Monday, May 11, 2020

Bandita! (Awwww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Purple Pansy Power (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Normally i do not feature pictures of family here.  Since we were wearing masks, as required these days, i snapped a pic of Bigger Girl.  She will tell you she needs a haircut, but i sent this pic to Grandma with her wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day.  Grandma responded with “Una Bandita Preciosa!” (a precious bandit!).



Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border She and Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey take turns providing a theme each week.   Charlotte/Mother Owl almost always participates, too.  This week the theme is My Favorite Flower.                  

My thumbs are black not green,
No way to grow veggie or flower,
But if i could, my garden would be full
Of purple pansy power!


Today is:

Aso ote Tala Lei -- Tuvalu (Gospel Day)

Blow Bubbles for Your Cat Day -- internet generated entertainment urged for human and feline like

Cormorant Fishing Festival -- Nagara River, Gifu, Japan (traditional fishing with trained cormorants is celebrated nightly under the light of blazing torches through mid-October

Eat What You Want Day -- since none of the "experts" can totally agree on what's good and what isn't, today, ignore them all! sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Fairy Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Royal Humans Founded -- Fairy Calendar

Holiday of the City of Miskolc -- Miskolc, Hungary

Hostess Cupcake Day -- the Hostess Cupcake, the first commercially produced cupcake, went on sale on this day in 1919

Lag B'Omer -- Judaism (begins at sunset)

Lemuralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (second day)

Lokadagur -- Iceland (Final Day, festival to mark the end of the fishing season in the south-west of the country)

National Mocha Torte Day

National Technology Day -- India

Nisga'a Day -- Nisga'a (one of the First Nations of Canada [ effective date of treaty])

One Day Without Shoes -- originally sponsored by Toms Shoes, to raise global awareness for children's health and education, which can be compromised when they do not have shoes; even though Toms does not still sponsor an actual day, they do donate thousands of pairs of shoes each year to those in need   

Root Canal Appreciation Day -- Dr. Chris Kammer, the 'rock and roll dentist', declared this day back in 2005 because he said the much maligned proceedure saves millions of teeth a year and needs an image make over    

St. Gengulf's Day (Patron of knights, separated spouses, victims of adultery or unfaithfulness; against unhappy marriages)

St. Mamertus' Day (first of the Ice Saints, whose days are supposed to herald the last frost)

Tubeless Tire Day -- B. F. Goodrich Company announced the development of a tubeless tire on this day in 1947

Twilight Zone Day -- no, it didn't premier on this day, nor was Rod Serling born or died on this day; it's today on the internet for no particular reason except that someone decided to celebrate it today

Witching Day -- Isle of Man (Mayday Eve based on the OS calendar, be careful of the spirits today)

Women's Check-up Day 2020 -- US (always the Monday after Mother's Day, encouraging women to be proactive about their health  

Anniversaries Today:

Sammy Davis, Jr., marries Altovise Gore, 1970
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded, 1927
Glacier National Park established, MT, US, 1910
Minnesota becomes the 32nd US state, 1858

Birthdays Today:

Corey Monteith, 1982
Jonathan Jackson, 1982
Natasha Richardson, 1963
Boyd Gaines, 1953
Robert Jarvik, 1946
Mort Sahl, 1927
Bernard Fox, 1927
Foster Brooks, 1912
Phil Silvers, 1911
Salvador Dali, 1904
Martha Graham, 1894
Irving Berlin, 1888
Charles Warren Fairbanks, 1852
Chang and Eng Bunker, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Once Upon a Mattress"(Musical), 1959

Today in History:

Constantinople becomes the capital of the Roman Empire and is also called Nova Roma and Byzantium, 330
Peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam, 1647
Captain Robert Gray becomes the first documented European to sail into the Columbia River, 1792
The waltz is introduced into English ballrooms, and becomes popular in spite of being called "riotous and indecent," 1812
William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth lead an expedition westwards from Sydney, opening the interior of Australia for settlement, 1813
Indian rebels seize Delhi from the British, 1857
Luxembourg  gains its independence, 1867
U.S. Congress  establishes Glacier National Park in Montana, 1910
Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies, 1924
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded, 1927
Siam officially changes its name to Thailand  for the second time, 1949
Israel joins the United Nations, 1949
In Baltimore, Maryland, the first heart-lung transplant takes place, 1987
In New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions, 1995
IBM Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format, 1997
In Nepal, Sherpa Apa Sherpa achieves a new record by climbing Mount Everest for the 21st time, 2011
Chinese scientists break a world record by transferring photons over 97 kilometers using quantum teleportation, 2012
Two art works set world records at a Christie's auction in New York, with Pablo Picasso's painting 'Women of Algiers Version O' selling for $160 million and Alberto Giacometti's sculpture 'Pointing Man' selling for $141.3 million, 2015


  1. I love pansies! I have a neighbour who keeps an old wheelbarrow in her front yard and every spring plants it with new punnets of pansies that bloom right through to mid-late autumn. thank you for the Chinese Lantern name.

  2. At this time, we all need a haircut. My fringe is getting into my eyes. I love purple pansies too.

  3. Oh what beautiful flowers, Mimi. So cheerful. Thanx.

    God bless.

  4. Great pansies! They are our Gramma's favorite flower, but in any color.

  5. Dr. Kammer might want to consider changing the name to Root Canal Result Appreciation Day... because nothing is going to make me kindly disposed toward the actual act of a jackhammer ratcheting against my jaw for 90 minutes.

  6. Que bandita linda! And pansies are a nice flower.

  7. I love your informative posts and miss coming here every day. Thank you for commenting on my recent post. Not sure if I'm back but it felt good for a minute.

  8. Haha! I like the fun photo :-)

    And the quote and the pretty Pansies

    Have a blooming safetastic day 😷😷😷

  9. If I planted pansies my garden would be packed with happy bunnies! Love your photo and the quote is great!

  10. She is a precious one for sure. We all need a haircut.

    Love the poem and those flowers are beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  11. I bet grandma loved that photo of bigger girl, the spark is spot on and I LOVE those pansies. Have a great week.

  12. She is beautiful! ~ lovely pansies macro shots ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Great spark and poem. Beautiful pansies and cute shot of your daughter.

  14. This is a good time for all of us shy internet folks to be able to put our pictures out there :) I bet Grandma loved the picture.

    So we both have black thumbs . . . I feel better now! And pansies are one of my favourites as well. I didn't have any to take pictures of, but I hope to buy some when the nurseries open up. I like your succinct poem!

  15. She's pretty even with a mask.

  16. Love that Bandita, we can see the happy in her eyes! Love those beautiful flowers too.

  17. My very masculine late brother, Graham...loved purple flowers...more than any other colour. Purple roses he loved. I'm not sure where that love originated...but from when he was a little boy, he loved gardening in all its forms. He even took up bonsai for a while in his 40s and 50s.

  18. Great picture of your daughter, I just told my son to wear a mask instead of the bandana he's been wearing so he'd stop looking like a thief. And I love those purple pansies, I just planted some in my outdoor flower pots.

  19. Mimi,

    I had to smile at your mother's response to the picture of Bigger Girl. I can honestly say I've never seen a precious bandit before now. In fact, those two words shouldn't be paired but seeing that it's family saying these things then it makes sense. Speaking in Spanish makes me want Mexican food. Yum! I'm going to make some tacos this weekend. Well, actually taco salads. I forgot to get the shells but have tortillas so I'm gonna crush them up so we can have a salad instead. That sounds healthier, too. :) Have an awwwesome week, my friend!


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