly, but i knew what he meant.  In December, they often ask him to put in an extra hour or two, and he usually does, at which point he'll need the whole lunch.

Unfortunately, i couldn't find a whole lunch box.  He had a top to one and a bottom to another (small styrofoam ice chests he uses for carrying his lunches).  He asked me if it was in the car, and i told him i wouldn't know until he gave me the keys so i could check.  I checked, no soap.

I found only cookies in the Subway sandwich bag, both half eaten.  The only sandwich i found was a squished half of a PB&J.  I made a fresh sandwich, packed a lot of other stuff, put it in the only chest he had and rigged a plastic bag cover that would at least keep some of the cold in.

Of course, i found the top later, behind his TV.  No, i never ask why.

When i walked in yesterday, it wasn't the lunchbox, which he'd managed to keep both pieces of since Thursday, it was his phone.

"Where's my phone?" he asked, walking into the laundry room.  Not in here, i told him, and we looked while i packed his lunch and he ate breakfast.  We kept stopping to look.

Will it ring if i call it? i asked him.  His response was, "Who knows?"

I called it four times, once standing in his room to try to hear it, once with his car door open listening for it out there, once in the kitchen and front room, and once in the office where his charge cord lives.  No luck.

Meanwhile, he checked the pockets of his dirty pants next to the laundry basket.  When they didn't have the phone, he left everything else in them, ink pen, change, antacid tablets...

Yes, he carries antacid tablets in his pockets to nibble, and gas pills and sometimes dairy digest pills, too.  He dropped one on the floor yesterday, and when we finally located it, he picked it up and put it in his pocket anyway.  His habits haven't killed him yet, so i let it slide, and he went back to talking about the phone.

"It gets lost all the time, and it's aggravating!" he said.

If you'd leave the ringer on, you could call it and find it, i told him.

"Then it would wake my dad!" he noted, which he did anyway, to tell his dad he'd lost his phone.

His mother found it later, on a shelf somewhere.

Meanwhile, he again wanted plenty of lunch even for a short workday.  If i pack it, he always gets a sandwich, fruit cup, carrot or celery sticks, cheese stick, a cereal bar or protein bar, mixed nuts or peanuts, and a dessert of some kind.

He loves to eat, and it's showing in his new pants size and the fact none of his coats fit any longer.  He needs to go to the thrift store and get one, he's not allowed to buy new as he loses them so often.

In honor of Carl's appetite, some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Bonza Bottler Day™

Constitution Day -- Russia (constitution approved in nationwide referendum 1993)

Feast of Masa'il (Questions/Mystery) -- Baha'i

Gingerbread House Day -- because today is as good a day to start making one as any

Hovercraft Day -- the first prototype of a hovercraft was patented this day in 1955 by British engineer Christopher Cockerell

Independence Day -- Kenya (Jamhuri)(1953)

Miracle of the Roses / Our Lady of Guadalupe -- Catholic Christian; related celebrations

     Fiesta del Virgin de Guadalupe -- Mexico

     Las Mananitas -- Puerto Rico

National Ambrosia Day

National Cocoa Day

National Ding-A-Ling Day -- an unofficial day on which to honor all the ding-a-lings you know, and even act like one yourself if you wish

Neutrality Day/National Day and Student Youth Day -- Turkmenistan

Poinsettia Day -- death anniversary of Joel Roberts Poinsett

Sarsodaw Pwe -- Myanmar (Writers' Day/Literati Day, especially celebrated by the press, and includes The National Literary Award Presentation Ceremony as well as public lectures, essay contests, and story-telling events)

St. Finnian of Clonard's Day (Father of Irish Monasticism; going to bed without supper tonight means you risk being carried away by the fairies)

St. Lucy's Eve -- Austria (night of the shining that some use to predict the future)

Yuletide Lads begin arriving -- Iceland (Jolasveinar trolls, children of Gryla and Leppaludi, who come one each day to bring gifts and mischief from now until Christmas)

     Yuletide Lad of the Day, Stekkjarstaur -- Sheepfold Stick, who will try to drink the milk from the farmers' ewes

Anniversaries Today:

Jerry Lee Lewis marries his cousin Myra Gale Brown, 1957

Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Mayim Bialik, 1975

Rey Mysterio, Jr., 1974

Madchen Amick, 1970

Jennifer Connelly, 1970

Tracy Austin, 1962

Sheila E. 1957

Cathy Rigby, 1952

Robert Lindsay, 1949

Tom Wilkinson, 1948

Emerson Fittipaldi, 1946

Dionne Warwick, 1941

Connie Francis, 1938

Robert Lee "Bob" Pettit, Jr., 1932

Edward Irwin Koch, 1924

Bob Barker, 1923

Bob Dorough, 1923

Joe Williams, 1918

Frank Sinatra, 1915

Edward G. Robinson, 1893

Edvard Munch, 1863

Gustave Flaubert, 1821

Stand Watie, 1806

William Lloyd Garrison, 1805

John Jay, 1745 (Old Style date)

Erasmus Darwin, 1731

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"La Valse"(Ravel ballet), 1920

St. Louis Post-Dispatch(First edition), 1878

Today in History:

The Battle at Ninevah: Byzantine emperor Heraclius defeats Perzen, 627

The Order of the Dragon is created by Sigismund, King of Hungary, and his wife Queen Barbara of Celje, following the battle for possession of Bosnia, 1408

Isabella crowns herself Queen of Castile and Aragon, 1474

Jews are expelled from Schlettstadt Alsace by Emperor Frederick III, 1479

In Vienna, Ludwig von Beethoven receives his first lesson in music composition from Franz Joseph Haydn, 1792

Mexico is officially recognized as an independent nation by the US, 1822

The first Canadian coins are circulated (1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent and 20 cent), 1858

Rudolph Dirks' first Katzenjammer cartoon strip appears in the NY Journal, 1897

Belo Horizonte, the first planned city of Brazil, is founded, 1897

George F Bryant of Boston patents the wooden golf tee, 1899

Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal at Signal Hill in St John's, Newfoundland, 1901

Delhi replaces Calcutta as the capital of India, 1911

Oscar Straus becomes US Secretary of Commerce, the first Jew to be a US Cabinet member, 1906

The first all metal aircraft, the Junkers J-1, is test flown in Dessau, Germany, 1915

In Nebraska, Father Edward J. Flanagan founds Boys Town as a farm village for wayward boys, 1917

The first prototype of a hovercraft is patented by British engineer Christopher Cockerell, 1955

Guinea joins the United Nations, 1958

The Russian Federation gains independence from the USSR, 1991

An asteroid named 4179 Toutatis, over 3 miles wide, passes within 4.3 million miles, or 18 lunar distances from Earth, 2012

The International Space Station suspends some of its non-critical systems after an ammonia cooling pump fails; the station and six crew members aboard were not in danger, 2013

French President Francois Hollande proposes that terminally ill patients should have the right to be sedated until death; the proposal does not suggest assisted termination of the patient's life, 2014

Bill English is sworn in as New Zealand Prime Minister, 2016

Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Sergey Prokopyev compete a complex spacewalk to fix a hole in their Soyuz spacecraft, 2018

A point of land 3.5km (11,500ft) below sea level under the Denman Glacier in Antarctica is identified as the deepest point of land on Earth, 2019

Emma Tucker becomes the first woman editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, 2022


  1. Carl is a handful. I am glad his phone was found.
    And I do hope you are getting some rest.

  2. Sometimes it seems that the sugar in the fried food always wins out. And the poor fruit cup goes to the side.

  3. Carl is story all by himself and love the funnies about food ~ Carl and his family are blessed to have you dear one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. That last funny was spot on, and your story of Carl entertaining as always, I admie your patience.

  5. I love all things Carl. Searching for ones phone is not nearly as difficult as searching for Carl's phone. I love Carl.

    Love all the funnies and I love to eat too. I just don't eat very much. Can't.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  6. The good thing is that he never stresses out about it all. Any other person would be a basket case. You keep your calm and just keep going with the patience of a saint!

  7. Just reading about Carl made my head hurt, you're a Saint. Those were darn good funnies!!!

  8. Never a dull moment with Carl. :)

  9. Lulu: "Don't feel bad, Carl! Our Mama loses her phone all the time too! And then she uses her watch to ring it and that's really loud and if she happened to have left it near Dada it makes him jump. I ought to film it sometime and see if it'll go viral ..."

  10. Gosh, you must sleep well after your visits to Carl's house. It would drive me nuts but you just carry on carrying on.

  11. I'm glad the phone was found.Love that final funny.

  12. Oh, Carl! Those funnies certainly lived up to their name!


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