Monday, November 28, 2022

Mr. Whiskers (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Mr. Whiskers is sometimes allowed a walkabout in the shelter, and he thinks knows he owns the place.



Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog semi-break and her poetry is sorely missed, we hope she comes back soon.   Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is French Toast or Breakfast.          


I never met a

breakfast I could not improve

with coffee added


A young man was drafted

for shopping with mother,

as sis left for college

it now fell to brother.

He didn't much mind it

as he'd often sneak

an extra snack favorite

if mom didn't peek.

One day while he's putting

the goods on the belt,

his mom noticed something

and said how she felt.

"Look what has happened!"

she said with chagrin.

"You've broken two eggs,

half a bread loaf mashed in!"

She shook her head slowly

and then added with sorrow,

"I guess we'll have French Toast

with those come tomorrow."

They finished transacting,

loaded cart, headed out,

but the young man said softly 

to the cashier, "There's no doubt!

"My buddy was right!

His advice was prime.

Mash some bread, break an egg,

gets French Toast every time!"

(Based on a true story.)


Today is:

Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Baha'i

Cider Monday -- celebrating the drink of the season, hot, spiced apple cider

Cyber Monday -- another excuse to buy stuff, the traditional beginning of the online shopping season

Decorate Your Dog Day -- supposedly to get him/her into the holiday spirit; but please don't unless your canine likes it

Feast of the Holy Sovereigns -- Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii (in honor of King Kamehama IV and Queen Emma, the founders of the Anglican Church of Hawaii

Flag Day -- Kosovo

Independence Day -- Albania(1912); East Timor(1975); Mauritania(1960); Panama(1821, from Spain)

Make Your Own Head Day -- meaning an art project model or drawing, in any medium; have fun with this one!

National French Toast Day

Provincial Anniversary Day -- Chatham Islands, New Zealand

Provincial Anniversary Day -- Westland, New Zealand

Red Planet Day -- on the anniversary of the 1964 liftoff of Mariner 4, the first successful mission to Mars

Republic Day -- Chad; Republic of the Congo

Royal Society Day -- one of the world's oldest scientific academies, established this day in 1660

Runic Half Month of Is begins (stasis)

St. Catherine Laboure's Day -- promulgator of the Miraculous Medal

St. Stephen the Younger's Day` (Patron of coin collectors, numismatists, smelters)

Throw Out Your Leftovers Day -- if you've had it since Thanksgiving, and haven't frozen it or eaten it yet, get rid of it

Tori No Ichi -- Japan (the third "rooster day" of November, so called because it is held on the two or three days of the rooster this month, in which to wish good luck and prosperity at temple and shrine ceremonies around the country, and celebrate with a fair)

Birthdays Today:

Ryan Kwanten, 1976

Anna Nicole Smith, 1967

Jon Stewart, 1962

Judd Nelson, 1959

S. Epatha Merkerson, 1952

Ed Harris, 1950

Alexander Godunov, 1949

Paul Shaffer, 1949

Joe Dante, 1946

Randy Newman, 1943

Berry Gordy, Jr., 1929

Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1908

Charles H. Alston, 1907

Brooks Atkinson, 1894

William Blake, 1757

Jean Baptiste Lully, 1632

John Bunyan, 1628

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Look Homeward, Angel"(Play), 1957

"The Grand Ole Opry"(Radio), 1925

Skywriting(as an advertising medium), 1922*

Today in History:

Skanderbeg and his forces liberate Kruja in Middle Albania and raise the Albanian flag, 1443

Ferdinand Magellan and his men become the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic into the Pacific Ocean, 1520

The Times in London is for the first time printed by automatic, steam powered presses built by the German inventors Friedrich Koenig and Andreas Friedrich Bauer, signaling the beginning of the availability of newspapers to a mass audience, 1814

Ka Lahui: Hawaiian Independence Day - The Kingdom of Hawaii is officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation, 1843

Women vote in a national election for the first time in the New Zealand general election, 1893

US-born Lady Astor becomes the first female member of British Parliament, 1919

Capt Cyril Turner of the RAF gives 1st skywriting exhibition in NYC; Turner spelled out "Hello USA. Call Vanderbilt 7200." 47,000 called, 1922

"Hopalong Cassidy" premieres on TV, 1948

The first Polaroid Camera is sold, 1948

Chad, the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community, 1958

The first pulsar star is discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish, 1968

Norway votes against joining the European Union, 1994

Wikileaks releases 250,000 classified documents and sensitive national security information sent by U.S. embassies, 2010

"Hamilton" sets new record for the most money earned in a week on Broadway - $3.3 million, 2016

The Australian state of Queensland raises its fire warning to "catastrophic" for the first time as 130 fires burn, 2018

In the Honduras presidential elections, Xiomara Castro is elected country's first female president, 2021

*The ad men said it wouldn't work, but John Savage demonstrated it by skywriting "Hello USA call Vanderbilt 7200" over New York City and generating over 47,000 calls to that number!


  1. Mr. Whiskers is a very confident cat heheh! :-)

    Have a gingertastic Monday 👍

  2. Oh, I like your poems - our place it's tea, hot, black tea that improves every breakfast, but yours sounds good too - and clever young fellow ;) Thanks for a smile.

  3. Mr. Whickers needs to go round inspecting the place. I like your poem. Have a great week.

  4. We've not had any fences for a while.

    God bless.

  5. Mr Whiskers looks like a charmer. Love the sparks, good advice.

  6. Mr. Whiskers reminds us of the study hall monitor. :-) And thanks for the reminder in the list to throw out the leftovers today!

  7. Mr. Whiskers does own the place and everyone knows it. Adorable.

    Love your Spark. Folks need to heed that wise advice.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hugs, my friend. ♥

  8. Great Spark and that kitty is adorable ~ with an amazing tail ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Cute Kitty! He reminds me of one of mine from years (and years) ago!
    Great poem! Oh, I laughed! Clever!

  10. Such a cute ginger boy. I hope he gets a forever home soon. Great spark and poem. Glad the eggs didn't go to waste being they are so darn expensive. XO

  11. That was a cute story, here's to french toast! Mr. Whiskers sure looks happy to stretch the legs a bit.

  12. Mr Whiskers is a little charmer. I love that carved rolling pin! I've never had French Toast, don't even know what it is. Although I now know there is bread and eggs involved.

  13. I hope y'all had a nice Thanksgiving. Mr. Whiskers is adjusting well. Perhaps, he'll find a good forever home soon. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!


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