Monday, June 12, 2023

Mr. Mocker (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

For several days, every time we let Tripod SissyCat out on the porch a daddy mockingbird would pitch fits. He'd fly around, landing on our cars, calling out almost incessantly, hopping from place to place like a wild thing.  Meanwhile, Tripod would do as she always does, sleep in the sun.

I believe he was afraid she was a threat to his nearby nest and i tried to get some pictures of him but most were a blur.

It was a relief, to him and us, when his babies fledged and he no longer had to spend so much time trying to distract a cat that didn't care about him anyway!

He was, quite literally, hopping mad!


Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is Red Roses.                


Roses are red,

my screen turned blue,

I think I deleted

a file or two!


He woke up late morning

hungover as could be,

and beside him on the nightstand,

he saw, glory be!

A dozen red roses

in a beautiful vase,

and there stood his wife

with a smile on her face.

"These are for you, dear,

and these headache pills, too,

once you take a shower,

breakfast's waiting for you!"

He noticed he had on

his yesterday's clothes,

they were wrinkled and rumpled

and smelled like, who knows!

He swallowed the pills

with the water in the cup,

then headed for the shower

trying to wake himself up.

When he finally got downstairs,

his wife said, "Go sit!

Everything's done, I'll

get it out in a bit.

"The coffee is in there,

your newspaper as well."

He went to the table,

and didn't it look swell!

She'd used the nice china,

and the silver coffee urn,

another red rose by his plate,

with questions he did burn.

His son was grinning at him

from across the way,

and seeing his confusion,

he had this to say,

"Dad you're a winner,

of mom's great affection,

your performance last night

was absolute perfection."

"But what did I do?"

the man asked with dread

thoughts this was a ruse

were filling his head.

"You really don't remember?"

his son asked with a smirk.

"Well you came home quite plastered,

dropped off by some jerk.

"Mom tried to undress you

to get you to bed,

but you kept pushing her away,

and here's what you said,

'Leave me alone, lady!

For my whole married life,

I've undressed for no one,

except for my wife!'"


Today is:

Crowded Nest Awareness Day -- for those whose problem is the opposite of the Empty Nest, a day to remind you to keep your sense of humor and get support when you need it

Festival of Mut -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Ghost in the Machine Day -- the internet holiday that explains everything!

Helsinki Day -- Finland

Independence Day -- Philippines

International Cachaca Day -- the once illegal cocktail now has its own day of celebration 

King's Birthday -- Australia (except QLD, WA); Montserrat; Norfolk Island; Papua New Guinea; St. Helena

Loving Day -- US (commemoration of Loving vs. Virginia decision by the Supreme Court which struct down all anti-miscegenation laws)

National Jerky Day -- begun a couple of years ago, possibly by one of the jerky manufacturers (no one can track it down, sounds suspicious to me)

National Peanut Butter Cookie Day

Peace of Chaco Day / Chaco Armistice Day -- Paraguay and Bolivia (commemorates the end of a war between the two)

Red Rose Day -- found all over the internet, with June 12 as the most common date cited; may have begun with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Australia, which has Rose Days as fundraisers

Russia Day -- Russia

St. Anthony's Eve -- Brazil; Portugal

     Dia dos Namorados -- Brazil (Lover's Day, celebrated on St. Anthony's Eve)

St. Onuphrius' Day (Patron of weavers; Centrache, Catanzaro, Italy)

World Day Against Child Labour -- The UN, Education International and the International Labour Organization

Birthdays Today:

Frances O'Connor, 1969

Timothy Busfield, 1957

Marv Albert, 1941

Chick Corea, 1941

Jim Nabors, 1932

Anne Frank, 1929

Vic Damone, 1928

George H.W. Bush, 1924

David Rockefeller, 1915

Alexandre Tansman, 1897

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Doctor Doctor"(TV), 1989

Raiders of the Lost Ark(Film), 1981

You Only Live Twice(Film), 1967

Cleopatra(Film), 1963

Today in History:

Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk in the second day of the Battle of Jargeau, 1429

The French begin their colonization of Algeria with the landing of 34,000 troops, 1830

The world's first Fingerprint Bureau opens in Calcutta, India, after the Council of the Governor General approves a committee report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records, 1897

Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor, 1939

Anne Frank gets her diary as a birthday present, 1942

The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional, 1967

The first man powered flight across the English Channel is performed by Bryan Allen in the Gossamer Albatross designed by Paul MacCready, 1979

At the Brandenburg Gate U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, 1987

Russia Day – the parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty, 1990

Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London, 1997

A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to widespread protests, 2009

Ending an extensive study on the wooly mammoth, scientists conclude that they were wiped out by multiple things, including climate change, human hunters, and shifting habitats, 2012

AT&T's $85.4 billion takeover of Time Warner is allowed to proceed by a US District Court Judge, 2018

Hong Kong sees violent protests as tens of thousands of protesters block and try to storm government buildings to stop extradition law, 2019


  1. I appreciate the thought of your spark. I try to see the good side but I can tell you I live with a man who always sees the thorns. And the Mockingbird I love we have them up here but not anywhere near my house.

  2. That bird is funny, but also not dumb. You never when a cat is pretending to ignore in order to catch a bird off guard.

  3. Loved your poems today. Your first one made me laugh in an "ouch, been there" kind of way. The second one had me waiting for the punch line, and I was not disappointed!

  4. As much as I love those mockingbirds they get overly protective! Hopping mad! lol! Love the poem - that's really good. Have a great week!

  5. They do get riled up when a cat is around when they have babies. You made me smile.

    Roses are red. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  6. Oops I posted my comment on your poem on the wrong post. Anyway I loved it as I always do your poems.

  7. My hubby had a cat he used to let go outside when we were first married and I recall a mockingbird going after her. Funny poem and great spark. XO

  8. What a good parent does ~ protects its home ~ beautiful rose and quote ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. The bird sure was busy! Those were fun poems and a good Spark too!

  10. Poor little Daddy bird!
    Hahahaha! Brilliant poem! (I almost used this story in my poem! I thought it was so cute!)

  11. oh that poor mocking bird! LOVE the poem, it's a really good one.

  12. Your poem gave me quite the chuckle. How witty and cleverly written. No wonder the wife was treating the husband like a prince. :)


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