Thursday, June 8, 2023

No, It’s Mine! (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


"Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, what do you think you are doing with my box!?!"

It's okay, Link, we got a new one.  You know we get a new Chewy box every month, and we take the old one apart and recycle it.

New Box

"But, Mom, I want the old box!  It's still good!"

You all played in it for a while, got it full of hair and "litter glitter," and you've ignored it the past few days, it's going to be recycled and you can play in the new, fresh box.

"No, this one is mine and you're not taking it and even Dansig is behind me and says so, too, so there!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Box.     


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

They're almost done with the rebuild.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

The boats aren't high class,

I'll admit it's so,

but i promise it beats

having to row!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful plans are being made for Sweetie to take time in July to go see an old friend.  We've worked out almost all the details and they're both looking forward to it.


Today is:

Best Friends Day -- as declared by the ecard people

Bounty Anniversary Day -- Norfolk Island (celebrates the arrival of the Bounty descendants from Pitcairn Island)

Corpus Christi -- Catholic Christian

Feast of Bona Mens -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of right thinking, the personification of the mind)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (The Good and Evil are given their just rewards)

Lindisfarne Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan (commemorating the Viking raid on Lindisfarne in 793)

Name Your Poison Day -- just another wacky holiday with no explanations

National Caribbean-American Health and Aids Awareness Day -- US

National Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Primoz Trubar Day -- Slovenia (birth anniversary of the author of the first Slovene language books and consolidated the Slovene language)

St. Medard's Day (Patron of brewers, captives, imprisoned people, mentally ill people, peasants, prisoners, vineyards; for good harvests, good weather, and rain; against bad weather, imprisonment, sterility, and toothache) related event:

     Festival of the Rose -- Salency, France (on St. Medard's Day, and supposedly begun by that saint before the year 545)

Upsy Daisy Day -- the day to remind people to get up joyfully and gratefully each morning (tell that to my sleep-til-noon family!)

Vacuum Cleaner Day -- Ives W. McGaffee obtained a patent on this day in 1869 for the first carpet cleaner that worked on a vaccuum priciple

Watch Day -- the sign that you are over 30, you still wear a watch!

World Brain Tumor Day -- International

World Oceans Day 

Anniversary Today:

Christopher O'Neill marries Princess Madeleine of Sweden, 2013

Birthdays Today:

Kim Clijsters, 1983

Kayne West, 1977

Julianna Margulies, 1966

Keenen Ivory Wayans, 1958

Scott Adams, 1957

Tim Berners-Lee, 1955

Griffin Dunne, 1955

Kathy Baker, 1950

Sara Paretsky, 1947

Boz Scaggs, 1944

Don Grady, 1944

Andrew Weil, MD, 1942

Nancy Sinatra, 1940

Bernie Casie, 1939

James Darren, 1936

Joan Rivers, 1933

Jerry Stiller, 1927

Barbara Bush, 1925

Robert Preston, 1918

Byron Raymond White, 1917

Francis Crick, 1916

Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Trading Places(Film), 1983

Malaeska; The Indian Wife of the White Hunter(First "dime novel", Publication date), 1860

Today in History:

Vikings raid the abbey at Lindisfarne in Northumbria, commonly accepted as the beginning of the Scandinavian invasion of England, 793

Richard the Lionheart's Crusade begins with his arrival at Acre, 1191

American attackers are driven back at Trois-Rivières, Quebec, 1776

The volcano Laki, in Iceland, begins an eight-month eruption which kills over 9,000 people and starts a seven-year famine, 1783

Mr. Hall of NYC advertises the first commercially made ice cream, 1786

Ives W McGaffey of Chicago patents the first vacuum cleaner, 1869

Herman Hollerith receives a patent for his punched card calculator, 1887

Theodore Roosevelt signs the Antiquities Act into law, authorizing the President to restrict the use of certain parcels of public land with historical or conservation value, 1906

Carl Laemmle incorporates Universal Pictures, 1912

Milton Berle hosts the debut of Texaco Star Theater, 1948

The United States Supreme Court rules that Washington, D.C. restaurants could not refuse to serve black patrons, 1953

The first World Ocean Day is celebrated, coinciding with the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992

The first Transit of Venus since 1882 takes place, 2004

Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, is hit by the State's worst storms and flooding in 30 years, 2007

Australia bans live cattle exports to Indonesia for up to six months in response to reports of cruel treatment at Indonesian slaughterhouse, 2011

The world's most powerful supercomputer, Summit, which can process 200,000 trillion calculations per second, is launched at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, by IBM and NVidia, 2018

The World Bank says it expects the global economy to shrink this year by 5.2% due to Covid-19, 2020

National Geographic announces it is officially recognizing the South Ocean (Antarctic) as the world's fifth ocean, 2021


  1. So good to enjoy a new box every month.

  2. Most cats (including the big cats) do love a box.
    I am smiling at your poem too. Thank you.

  3. Oh yes, I love a box, says Luna🐈‍⬛

  4. I missed your fences photos.

    God bless.

  5. It looks like you'll have to keep that chewy box all the way until next month.

  6. There are always a lot of those privacy fences that need a rebuild. Wind really does a number on them. Maybe let the kitty have two boxes for a day or two and then toss the old one in the recycle bin?

  7. Fun with kitties and the cardboard box ~ great fence and fun story ~ and wonderful thank you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Lol
    Fun Six.
    Cats are different from dogs, for whom a cardboard box is clearly an edible toy.

  9. The new box hasn't yet acquired the right aroma! 🙀

  10. Your poem is short, but sweet and suits the photo perfectly.

  11. Oh, cats and boxes... There's always a humorous story to tell there.

  12. Those boss box cats are putting their paws down! Cute poem and that sounds like a fun thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Such cute kitties. I hope they get to keep both boxes. :) Nice poem and wonderful thankful. XO

  14. None of my cats ever liked boxes so I don't get the attraction, but I do love that picture of the river boats.


  15. Love your cat-in-a-box story! The picture and poem reminded me of the many wonderful holidays we had on canal barges!

  16. Cute story! And so true. And yet, when the new box comes in, the old box is no longer any fun.

  17. Cat and boxes! I hope Sweetie has a wonderful visit! Sweet poem!


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