Saturday, March 2, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful, #1 Son Edition

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


To say it's been quite a week is an understatement, right now i am not sure where to begin.

Are there things for which to be thankful during a week like this past?  Of course there are, and i probably will miss a few, but i'll try to hit highlights.

First, i am thankful that, with very few exceptions, i always have my phone on and with me.  If that had not been the case, #1 Son would not have been able to get in touch with us as quickly as he did.  In fact, he may have had to call an ambulance and have the police come to our door to tell us he was at the hospital, something you don't ever want to have happen.

Because #1 Son has a friend with epilepsy, he knew as soon as he could think coherently and put the pieces together what had happened.  If he hadn't, he might have delayed getting help.

There are two very good hospitals not far from each other or from where #1 Son lives.  In trying to decide which to go to, as i've been to both at various times, i prayed that if the first one i was heading for was the wrong one, that The Lord would put a train on that road so i would have to go to the other.  There was a train, and i am very thankful, because we ended up at the hospital #1 Son went to when he injured his ankle a year or so ago.  His roommate, in grabbing his insurance cards, did not include #1 Son's ID, so he had no identification on him.  The hospital where we went had him on file, they were able to pull up his ID and take him.  The other would not have been able to do that.

Spending the night in the ER, i am thankful i found out i can still cat nap pretty well anywhere, in any type of chair.

Monday morning, after he was settled in his room, i was only a little bit late for work and i am very thankful Dr. D not only didn't mind, she let me make it a short day instead of a long one.

Running back and forth to the hospital and work all week, i am very thankful the hospital cafeteria actually serves good food and it's a lot cheaper than a restaurant.

When Lunceford the Land Yacht had to go back in the shop during the week, i am thankful the loaner was available.

Every one of our clients was served this week, and i am grateful they were understanding when we were late or rushed.

Our church family made sure someone visited him in the hospital every day. 

My Friday morning Bible study group wrote a special card for him and everyone signed it.

#1 Son's surgery was scheduled for Thursday at 3pm, and there was no way we were going to be able to finish work and get there by then.  We were very thankful the surgery didn't actually begin until after 5pm, and we were allowed to see him and meet the surgeon in the prep area.

The hospital has a great system for keeping you informed by text message, and i am thankful it worked.

The orthopedic surgeon was obviously very knowledgeable and has done this surgery a lot, and he obviously enjoys his work.  That's a huge blessing.

#1 Son got out of the hospital on Friday, right in the middle of our busy day.  Thankfully, between Sweetie and i we were able to clean two houses, get him from the hospital, take him to buy groceries and get his prescription, pick up his glasses that were finally ready, drop the loaner off and get Lunceford back, and still get me to rEcess on time and Sweetie to the shelter to cover the shift.  It was madness, but it worked.

In this whole episode, we have seen blessing after blessing, and i am thankful beyond belief that it all worked out so well.  Right now, #1 Son will be out of work a while, and i am looking forward to watching how The Lord will provide, so i can be thankful for that, too.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  


Today is:

Adwa Victory Day -- Ethiopia

Bear Tie Ball -- Chicago, IL, US (the Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation's black tie fundraiser)

Carnaval de Barranquilla -- Barranquilla, Spain (four days of pre-Lent celebration and street dances that mostly shut down the city)

Feast of 'Ala (Loftiness) -- Baha'i (first full day of the 19 day fast)

Floral City Strawberry Festival -- Floral City, FL, US (fun for all, through tomorrow)

Going Forth of Set, Son of Nut -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Highway Numbers Day -- US (a joint board of state and federal highway officials created the first uniform system for numbering interstate highways, as well as standardizing design of road signs, in 1925)

Iditarod Sled Dog Race - Last Great Race on Earth® begins -- Anchorage to Nome, AK, US (1,000 miles along the historic Iditarod Trail)

James Ronald Webster's Birthday -- Anguilla

March Nymph's Parade -- Fairy Calendar

National Banana Cream Pie Day

Natural Bridge Battle Reenactment -- Tallahassee, FL, US (Civil War reenactment; through tomorrow)

NEA's Read Across America Day -- on or near Dr. Seuss' birth anniversary; "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat" ****actually, this was yesterday, i apologize, i was distracted and forgot to move it in my notes to a weekday!

Old Stuff Day -- if you are doing the same old stuff, think about how you can change that

Peasants' Day -- Myanmar

Philadelphia Flower Show -- Philadelphia, PA, US (largest flower show in the US; through Mar. 10)

Saint Piran's Day Celebration -- Kansas City, KA, US (celebration of the patron saint of Cornwall and Cornish peoples, as well as the patron of tin miners, sponsored by the Greater Kansas City Cornish Society)

St. Chad of Mead's Day (Patron of St. Chad's College of the University of Durham in England; Birmingham, England; Lichfield, England)

Texas Independence Day -- Texas, US (anniversary of declaration of independence from Mexico in 1836)

Anniversary Today:

Mt. Rainier National Park is established, 1899

Birthdays Today:

Henrik Lundquist, 1982
Bryce Dallas Howard, 1981
Chris Martin, 1977
Daniel Craig, 1968
Jon Bon Jovi, 1962
Ken Salazar, 1955
Laraine Newman, 1952
Karen Carpenter, 1950
Eddie Money, 1949
Lou Reed, 1944
John Irving, 1942
Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931
Tom Wolfe, 1931
John Cullum, 1930
Doc Watson, 1923
Jennifer Jones, 1919
Desi Arnaz, 1917
Martin Ritt, 1914
Mel Ott, 1909
Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), 1904
Bedrich Smetana, 1864
Carl Schurz, 1829
Melissa Burton Coray, 1828
Sam Houston, 1793
Juvenal, 54

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Bubbling Brown Sugar"(Musical), 1976
The Sound of Music(Film), 1965
"Bus Stop"(Play), 1955
King Kong(Film), 1933
Morning Chronicle(London daily newspaper), 1769

Today in History:

The Loves of Mars and Venus becomes the first ballet performed in England, 1717
A semaphore machine that will speed communication is introduced in Paris, 1791
The US Congress outlaws the import of slaves, 1897
The Republic of Texas declares its independence from Mexico, 1836
Aleksandr Romanov becomes the tsar of Russia, 1855
Tsar Aleksandr outlaws serfdom in Russia, 1861
The Convention of Constantinople is signed, guaranteeing free maritime passage through the Suez Canal during war and peace, 1888
In New York City the Martha Washington Hotel opens, becoming the first hotel exclusively for women, 1903
The original film version of King Kong premiers, 1933
Captain James Gallagher lands his B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II in Fort Worth, Texas after completing the first non-stop around-the-world airplane flight in 94 hours and one minute, 1949
The first automatic street light is installed in New Milford, Connecticut, 1949
In Toulouse, France the first test flight of the Anglo-French Concorde is conducted, 1969
Rhodesia declares itself a republic, breaking its last links with the British crown, 1970
The Pioneer 10 space probe is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida with a mission to explore the outer planets, 1972
Czech Vladimír Remek becomes the first non-Russian or non-American to go into space, when he is launched aboard Soyuz 28, 1978
CD players and discs are released for sale for the first time outside of Japan, 1983
Twelve European Community nations agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the end of the century, 1989
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan join the United Nations, 1992
Data sent from the Galileo spacecraft indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice, 1998
In his book 'Jesus of Nazareth Part II', Pope Benedict XVI exonerates the Jewish people for the responsibility of the death of Jesus, 2011
The Red Cross is denied access to provide relief to the Baba Amr district in Homs by the Syrian army, 2012
New findings from the University of Leicester indicate decreasing sitting time by 90 minutes each day can result in major heath advantages, including reducing the risk of Type II Diabetes, 2013
The longest non-stop scheduled commercial flight by distance, Emirates A380 flies 14,200km (8,824 miles) Dubai to Auckland, remains in the air for 17 hours, 15 minutes, 2016
The oldest known land fossil (Tortotubus - 440 million years old) from Gotland, Sweden, is revealed by British scientists, 2016
Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and US astronaut Scott Kelly return to earth after nearly a year (340 days), setting an ISS record, 2016


  1. Those were many good blessings but the one about the hospital strikes me as a particularly thankful thing! I'm so glad he's doing well.
    And I'm so bummed that it's Banana Cream Pie Day on a day when I have NO bananas, yet oodles of apples to use up. If anyone wants to celebrate Apple Fritter Bread day, come see me!

  2. Such a wonderful bunch of thankfuls indeed!

  3. I know how you must have felt. I know because my parents were called about me being rushed to the hospital and then being called me being rushed into surgery because of my stroke. I pray that I never have to be called about any member of my family. I'll pray for your son that he gets back back quickly & healthy. I'll pray for you also. Having such a situation affects the person. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. It's wonderful that everything fell into place. Bon Jovi came on the radio just as I was reading the birthday list - happy birthday Jon!

  5. What a wonderful bunch of thankfuls. I've been thinking about you and praying often that things would be okay. They are. Thank you Lord.

    Have a fabulous thankful weekend, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  6. Thank God everything worked out. I hope you get a chance to unwind and breathe this weekend. You deserve a rest.

  7. holy smoke... boring week last week...not
    Glad to see that things are working out, doctors, work and car-wise.
    (Very cool, the thing about the train. I totally love either having things like that happen or hearing from friends how it happened to them.)
    Heres for a genuinely boring TToT next week!

  8. WOW! This is quite the gratitude list! I love your attitude! Here's to happy healing!

  9. You have so many thankfuls!

    Strawberries are starting to set up stands along streets.

  10. Wonderful list of thankfuls. Iam glad your son's surgery went well.

  11. So much to be thankful for, phones which you and your son had, answer to your very specific prayer so you would know which hospital to go to, and so many people being obliging to your needs and concerns. I hope your son's recovery goes well.

  12. I hope next week is more uneventful for you.

  13. Oh, what a week for you and your son! I hope that the recovery is quick and smooth.

  14. Always a good list here and so glad son is on the mend ~
    Be gentle with you ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Quite an understatement! I'm glad to hear everything worked out as well as it did and that your son is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery.

  16. At first I was unable to add a comment to this blog, but I have persevered and come back again, because I wanted to wish you, your family and your son well. I am so glad he is on the mend.

  17. You are amazing. I love how you can find the good in the darkest of situations. I'm thankful you are persevered through this and your son is on the mend and hope he gets better faster than anticipated. I hope everything goes better than you can imagine.
    Happy days to you and yours.
    wendy from


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