Today is very strange.
It is homecoming day at the university, and the kids and I are up here at the on campus hotel for the alumni. We are going to the parade and game, etc. We do this every year.
I woke with a portion of my face swollen, and I don't know why.
It has me very nervous.
My doctor is one of the people who will be up there today, and I'm hoping to snag a moment with him.
I also hope this does not interfere with the kids getting to enjoy homecoming.
ETA -- My doctor was just here at the on campus hotel, looked, asked a couple of questions, said I have a staph infection (read zit, of all things) that needs an antibiotic. I will leave the kids here on campus with their dad while he works, and go pick up the Rx. I'm 46, not 16! Zits! Only me.
Today is:
Children's Day, India
Independence Day, Jordan
Inuit Asking Festival
Kalamazoo Russian Festival begins, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
Moccas -- Celtic (pig goddess festival)
National Guacamole Day (yummm!!!)
Operating Room Nurse Day
St. Dubricus' Day (the saint who crowned King Arthur)
World Diabetes Day
Birthdays Today
Condoleeza Rice, 1954
Yanni, 1954
Prince Charles, 1948
King Hussein of Jordan, 1935
McLean Stevenson, 1929
Brian Keith, 1921
Veronica Lake, 1919
Barbara Hutton, 1912
Rosemary Decamp, 1910
Joseph McCarthy, 1909
Dick Powell, 1904
Aaron Copeland, 1900
Jawaharlal Nehru, 1889
Claude Monet, 1840
Robert Fulton, 1765
Today in History:
Samuel Pepys reports on the first blood transfusion (between dogs), 1666
Louis Timothee is hired in Philidelphia to be the first professional librarian in the US, 1732
Captain George Vancouver is the first Englishman to enter San Francisco Bay, 1792
John Mason debuts the first horse-drawn street car in NYC, with a route between Prince and 14th on 4th Ave., 1832
Herman Melville publishes "Moby Dick", 1851
The St. Andrews Golf Club, in Yonkers, NY, opens with 6 holes, 1888
New York World reporter Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane) began her attempt to surpass the fictitious journey of Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg by traveling around the world in fewer than 80 days, 1889
(Note: she succeeded, finishing the trip in January 1890 in 72 days and 6 hours.)
Albert Einstein presents his quantum theory of light, 1908
The first airplane flight from the deck of a ship takes place in Norfolk, Virginia, 1910
Wordless Wednesday
22 hours ago
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