Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Winter Is Here and Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

My annual battle with cellulitis and sore hands due to the cold has begun here.  We're having our first real freeze of the season, and my hands know it.  Gloves become my best friends for the rest of the year.

Carl was not feeling well yesterday, he's been having dizzy spells.  He got up, got dressed for work, and then got back into his pajamas that i'd just washed and dried and went to lie down on the recliner.  Every time i had to go past, he'd mutter something.  Sometimes it was to ask for water or his silk pillowcase, which i brought him, and sometimes he was just muttering in his dreams.  He's really just a big kid.

While at Ms. PA's house, i was sweeping under Mr. Jack's bed when i swept a ring out from under there.  Ms. PA took one look and said, "Oh, he's been looking for that, go give it to him, he'll be so pleased you found it!"  Sure enough, when i handed it to him and told him it had rolled under his bed, he kept thanking me and saying he thought he'd never see it again.  Later, we listened to Dean Martin on the old record player while i was dusting in the back room.  Every time i walk into that house, it's like walking into a museum with two people who lived the history.

Sweetie was called in for jury duty.  He showed up wearing a bandana not a standard medical style mask, and it turns out some of the judges don't like that.  They had enough people, so he was dismissed and will be called back at a later date. 

Time for some of the things Grandma passes on:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Antarctica Day -- celebrating the Continent of Peace and Science 

Barbes Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (celebrates the fertility of sheep)

Basketball Day -- commonly seen as the day Dr. James Naismith invented the game; while we know it was early in December, 1891, i cannot find any credible source that says it was on this date

Becky Thatcher Day -- birthday of Laura Hawkins, in 1836, who inspired the character in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day -- if you can't see, feel free! sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Carnival of Celendonia -- Fairy Calendar (Celendonia is the Fairy City all Fairies want to retire to, by the way.)

Chia Pet Hunting Season begins

Civil Air Patrol Day -- US (date of establishment in 1941; the US Coast Guard rescues you from peril on the water, the CAP on land)

Cookie Cutter Week begins -- sponsored by the Cookie Cutter Collectors Club

Crossing of the Cattle at Diafarabe -- Mali (celebrated through the month)

Damrong Rajanubhab Day -- Thailand (anniversary of the prince's death)

Day of the First President -- Kazakhstan

Eat A Red Apple Day

Freedom and Democracy Day -- Chad

Fullveldisdagurinn Islendinga -- Iceland (Self-governance Day)

     University Students' Celebration Day

Giving Tuesday -- after celebrating Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, be part of the international giving movement 

International Prisoners for Peace Day -- a day to remember imprisoned conscientious objectors

Kalends of December -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also observed

     Festival for Neptune -- promiscuous god of the sea

     Festival for Pietas -- goddess of devotion, duty, and honor

Mindfulness Day -- Zen Buddhism (a day to mindfully see and act with compassion toward the poor and oppressed)

My Husband's Strung the Christmas Lights and Now I Can't Open the Garage Door Day -- commemorating an alleged real event, be glad this isn't your husband

National Pie Day

National Stress-Free Family Holidays Month -- sponsored by Parenting Without Pressure

National Transit Tribute to Rosa Parks Day -- American Public Transportation Association, on the anniversary of her arrest

Operation Santa Paws -- toy/treat/care drive to help local animal shelters, until the 21st; sponsored by Haute Dogs

Proclamation of the Republic -- Central African Republic

Restoration of Independence -- Portugal(1640)

Rosa Parks Day -- anniversary of her arrest in 1955

St. Eligius' Day (Patron of agricultural workers/farmers, blacksmiths/ horseshoe makers, boilermakers, cab drivers/taxi drivers, carriage makers, cartwrights, clock makers/watch makers, coin collectors/neumismatists, craftsmen, cutlers, farriers, garage workers and gas station workers -- because most of us don't use horses any more, gilders, goldsmiths, harness makers, horses/sick horses, jewelers, jockeys, knife makers, laborers, locksmiths, metal collectors/precious metal collectors, metalsmiths, miners, minters, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, saddle makers, tool makers, veterinarians, wheelwrights)

Surf Life Saving Summer Appeal -- New Zealand (Formerly National Jandal Day, now a three month campaign to raise money to support the Surf Lifeguards who keep you safe) 

Teachers' Day -- Panama

World AIDS Day -- WHO; related observance

     Day With(OUT) Art -- annual remembrance of the impact of AIDS on the visual arts, sponsored by Visual AIDS

Ziua Unirii -- Romania (National Day)

Anniversaries Today:

Yukon Order of Pioneers founded, 1894

US National Weather Service established, 1870

Napoleon marries Josephine, 1804

Birthdays Today:

Nestor Carbonell, 1967

Reggie Sanders, 1967

Carol Alt, 1960

Treat Williams, 1952

Bette Midler, 1945

John Densmore, 1944

Richard Pryor, 1940

Lee Trevino, 1939

Woody Allen, 1935

Lou Rawls, 1933

David Doyle, 1925

Mary Martin, 1913

Charles Finney, 1905

Robert Welch, 1899

Cyril Ritchard, 1897

Rex Stout, 1886

Julia A. Davis Moore, 1847

Anna Maria Grosholtz Tussaud (Madame Tussaud), 1761

Oliver Wolcott, 1726

Louis VI of France, 1081

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Happy XMas(War is Over)"(Single release), 1971

"Promises, Promises"(Musical), 1969

"Flower Drum Song"(Musical), 1958

"Candide"(Operetta), 1956

The Great Train Robbery(First Western film), 1903

Sherlock Holmes, in "A Study in Scarlet"(Published in Beeton's Christmas Annual), 1887

Dr. Pepper, 1885 (recognition by US Patent Office of first day of sale)

Today in History:

Henry V of England enters Paris, 1420

Pasha Muhammad ibn Farukh, governor, driven out of Jerusalem, 1626

Portugal regains independence from Spain, 1640

Massachusetts becomes first colony to give Statutory recognition to slavery, 1641

The first American school to offer manual training courses opens in Maryland, 1750

Charles and M.N. Roberts ascend 2,000' in a hydrogen balloon, 1783

Erie Canal closes for a month due to cold weather, 1831

Hans Christian Andersen publishes his first book of fairy tales, 1835

The first chartered mutual life insurance company opens, 1843

The first certified public accountants receive their certificates in New York, 1896

The first Israeli kibbutz is founded, Deganya Alef, 1909

Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving assembly line, 1913

The first drive-up gasoline station opens in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1913

Lady Nancy Astor is sworn in as the first female member of the British Parliament, 1919

The New York Daily News reports the news of Christine Jorgenson, the first notable case of sexual reassignment surgery, 1952

Opening date for signature of the Antarctic Treaty, which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent, 1959

Malawi, Malta and Zambia join the United Nations, 1964

Lambda Theta Phi is established as the first Latino fraternity, in New Jersey, 1975

Angola joins the United Nations, 1976

The AIDS virus is officially recognized, 1981

At the University of Utah, Barney Clark becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart, 1982

Channel Tunnel sections started from the United Kingdom and France meet 40 metres beneath the seabed, 1990

Representatives from more than 150 countries gather at a global warming summit in Kyoto, Japan, and over the course of the next ten days forge an agreement to control the emission of greenhouse gases, 1997

The Treaty of Lisbon comes into effect,  which amends the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, which together comprise the constitutional basis of European Union, 2009

In ceremonies held at Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia, the USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, is officially inactivated after a 51-year career, 2012

Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn is declared King of Thailand, succeeding his father King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 2016

Japanese broadcaster NHK launches the world's first super-high definition 8K television channel, 2018

Syrian shadow puppetry is added to the UN's list of cultural activities in urgent need of saving, 2019


  1. I love the photos from Grandma :)
    I remember visiting older neighbours when I was very young, the things they had in their cluttered home were so interesting to me. They were probably only in the late 60s or early 70s, but they seemed ancient to 8 year old me and their home fascinated me. Museums of life indeed.

  2. Great selection of photos. Thanx Mimi.

    God bless.

  3. "He's really just a big kid." That was what I thought too. Carl is so blessed to have you clean his place for him. I like what Grandma sent to you, especially the ones with cute animals in it.

  4. Grandma finds some gems, some beautiful, some heartwarming and some very, very funny.
    I wonder sometimes whether I am considered ancient. And the answer is sometimes yes.
    Look after yourself please. Cellulitis can be very nasty indeed.

  5. As always, what a busy life!
    And I know you've surely tried a zillion things for your hands. But if you have a local soaper try "real" soap, not the store bought detergent types. It did wonders for my hands. Ant it's The reason I'm still making soap now for 14 years. But you have to use nothing else anywhere - I always bring my own soap.

  6. Why is it people can't use their turn signals, and why are men such babies about any little ache, pain, or illness. Sorry about your hands. Mom's hands get really cold easily and the gloves don't always help, but she loves being out in the winter so she deals with it. Happy Tuesday.

  7. That photo of the electrician with no eyebrows is hysterical!

  8. I love all the funnies and I love hearing about your clients. Always a delight.

    Cold weather sure does do a number on our bodies and it gets worse each passing year.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  9. Your Grandma sends you such great and cute funnies! Love the stories you tell about your clients and Chia Hunting? Now I am falling off my chair laughing!

  10. hope carl gets to feeling better and the mister gets out of jury duty again...that's never fun; at least in my mind's eye :) ☺☺♥♥

  11. Sorry it's hurty hand season, hope it's not too uncomfortable. We really enjoy those Grandma goodies!

  12. Sending you lots of healing energy hugs for your hands ~ Grandma has great choices of photos ~ and Carl feels better and the Mister gets out of jury duty ~ Xox

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Sorry about your hands- ouch. That is great that you found the ring.

  14. Last night Old man winter sent us more snow. Brr it's cold but my new home is warm. The memes were great Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Grandma's photos were great this time, I often laugh at them, but this time there were a number of them that were so sweet.
    I wonder what Mr. Jack and Ms. PA would do without you, I'm glad they have you.

  16. I didn't know it got that cold in your part of the world, just shows how little I know. I hope you have some warm gloves, sore hands are awful. Maybe the court should have told Sweetie what kind of a mask to wear.

  17. Grandma's photos are great as usual. Cold weather is everywhere. Brrrr......we are in the deep freeze. But so much of the country is in the cold. I guess we are just thankful for warm coats, gloves, hats and homes. Take care. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO


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