...sending a husband to the store?
Actually, i'm sure there are many husbands who can go to the store and do very well at it. Probably not all of them end up as one man i read about, head in the cheese case, yelling into a phone, "Make up your mind, Camembert or brie!"
Probably any husbands who read this can be trusted to run a simple errand, also.
Sweetie, not so much.
It's not that he doesn't try. He really does, which is what makes it so frustrating for both of us. It's just that he's somewhat unobservant and sometimes seems to not think about what he is doing. The not thinking, from a man with an MA, really gets me.
This time, i made a list. He and i read it over, checked it twice. Added an item that he wanted. Off he went, high hopes.
Back he came, and i will once again save the receipt for exchanges. Low sodium chicken noodle soup? Really? This from the man who adds salt to his own Campbell's. And at over 40 cents more per can for them not to add salt, i say it's not worth it.
Let's not even talk about the regular ramen noodles the kids want when he brings back the creamy version. For a former chef, he should know not to substitute cilantro for parsley, it is too strong a taste for the recipe.
Why do we go through this at least twice a month? Because with the vultures posing as teens that live in this place, along with the extras, i sometimes get in a pinch and have to have a few things between visits when i just can't get away. Plus the fact that he loves running errands. It's hard to resist puppy dog eyes when you are tired, in the middle of making supper, and out of stuff.
He is a wonderful worker, provider, and general, all around guy. Don't send him to the st0re, even with a specific list, unless you like surprises or have time to go back later.
Today is:
Benito Juarez Day -- Mexico (obs.)
Corn Dog Day
Kashubians' Unity Day -- among Kashubians in northern Poland
Labour Day -- Christmas Island
Let's Laugh Day -- a holiday spread by ecard companies, because any day is a good day for a laugh
Mojoday -- Discordianism
National Chocolate Caramel Day
Oil Nationalization Day -- Iran
Pet Passport Day -- today in 2000, the UK passed the pet passport law, allowing pets into Great Britian without quarrantine if they met certain criteria
Poultry Day -- a day to honor the role poultry plays in our lives
Quinquatria -- Roman Empirical Calendar (celebration of Minerva and Mars, especially the birthday of Minerva today; through the 23rd)
See If You Can Find Someone Who Remembers Honey West Day -- internet generated trivia question
Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day -- despite what you think, the bird you saw there yesterday was not a swallow, the natives will tell you
St. Joseph's Day (Patron of Austria, Belgium, Canada, carpenters, fathers, house hunting, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, workers; for a happy death; against communism, doubt)
As Patron of fathers, his day is also Father's Day in Belgium, Bolivia, Honduras, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Valencia, Spain has it's biggest day of the Las Fallas Festival today, with the fireworks.
Wellderly Day -- and the start of Wellderly Week, focusing on the health of the elderly
Zimbor-Quattor's Revenge Week begins -- Fairy Calendar
Birthdays Today:
Bruce Willis, 1955
Glenn Close, 1947
Clarence "Frogman" Henry, 1937
Ursula Andress, 1936
Phyllis Newman, 1935
Patrick McGoohan, 1928
William Jennings Bryan, 1860
Wyatt Earp, 1848
Sir Richard Burton, 1821
David Livingstone, 1813
William Bradford, 1590
Today in History:
A Mongolian victory in the Battle of Yamen ends the Song Dynasty in China, 1279
Explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River, is murdered by his own men, 1687
The SS Georgiana, said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is destroyed on her maiden voyage with a cargo of munitions, medicines and merchandise then valued at over $1,000,000, 1863
Pluto is photographed for the first time but is not recognized as a planet, 1915
Eight American planes take off in pursuit of Pancho Villa, the first United States air-combat mission in history, 1916
The U.S. Congress establishes time zones and approves daylight saving time, 1918
Willie Mosconi sets a world record by running 526 consecutive balls without a miss during a straight pool exhibition at East High Billiard Club in Springfield, Ohio. The record still stands today, 1954
Gumby makes his debut, 1957
The wreck of the SS Georgiana, valued at over $50,000,000 and said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is discovered by then teenage diver and pioneer underwater archaeologist E. Lee Spence exactly 102 years after its destruction, 1965
Texas Western becomes the first college basketball team to win the Final Four with an all-black starting lineup, 1966
India and Bangladesh sign a friendship treaty, 1972
The United States House of Representatives begins broadcasting its day-to-day business via the cable television network C-SPAN, 1979
Argentinian forces land on South Georgia Island, precipitating the Falklands War with the United Kingdom, 1982
Zimbabwe is suspended from the Commonwealth on charges of human rights abuses and of electoral fraud, following a turbulent presidential election, 2002
A cosmic burst, GRB 080319B, that is the farthest object visible to the naked eye is briefly observed, 2008
Sunday Selfies
2 hours ago
*this sweetie* not so much either.
ReplyDeletehe has other "gifts."
Sent Husband for canola oil once. He came back with corn oil because it was cheaper. I cooked everything I could think of in corn oil. Two days later he understood.
ReplyDeleteCarla and Leah, it's nice to know it's not just me.
ReplyDeleteWhen Mrs. C sends me to the store with a list, I always follow it closely. When I return she'll ask me if I found anything good at the store. I always tell her I wasn't there looking for anything good. I just bought what was on the list.
ReplyDeleteSounds like he must wander round the store in a happy little daze. Have you ever asked him what he is thinking about when he runs errands?
ReplyDeleteFunny post, it made me laugh!
This seems to be incredibly common with husbands, which is why I'm sometimes glad to have a wife instead. But he sounds very sweet and helpful, and I imagine getting SOME items on the list right is probably better than none. Funny post!
ReplyDeleteYou have so much on this post, and all I can think to tell you is this...I really liked Honey West, thought she was just the neatest lady!
ReplyDeleteStephen, that's a perfect answer.
ReplyDeleteJenny, i'm not sure i always want to know.
Crabby, he is sweet and helpful, and yes, it's good that he gets some of it right.
Kay, thanks for stopping, by, and yes, female detectives usually are neat people. Or seem so to me.