Thursday, March 16, 2023

Silky Smooth (Six Sentence Story), St. Patrick's Day Good Fence, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


She was a bit tired from work, so on her break she sat quietly and tried to read, but she couldn't concentrate.  Though she'd recently started rereading Silas Marner and had been enjoying Eliot's way with words thoroughly, right now she felt something, like silk softly brushing bare skin, only it wasn't a physical feeling, but in her mind, her spirit, the echo of something that shouldn't be there.

In years past, at two different times and places, she'd met men whom she knew harbored some kind of predator spirit in deceptively charming casing, weaving a spell over others, making people think they were simply fabulous human beings.  Neither of them, when she'd met them at gatherings, would come near her in the crowd after initially shaking hands, both watched her furtively, knowing she felt what they were and not wanting to have their cover blown.

She'd been much younger, very unsure of herself, wondering if what she was sensing in her spirit was accurate when everyone else saw them differently, and they'd used that doubt to simply avoid her and disappeared from her life, although she'd heard later both had eventually been convicted of the horrible sexual predation she'd felt in them.

This time, she knew what she was sensing and pretended to read while searching the room quietly, until she locked eyes with him, lurking in a shadow; he'd turned away quickly and tried to cloak himself, but it was too late, and she wasn't going to simply let this one melt away into the shadows to continue ruining other lives if she could help it.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Silk.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

It's time for a St. Patrick's Day Fence!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

My brothers used to tease me,

throw me in the pool,

I learned to like diving in

because I am no fool.

That skill became my living,

a stunt diver makes great pay

I'll enjoy my daring career

until my retirement day!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful Sweetie's best friend from college is in town and they are having a get-together.  They do enjoy catching up when they can.


Today is:

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day -- Camp Fire USA encourages everyone to send a note or letter to a young person today, telling him/her exactly what an incredible kid s/he is!

Birthday of Sparky the Fire Dog -- can't confirm the exact date, but Sparky became an official fire prevention mascot in Mar. 1951

Companies That Care Day -- national event that encourages employers to highlight and expand their employee and community initiatives, and recognize the people who make their companies successful

Curlew Day -- Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge, OR, US (traditional date the long-billed curlew arrives, with up to 500 reported during their nesting season)

Day of the Book Smugglers -- Lithuania (recognizing the brave people who smuggled Lithuanian language books in the Latin alphabet into the country from 1866-1904, when the Russian Empire had banned such books)

Day After Dumbstruck Day -- Fairy Calendar

Elaphebolia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Artemis; date approximate)

Everything You Do is Right Day -- another internet generated holiday designed to get you into trouble if you aren't careful

Feast of Heru and His Companions -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of Bacchus / Bacchanalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (through tomorrow)

Freedom of Information Day -- on the birthday of James Madison, Father of the US Constitution and an advocate for openness in government

Latvian Legion Day -- Latvia (no longer a formal national holiday, still celebrated by many in the region)

Lips Appreciation Day -- after all, where would you be without them, and how would you give kisses?  sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

National Artichoke Hearts Day

St. Heribert of Cologne's Day (Patron against drought)

St. Urho's Day -- Finnish communities in Canada and the US (a made-up saint, the Finns answer to St. Patrick, who supposedly drove the grasshoppers out of Finland)

Anniversary Today:

The United States Military Academy at West Point is established, 1802

Birthdays Today:

Judah Friedlander, 1969

Lauren Graham, 1969

Kevin Tod Smith, 1963

Isabel Huppert, 1955

Alice Hoffman, 1952

Kate Nelligan, 1951

Erik Estrada, 1949

Victor Garber, 1949

Chuck Woolery, 1942

Bernardo Bertolucci, 1940

Jerry Lewis, 1926

Mercedes McCambridge, 1916

Patricia Nixon, 1912

Henny Youngman, 1906

Rosa Bonheur, 1822

Georg Simon Ohm, 1787

James Madison, 1751

George Clymer, 1739

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Gumby Show"(TV), 1957

"1776"(Musical), 1969

"Der Unbestechliche"(Comedy), 1923

"In the South / Alassio"(Elgar, Op. 50), 1904

"Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen"(Mahler Song cycle), 1896

"Thaïs"(Opera), 1894

"Freedom's Journal"(first African American newspaper in the US, in New York), 1827

Today in History:

The Babylonians capture Jerusalem and replace Jehoiachin with Zedekiah as king, BC597

Caligula becomes Roman Emperor after the death of his great uncle, Tiberius, 37

The Jews of York England commit mass suicide rather than submit to baptism, 1190

Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reaches Philippines, 1521

Samoset, a Mohegan, visits the settlers of Plymouth Colony and greets them, "Welcome, Englishmen! My name is Samoset," 1621

The US Army Corps of Engineers is established to found and operate the United States Military Academy at West Point, 1802

Prince Willem of the House of Orange-Nassau proclaims himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the first constitutional monarch in The Netherlands, 1815

New York Stock Exchange slowest day ever (31 shares traded), 1830

Susan Hayhurst becomes the first woman to graduate from a pharmacology college, 1830

Edward Clark became Governor of Texas, replacing Sam Houston, who was evicted from the office for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, 1861

Joseph Lister's article outlining the discovery of antiseptic surgery is published in The Lancet, 1867

Hiram R Revels makes the first official speech by an African American in the US Senate, 1869

The Barnum and Bailey Circus debuts, 1881

Sir Arthur Evans discovers the ancient city of Knossus, 1900

Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, at Auburn, Massachusetts, 1926

The Ford Motor Company produces its 50 millionth automobile, the Thunderbird, averaging almost a million cars a year since the company's founding, 1958

Gemini 8 is launched, the 12th manned American space flight and first space docking with the Agena Target Vehicle, 1968

General Motors produces its 100 millionth automobile, the Oldsmobile Toronado, 1968

Demolition of the radio tower Ismaning, the last wooden radio tower in Germany, 1983

Associated Press newsman Terry Anderson is taken hostage in Beirut; he will be held for 6 1/2 years, 1985

Pope John Paul II asks God for forgiveness for the inactivity and silence of some Roman Catholics during the Holocaust, 1998

Israel officially hands over Jericho to Palestinian control, 2005

Voters in Crimea vote overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia amid international condemnation of its design, 2014

Apple announces it will begin a web TV service in September, carrying 25 channels and including networks like CBS, Fox, and ABC, and costing less than most cable TV packages, 2014

A beached, dead whale in Mabini, Philippines, is found to have 88 pounds of plastic inside it, including 40 pounds of plastic bags, 2019

Global numbers of cases and deaths from Covid19 overtake the numbers in China for the first time, 2020


  1. wow that was some tower to diving from!

  2. Some say that the body always knows.
    Indeed, I have yet to find an occasion it lied to me.

  3. We've never seen a St Patrick's Day fence before. Interesting diving spot!

  4. I do like a nice white picket fence. Your six sentences brings memories of people I have avoided after feeling something off about them. High diving? No thank you!

  5. I need some kind of fence across the front of my property now that I have neighbors building across the road. Now sure a white picket fence would be high enough.

  6. Fun fence photo and great story as always ~ you write so well ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Damn!
    (A compliment on a Six that makes you want to read it again, even at Six sentences. Such are the subtle inferences, right to the end.)

  8. sneekin round de internetz two day wi fi day !! hope everee onez awesum and yur day iz grate and yur stayin in trubullz !!! ♥♥

  9. I love your poem, but i get a queasy feeling in my stomach just looking at the photo. I'll never be a stint diver.
    Lovely fence, I'd like to import tht tradition here ... but I'd need a fence for this ;)

  10. That was a great story and a super high dive poem. Catching up with old friends is a really good thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Great story and poem. I am glad your sweetie could meet with his friend.

  12. Well done! I hope you find a four-leaf clover! Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

  13. By the way...the "Anonymous" above is me, Lee. I'm sick and tired of Blogger changing all the time! I've not changed...I'm still me!!

  14. A brilliant six once again! It's great that the diver had the last laugh!

  15. Excellent! And thank you for the happy St. Patrick's day🍀

  16. Wow. That Six was just a hair's breath away from bekn GB a vampire ed slayer story. Go get 'em, Mimi!!

  17. Yikes! Sorry, that was a nightmare getting in to leave a comment then, Mimi! 🤣
    Good six... they say some people make your skin crawl when around them... although uncomfortable, it seems to be a handy ability!

  18. Oooo! Your story made me shiver! Awesome!
    That diver made me shiver also. For an entirely different reason. Love the poem!

  19. "...she felt something, like silk softly brushing bare skin, only it wasn't a physical feeling, but in her mind, her spirit, the echo of something that shouldn't be there."

    Those words set the tone perfectly with more than a hint at the "supernatural". A little bit spooky with a dab of creepy. Looking forward to more.


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