Thursday, May 28, 2020

Check (Six Sentence Story), Brick and Iron (Good Fences), Too Tall (Sammy’s Poetry Day), and Unexpected Time (Brian’s Thankful Thursday)



“Hey, whatcha doin’?”

“Shhh, I’m watching that episode of Star Trek from the original series called ‘A Piece of the Action,’ you know, where Kirk keeps saying, ‘Right’ and Spock says, ‘Check’ and Spock never gets it.”

“Oh, that’s a great one.”

“I know, right?”


“Everyone’s a comedian.”

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Right.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

A lovely study in brick and iron:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

It may look lovely, but i’d prefer
A condo at the beach,
As i would not want to live higher than
The fire ladders can reach!

(this is actually true, maybe i saw too many disaster movies as a kid, but i do not mind visiting tall buildings, i just wouldn’t want to live there)


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i had some unexpected free time yesterday and managed to get a nagging chore done.


Today is:

Araw ng Watawat -- Philippines (Flag Day)

Armed Forces Day -- Croatia

Contemplate Your Vicissitudes Day -- no, i still don't know who thinks up this stuff, i can think of much better things to contemplate, thank you

Day of Pin-Hiding and Button-Losing -- Fairy Calendar

Downfall of the Dergue Day/National Day -- Ethiopia

National Brisket Day

National Hamburger Day

Republic Day -- Armenia; Azerbaijan

Shavuot -- Judaism (Feast of Weeks; begins at sundown, through sundown on the 30th)

Slugs Return From Capistrano Day -- where they spent the winter, so don't go out on the patio barefoot until the first frost; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

St. Bernard of Montjoux's Day (Founder of Alpine hospices; Patron of Alpinists, the Alps, mountain climbers, mountaineers, skiers, and travellers in the mountains)

Whooping Crane Day -- US (birth anniversary of the first crane born in captivity; because those born in captivity refused to breed after they grew up, the attempt to restore numbers this way was discontinued, but these are beautiful birds worth saving)

Women in Trousers Day -- US (on this day in 1923, the US Attorney General announced his determination that it was indeed legal for women to wear trousers anywhere)

Anniversary Today:

Amnesty International is founded, 1961
Sierra Club is founded, 1892

Birthdays Today:

Joseph Cross, 1986
Carey Mulligan, 1985
Jesse Bradford, 1979
Sicily Yoder, 1969
Kylie Minogue, 1968
Glen Rice, 1967
Christa Miller, 1964
Sondra Locke, 1947
John Fogerty, 1945
Rudolph Guiliani, 1944
Gladys Knight, 1944
Annette, Cecile, Emilie, Marie, and Yvonne Dionne , 1934
Carroll Baker, 1931
Barry Commoner, 1917
Ian Fleming, 1908
Jim Thorpe, 1888
Louis Agassiz, 1807
William Pitt, 1759

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Magic Show"(Musical), 1974
"Lock Up Your Daughters"(Musical), 1959
Melody(Disney cartoon film, first ever in 3-D), 1953 
"Zoo Parade"(TV), 1950
"Louisiana Purchase"(Musical), 1940
"Mathis der Maler / Matthias the Painter"(Opera), 1938
"L'Arianna / Ariadne"(Opera), 1608

Today in History:

A solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by Greek philosopher and scientist Thales, while Alyattes is battling Cyaxares in the Battle of the Eclipse;this leads to a truce and becomes one of the cardinal dates from which other dates can be calculated, BC585
James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor are married according to a Papal Bull by Pope Alexander VI and a Treaty of Everlasting Peace (which lasted 10 years) between Scotland and England is signed, 1503
The Spanish Armada, with 130 ships and 30,000 men, sets sail from Lisbon heading for the English Channel (it will takes until May 30 for all of the ships to leave port), 1588
In the first engagement of the French and Indian War, Virginia militia under 22-year-old Lieutenant Colonel George Washington defeat a French reconnaissance party, 1754
Big Ben is drawn on a carriage pulled by 16 horses from Whitechapel Bell Foundry to the Palace of Westminster, 1859
In San Francisco, California, John Muir organizes the Sierra Club, 1892
In the Russo-Japanese War, the Battle of Tsushima ends with the destruction of the Russian Baltic Fleet by the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1905
John B Gruelle patents Raggedy Ann doll, 1915
The US Attorney General says it is legal for women to wear trousers, 1923
The first all color talking picture, "On With the Show", is shown in NYC, 1929
The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, is officially opened, 1937
Neville Chamberlain becomes British Prime Minister, 1937
The women of Greece are given the right to vote, 1952
The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed, 1964
Fifteen West African countries sign the Treaty of Lagos, creating the Economic Community of West African States, 1975
Eritrea and Monaco join the United Nations, 1993
NATO declares Russia a limited partner in the Western alliance, 2002
The Mars Odyssey finds signs of large ice deposits on the planet Mars, 2002
The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal formally declares Nepal a republic, ending the 240-year reign of the Shah dynasty, 2008
'Le Monde' reports the Assad regime in Syria continues to use chemical weapons, 2013
The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has banned 11 people after an ethics investigation; the banned officials have recently or previously been indicted for corruption by the U.S. Justice Department, 2015


  1. Hooray for some unexpected free time.
    And yes, I would rather live by water (fresh or salt) than in a highrise too.

  2. Nice poem. Well I'd not like to live there either, the picture alone makes me a wee bit dizzy ;) By the water neither, as I'd like to grow a garden, ant the salt spray kills off everything but a few hardy plants. But your poem is good and your lists as always interesting. Thank you!

  3. I like being on the top floor of hotels but growing up we always had to have a room on the first (ground) floor. My Dad is a retired fireman.He would say you are smart.

  4. I too would not want to live too high up in a high rise building. I am thankful I have a landed house even though it is a small one with a little garden. Have a wonderful day.

  5. My mom doesn't like to be up high in a high rise. She feels so trapped. Even in hotels she wants to be on a lower floor, forget the view.

  6. We're takin over yer territory.*

    *James Tiberius Kirk**
    ** god! nursing homes, at least when visitors aren't around has got to be 'Jeopardy' heaven.

  7. Love all of these posts but especially want to say we AGREE with your poem today for Poetic Thursday. We actually don't mind some heights but not as a place to live and one of the reasons is the one you mention!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  8. I grew up on Star Trek and am thrilled that it just keeps going and going. Love the latest one Picard and all the ones in between.

    That fence would look great at my house :)
    Our first apartment was on the 12th floor. I always enjoyed the view from the balcony.

  9. That was a good story, check! We agree with you poem, we want the ladder to reach too and I'm glad you got the bonus of some free time. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Check. I laughed out loud.

    I'm with you on the high-rise. I'll be happy on the beach too.

    I'm glad you got that chore done. Always a good feeling to get the nagging ones out of the way.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug. ♥

  11. Good six. Right? I'll have to check the fridge to see if we have ground beef for hamburgers since it's hamburger day. Also, Ian Fleming...he gave us Bond. Great one Mimi.

  12. National Hamburger Day and I can't buy one!

  13. totally agree with today's poem !!! ☺☺♥♥

  14. I love Star Trek humor! Good point about the ladders reaching, yikes!

  15. Absolutely perfectpoem....and I'm with ya 100% being that high- just give me a bit of landscape at ground level! Great poem for that photo! Very fancy fence- and I amglad you had some freetime for your "nagging" chore- hope it did not nag too loudly! Cheers and have a lovely day!

  16. We felines are not quite sure what "extra" free time is since all our time is free time. Sheesh, I'm sure glad I'm not a human!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  17. your photos are lovely take care

  18. Life just sounds so much more whimsical in Fairy...

  19. Great story and poem. My hubby loves the original Star Trek. I am glad you were able to have some free time.

  20. I'd loved to have a condo high up seeing the water but my wife will have nothing to do with it. She wants to stay on the ground. LOL

    Cruisin Paul

  21. Fun! Love a fun play with words.

  22. Not knowing it is Nat'l Hamburger Day, we bought an awesome one, and wished we had bought a 2nd one.

  23. I've never been a "Trekkie"...but I'm a fan of long-standing of William Shatner. :)

  24. Humorous SSS. and I love your poem with accompanying photo. FYI I don't think I could step out onto that patio. That is a long ways down.

  25. A very good fence and I will not live to live in a high rise anywhere.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  26. Lovely fence. I'd prefer a condo at the beach too, or a house with a yard, at the beach of course.

  27. That was one of my favorite episodes! :D
    Ah, same here..put me closer to the ocean in a tiny cottage and that's all I'd need :D
    Extra time! What a marvelous gift x2! No more nagging chore :D

  28. I am way behind on blog commenting ~ I don't know how you do all you ~ do ~ blessings to you.

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. I don't remember that but I do remember unbelievable sci-fi stuff from that show. You know, conversing live with others, able to see them on a screen. Crazy.


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