Saturday, March 30, 2019

Low-Tech Love (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Upon discussing some of the amazing technological advances that have come out over the last 30 years, i was inspired to count in my thankful list many low tech things for which i am very grateful, no electricity or batteries needed.

My favorite chair at the table is one.  There are many fancier chairs, chairs that recline, and there are even now special "lift assist" chairs for those who need help (Ms. JAI has one, and a battery back up so if the electricity goes out she doesn't get stuck in the chair), but my plain kitchen chair is perfect for me.

Our table is nothing to write home about, either, but it is round and sturdy and not likely to split down the middle like the expensive one with extensions did a few years back.

No, our bed is not one of those adjustable ones, nor does it have a mattress you can make harder or softer or anything like that.  It's comfy and cozy and if i want to sit up in bed, i have pillows to pile up behind me.

The best dryers in the house are the back fence and my clothes drying racks.  Much gentler on the clothes, that is sure.

Everyone should have an old fashioned porch swing so as to sit outside and listen to the birds and watch the world go by.

This desk.  Nothing quite like these desks.

Electronic calendars don't hold a candle to this one, which everyone can see so everyone knows what's up.

The cats' gravity waterers.  We tried the plug-in fountain, and Link is afraid of it.  This works better.

There is not a gadget out there that helps me chop veggies better than my favorite knife and cutting board.

Newspapers.  Yes, we get a paper, and we read the funnies and do the puzzles (or i do the puzzles) and even clip a recipe to try once in so often.  Much nicer with a cup of coffee in the morning than a blaring TV talking head.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not against technology (although i am slow to change over and am something of a Luddite in some ways).  In fact, like so many, there are things i wouldn't want to live without if i could help it.  Gadgets aren't everything, though, and i am very grateful for the low tech in my life.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  


Today is:

Check for Change in Every Coin Return You Pass Day -- because someone has a sense of humor and put it on the internet

Culture and Traditions Day -- Micronesia

Doctors Day -- US (begun by Eudora Almond in 1933 because she thought her husband, Dr. Charles B. Almond deserved recognition for his hard work; for ideas on how to thank your doctor)

Earth Hour -- 8:30pm-9:30pm, your local time; turn off your lights to take a stand against climate change

Fairies of the First Wand Reunion Dinner -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of Janus and Concordia -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Festival of Bast -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (cat goddess; date approximate)

Festival of Reality Fabrication  -- internet holiday to celebrate your imagination

Festival of Salus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god of health)

Grass Is Always Browner On The Other Side Of The Fence Day -- remember how good you have it; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

I am in Control Day -- remember Alexander Haig's words on this date in 1981? well today, if you find the phones won't stop ringing, the kids got into the glue again, the coffee maker is on the fritz, and somebody dyed the poodle purple, stand up and declare that you are in control!

Land Day Commemoration -- West Bank/Palestinian remembrance

Limited Liability Day -- because no one can be responsible for everything

Pencil Day -- the pencil with an eraser top was patented this day in 1858 by Hyman Lipman

Runic Half-Month Ewhas (Horse) begins

Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day -- Trinidad and Tobago

St. Leonard Murialdo's Day (Patron of apprentices)

Take a Walk in the Park Day -- begun by someone who wanted to get out of the office

Turkey Neck Soup Day

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day -- US (information here)  

Birthdays Today:

Scott Moffatt, 1983
Jason Dohring, 1982
Norah Jones, 1979
Matt Doran, 1976
Mark Consuelos, 1971
Celine Dion, 1968
Ian Ziering, 1964
Tracy Chapman, 1964
M.C. Hammer, 1962
Paul Reiser, 1957
Robbie Cotrane, 1950
Eric Clapton, 1945
Astrud Gilberto, 1940
Warren Beatty, 1937
John Astin, 1930
Rolf Harris, 1930
Peter Marshall, 1930
Richard Dysart, 1929
Peter Marshall, 1927
Frankie Laine, 1913
Sean O'casey, 1880
Anna Sewell, 1820
Vincent Van Gogh, 1853
Francisco Jose De Goya, 1749

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Agnes of God"(Play), 1982
"Applause"(Musical), 1970
"Jeopardy"(TV), 1964
"Verkaufte Braut/The Bartered Bride"(Comic opera), 1866

Today in History:

The first recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, BC240
Ketsugan, Zen teacher, performs exorcisms to free aizoji temple, 1422
Henry VIII divorces Catherine of Aragon, 1533
British and coalition forces march into Paris after the defeat of Napoleon, 1814
Dr. Crawford Long of Georgia, US, performs the first operation with anesthesia (ether), 1842
A pencil with attached eraser is patented by Hyman L Lipman of Philadelphia, 1858
Alaska is purchased from Russia by US Secretary of State William Seward, for $7,200,000 (about 2 cents per acre), 1867
Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, 1932
Einstein announces his revised unified field theory, 1953
The Yonge Street Line, the first subway in Canada, opens in Toronto, 1954
President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by John Hinckley, Jr., 1981
The oldest copy of Codex Holmiensis, dating from 1280, is returned to Denmark from Sweden after 300 years, and 45,000 Inca artifacts are returned to Peru's Machu Picchu after spending 100 years at Yale University, 2011
North Carolina repeals its controversial bathroom law that restricted transgender use, 2017


  1. Front porch swings are the best. I'd get one if I had a front porch.

  2. There are many old fashioned things which I prefer and still rely on. But I am also enjoying some modern high tech things such as the smartphone which I use to take snapshots. I had to give away our front porch swing due to lack of space.

  3. I'm grateful for my many zero-tech things too, my chair at the table is the last remaining one from the whole dining set we used to have, the wood has worn as smooth as silk from nearly 40 years of use.

  4. The more hi that tech gets the more we appreciate low tech or no tech too.

  5. Technology is fine but for me to much of it bothers me. My wife and I for the first time and we're in the very late 60 an early 70's, we bought a flip cell phone and of course I got a blog. Big deal right. LOL See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. I'm good with some technology. I like Excel as it makes being treasurer far easier. There are days I don't even turn on my cellphone. We don't have television stations, just Netflix and Amazon Prime and we don't watch much of that either.

    I'm with you that the simple things are the best.

    Speaking of technology. My car has every thing know to man in the way of technology. Much of it I can't figure out how to use. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  7. What a fabulous post! I smiled all the way through it! Very inspiring and important to remember that some of our best "things" are low tech. As much as I love to play with gadgets, these "old faithfuls" are rock solid. I love your cat-and-foot photo, BTW. And that calendar made me giggle. I need one of those!

  8. Technology has its good points ~ like how you like all your wonderful non tech things ~ simple things in life are the best, I think ~

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I guess we all have to get used to tech to a certain degree. I like the way the world used to be. You all have a terrific day.

  10. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I prefer a paper calendar too :)

  11. I love this list! While I do appreciate how much easier technology makes some tasks, I agree that sometimes old-fashioned, low-tech ways are better.

  12. Excellent 'oT!
    (My desk is one of those folding metal leg 'banquet' tables* but its wide and everything in the computer that sits on the top so I don't need drawers.)
    Paper calendar! Trying to do the calendar in the phone thing, used to use seven day lesson planner books... no batteries to run out there, either.

    *surely fit for King Arthur, more commonly encounter in school cafeteria and lunch rooms. lol

  13. You come up with such clever themes for your TToT post. Nothing like the simple, and tried and true products.

  14. What a great list! I agree with everything on it! I have a food processor, and it's great for many things, but sometimes (often) it isn't worth the trouble. I have a great knife and keep it nice and sharp and a good wipe with a soapy sponge and clean up is done! Oh, and we have the gravity cat feeder, which is a life saver. Only one of our cats has figured out how to stick a foot in the opening and make the food flow out when the container starts to get low. I tried the waterer, but gunk grew in the bowl, so I had to nix that!

  15. No doubt about it. Great list! I love porches and swings on porches (or benches!) Paper calendars, yes! Have them both at home and at work. Newer isn't always better and while technology has amazing benefits, it is no substitute for some of the good "old fashioned" things :D
    P.S. So glad to hear of someone still getting the newspaper :)

  16. We're very simple in our lifestyles as well. I love your post.

    1. LOL "Unknown" is me...evidently my tablet doesn't allow me to be me.


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