Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Put It to the Test, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

When i got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom early Monday morning, Sweetie stood up and turned the light on.

Why are you getting up at 2:30am? i asked him.

"I'm not," he said.  "I need to blow my nose, so I need my glasses, and I can't see my glasses, so I need the light on."

Yes, i laughed at the whole thing, who needs glasses to deal with a runny nose?  It reminded me of all the jokes i've seen lately about people turning down the radio so they can see better when they get lost while driving.

Carl was trying to help when i arrived, he really was.  He'd started a load of laundry -- two pair of shorts, a shirt, and a pair of underwear.  A drop in the bucket.

How do you start when it's like this?  First, stop the load of laundry he started less than one minute a go so you can put more in there.  Let it sit while you sort.

How do you figure out clean from dirty when he can't remember?  Look for stains and when all else fails, try the sniff test.

Trust me, Captain, after a sniff you might not be smiling.

Then go look for the stain remover spray.  Oh, there it is, right where it belongs.

It's the perfect spot for the laundry stain remover and the rug cleaner, the back door hall.

How he gets his parent's clothes mixed in with his none of us quite understand.

His mother's.  Carl isn't a bling sort of guy.

Oh, and he left a note, although i'm not sure who he meant it for, since i don't use his TV and it was next to the TV and remote:

Don't change
I will find out.

He has no worries about me touching it, i listen to his radio while i work!

Okay, a few funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!



Today is:

August Tuesday / Culturama -- St. Kitts and Nevis

Carnival Tuesday -- Antigua and Barbuda (Last Lap Jump Up)

Carnival Tuesday -- St. Vincent and Grenadines

Day of the Airborne Forces -- Russia; Ukraine

Day of Azerbaijani Cinema -- Azerbaijan (anniversary of the 1898 showing of the first motion pictures taken in Azerbaijan)

Distribution of Charity Monies -- Fairy Calendar (Imps only)

Festival of Amen and Hapi -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (offerings to the god of transcendent powers and the god of the Nile to assure the flooding of the Nile; date approximate)

Festival Tuesday/Horse Races -- British Virgin Islands

Hot August Nights -- Reno, NV, US (celebrate cars and music of the 50's and 60's at the largest classic car and nostalgia event in the United States; through Sunday)

Lincoln Penny Day -- US (the Lincoln Cent entered circulation on this day in 1909, and is one of the longest running coins in continual production in history)

    Take a Penny/Leave a Penny Day -- if the US is really determined to keep the littlest coins, the least we can do is pool them together in the trays so conveniently found in stores and restaurants

Make Some Old-Fashioned Lemonade Day

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

National Night Out -- US (sponsored by National Association of Town Watch, to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness) 

Rhishi Panchami -- Nepal (continuation of the women's festival, a holiday for Female Employees Only)

Nuestra Senora de los Angeles -- Costa Rica (Feast of Our Lady of the Angels)

Shimizu Minato Matsuri -- Shimizu City, Japan (through the 4th, commemorates the reopening of Shimizu Port to international trade)

St. Elias' Day (Elijah the Prophet); related observance

     Iliden -- Bosnia-Herzegovina; Ukraine; other Slavic countries where he is titled St. Ilia 

     Republic Day -- Macedonia

St. Eusebius of Vercelli's Day (Patron of Vercelli, Italy)

Anniversary Today:

The first US Census is recorded, 1790

Birthdays Today:

Edward Furlong, 1977

Michael Weiss, 1976

Sam Worthington, 1976

Mary-Louise Parker, 1964

Victoria Jackson, 1959

Butch Patrick, 1953

Kathryn Harrold, 1950

James Fallows, 1949

Joanna Cassidy, 1944

Wes Craven, 1939

Lamar Hunt, 1932

Peter O'Toole, 1932

James Baldwin, 1924

Carroll O'Connor, 1924

Myrna Loy, 1905

Jack L. Warner, 1892

Elisha Gray, 1835

Pierre "Peter" Charles L'Enfant, 1754

Today in History:

Philip II of Macedon leads his army to defeat the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, which secured Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean, BC338

Hannibal leads his Corinthian army to defeat the superior forces of Rome, BC216

Henry Hudson sails into what it is now known as Hudson Bay, thinking he had made it through the Northwest Passage and reached the Pacific Ocean, 1610

First United States Census, 1790

First parachute jump in the US, 1819

Japan's samurai, farmer, artisan, merchant class system is abolished as part of the Meiji Restoration reforms, 1869

Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opens in London, 1870

Andrew Hallidie tests the first cable car system in San Francisco, 1873

Wild Bill Hickok meets his death; shot in the back while playing poker, his hand, a pair of Aces and a pair of eights, is now called "Dead Man's Hand", 1876

Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Cannary) dies, 1903

Typhoon in China kills about 60,000, 1922

The positron (antiparticle of the electron) is discovered by Carl D. Anderson, 1932

Pakistan is re-admitted back into the Commonwealth of Nations, 1989

Iraq invades Kuwait, setting the stage for the Gulf War, 1990

Two previously unknown works by Mozart - a concerto movement and a prelude, are performed in Salzburg, Austria, 2009

The U.S. Government estimates the Deepwater Horizon oil spill dumped nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, 2010

The first footage of white giraffes (giraffes with leucism) is posted by the Hirola Conservation Program in north eastern Kenya, 2017

Great Britain’s Prince Philip, age 96, makes his final solo public appearance before retiring from public engagements, 2017

Apple becomes the first American publicly listed company to reach $1 trillion in value, 2018

Archaeologists confirm they have found the oldest library in Germany, in Cologne, dating back to 2AD and possibly holding as many as 20,000 scrolls, 2018

Saudi Arabia announces it is enacting news rules for women including allowing them to travel independently abroad without a male guardian's permission, 2019

SpaceX safely completes its first crewed mission when NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken splash down in the Gulf of Mexico in their Dragon capsule, 2020  


  1. At least Carl is trying to help.
    Hold my beer and watch this isn't a phrase I have heard here. Thankfully.

  2. Great funnies. Thank you so much Mimi for keeping this Blog going.

    God bless.

  3. I would think blowing a nose without glasses would be better. Maybe he was still half asleep and not thinking clearly? Carl sure does live in a mess, more job security!

  4. You are the best person to tidy up after Carl. I wouldn't know what to do or where to start. Lol! Holding your own beer seems to be the safest.

  5. Hey now, a beer holster is a good idea. We just went to a festival and they give you the little taster cup in a mini-koozie on a lanyard and it's the best idea ever!

  6. Hold my beer and then I can type you a note ~ LOL ~

    Oh fun post and Carl keeping you entertained ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Hold My Beer funnies were too good.

  8. I can relate to hubby needing to turn on the lights to find his glasses. Wait until you're our ages, because it will get funnier.

    Love Carl and his antics. A whirlwind.

    Love all the funnies. People do the weirdest things at times.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  9. That is funny about needing to see to blow your nose. :) I would run screaming from Carl's :)

  10. I will never again hear someone say "hold my beer" without picturing a few of those memes in my head.

  11. I can't wait until I read about Carl each week. I like him and I ove you Mimi for doing what you do for him.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. That's pretty funny about the glasses. Oh Carl, all that made me tired just seeing it. Hold my beer is a Bubba chant in our neck of the woods too, I enjoyed those funnies.

  13. I enjoyed that saying "Hold my beer" as I had never heard it before. I do not think they say that in the UK must be a US saying. I am just about to go off again and this time to Sweden where my granddaughter Anna is getting married

  14. Kinda makes you feel like a star when you're a Texan! LOL Loved these funnies!

  15. I know a few people who would love that beer holster.

  16. I understand your Sweetie, I can't hear people on the phone without my glasses :D

  17. Too funny Sweetie needing glasses to blow his nose - I usually do that with my eyes closed. ;) LOVED all your funnies! And I've known some - ahem - 'hold my beer' kinda people. :D


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