Thursday, November 10, 2022

Doesn’t Play Nice (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


Although in my better moments i know it is not true, sometimes i wonder if no good deed goes unpunished.

On Tuesday, a fine autumn day, i decided to walk across the street to our polling place and do my civic duty by casting a ballot.  I had done my due diligence by studying the slate of candidates for each office and thoroughly familiarizing myself with the amendments and propositions, as i figure if i'm going to vote i might as well be an informed and conscientious voter.

All was going well, the line was not long, the bit of time spent in line was passed talking to a neighborhood friend i haven't seen in a while, i had my ID at hand and then i bent over to sign the book and felt a "pop" in my back and the pain started.

Fighting for control, i signed, got in the booth and used my cheat sheet i always take with me to quickly make my selections, thanked the poll workers and got my "I voted" sicker, then got a ride home from that neighborhood friend as there was no way i'd have been able to walk back.

Be careful out there, people, back pain doesn't play nice.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Play.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

Some people like these horizontal style fences, and while they're okay, all i can think of is that if we'd had such a fence when the kids were growing up, they'd have used it as a ladder and been out of the back yard in a heartbeat!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

they say, "grow up!" but we refuse

to get stale and old we do not choose

we'll splash in the puddles on a rainy day

have fun in life along our way

they say, "grow up!" but we already did

and now we're going to throw off the lid

enjoy the times that now remain

splashing the puddles here in the rain


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for ice packs and being able to use my work apron to hold one tight against my back as i work.


Today is:

Area Code Day -- US (went into effect this day in 1951)

Ashi Vanguhi -- Ancient Persian Calendar/Zoroastrian (celebration of Ashi Vanguhi, or Holy Blessing; date approximate, but always two days after a full moon around this time of year)

Day of Russian Militsiya -- Russia

Dia de la Tradicion -- Argentina (birth anniversary of Jose Hernandez)

Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial Beacon Lighting -- Split Rock Lighthouse, Two Harbors, MN, US (memorial for the Edmund Fitzgerald and all who have lost their lives in Great Lakes shipwrecks)

First Cry of Independence Day / Los Santos Uprising Day -- Panama (an official flag day)

Forget-Me-Not Day -- informal day to spend a bit of time with relatives you don't see often

Goddess of Reason's Day (Revolutionary France)

Guinness World Records' Day -- celebrating ordinary people who do extraordinary things, go try for a record! anniversary of the day in 1951 that Sir Hugh Beaver got the idea to create a book supplying answers to much debated questions, such as which game birds are the fastest fliers

     The Guinness World Records Book now holds the title of the best-selling copyrighted book of all time, and is one of the most frequently stolen books from US libraries!

Hari Pahlawan -- Indonesia (Heroes' Day/Warrior's Day)

Martini -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (beginning of winter festival that starts on Martinmas Eve)

Maputo Day -- Maputo, Mozambique

National Toothpaste Appreciation Day -- not official, but i'm sure the dentifrice industry loves this one

National Vanilla Cupcake Day

Sleep Dangerously Night -- internet generated, a night to switch sides of the bed with your spouse and see who falls out of bed first

St. Andrew Avellino's Day (Patron of apoplexics, for a holy death, stroke victims; Badlato, Naples, and Sicily, Italy; stroke victims; for a holy death; against apoplexy, strokes, and sudden death)

St. Martin's Eve -- Germany; Portugal (Martimas Eve)

USMC Day -- US (anniversary of founding in 1775, includes the Marine Corps Birthday Ball)

Wish-Spoiling Sports Day -- Fairy Calendar (Imps, Gremlins, and grumpy Goblins) 

World Science Day for Peace and Development -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

Establishment of Badlands National Park, SD, US, 1978

Establishment of the United States Marine Corps, 1775

Birthdays Today:

Ellen Pompeo, 1969

Vanessa Angel, 1963

Neil Gaiman, 1960

MacKenzie Phillips, 1959

Sinbad, 1956

Roland Emmerich, 1955

Ann Reinking, 1949

Donna Fargo, 1949

Tim Rice, 1944

Russel Charles Means, 1940

Russel Means, 1939

Roy Scheider, 1932

Richard Burton, 1925

Jane Froman, 1907

Claude Rains, 1889

Friedrick Voon Schiller, 1759

Oliver Goldsmith, 1728

William Hogarth, 1697

Martin Luther, 1483

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Microsoft Windows, 1983 (sometimes so slow, it's called "win-doze")

"Sesame Street", 1969

Today in History:

Rene Descartes has the dreams that inspire his Meditations on First Philosophy, 1619

The Dutch formally cede New Netherlands to the English; it is renamed New York, 1674

France ends forced worship of God, substitute the Goddess of Reason, 1793

The US state of Kentucky outlaws dueling, 1801

Stanley presumes that he has met Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa, 1871

The first Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting is held in Boston, 1891

The first Gideon Bible is put in a hotel room, 1908

Hirohito ascends the throne as Emperor of Japan, 1928

The Hope Diamond is donated to the Smithsonian Institution by New York diamond merchant Harry Winston, 1958

The 729-foot-long freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald sinks during a storm on Lake Superior, killing all 29 crew on board, 1975

A 106-car Canadian Pacific freight train carrying explosive and poisonous chemicals from Windsor, Ontario, Canada derails in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada just west of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, causing a massive explosion and the largest peacetime evacuation in Canadian history and one of the largest in North American history, 1979

The communist regime of Bulgaria falls, 1989

The "Codex Leicester", the only Leonardo da Vinci manuscript owned in the United States and the only one in the world still in private hands, was sold at auction to Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who paid $30.8 million, 1994

Thousands of people people march toward the royal palace of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur to hand over a memorandum to the King demanding electoral reform, 2007

Vietnam evacuates about 600,000 citizens under the threat of Typhoon Haiyan, 2013

The Collins English Dictionary chooses "Lockdown" as the word of the year, 2020

China and the US announce plans to work together on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, 2021


  1. Oh, man...I am so sorry Mimi. I hope it eased up...but you know what your body is telling you, don't you?
    You need some rest, asap.
    You won't be able to do the things you want for your loved ones if you exhaust yourself.

  2. I am so sorry about your back - and hope it is much, much better. Those horizontal fences love to be climbed don't they. They almost demand it.

  3. So sorry about your back. Hope you are feeling better now. We will be casting our votes this Saturday.

  4. And it's instantaneous! Oh, Mimi, I am sorry to hear your back went out. Go easy. Sending healing vibes.
    Hear! Hear! to forever splashing in the puddles.
    (hope vid shows)

  5. Oh no, that is terrible! It usually happens to Mom when she goes to put on her shoes. It seems like once a year that same spot goes out. A trip to the chiropractor usually works wonders. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Praying for your good health and quick recovery, Mimi.

    God bless.

  7. I'm so sorry for you Mimi, I hope you'll be splashing puddles again soon!

  8. I'm sorry your back is hurting. I hate that. It limits what you can do. Prayers.

    Have a pain free Thankful Thursday. Big healing hugs. ♥

  9. Sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling better.

  10. Voting can endanger your health. Poor you! I hope you'll be better in time to splish-splash in some puddles along the way.
    That fence is made for climbing!

  11. great six, great fence, great poem and it is hard to believe that area codes are only 71 years old!

  12. Oh dear! I hope it is better now! Thank you for voting.

  13. Oh ow ow ow sympathies to you- back pain is the worst- especially if you want to do anything fun like splashing in the rain! Take care and I love your poem! And yep! That fence looks like a built in ladder for kids! Cheers- hope you feel better SOON! xoxo

  14. Sending you lots of healing energy hugs to heal your back quickly ~ lovely fence photos and fun poem ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Cute poem. I am sorry about your back. I hope you feel better soon. XO

  16. You popped a disc, I know the sound and resultant pain quite well. Rest as much as you can and don't over reach for anything. I love the image and poem, I'm stealing the image for a bookmark.

  17. Back pain is pretty awful but I hope your back is all better soon. That was a cute poem and an excellent thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  18. ewww back pain (it is one of the most fundamental of bad things to happen to a body).
    It makes the earth we are grounded in and on (implied pun intended) unreliable in the best of circumstances and inimical in the worst.
    Fill in your own preferred 'treatment' here... and know that others are rooting for you.
    'Good' Six (I repeat, 'Ewww')

  19. Ouch, I was following your attitude to voting and cheering dfor you, when that 'pop' happened. I hope you have some relief from the pain now.

  20. Oh! That little grey and white kitten is beautiful! So beautiful! :)

  21. Mimi your poem expresses precisely what I felt when I saw that painting for the first - fun.....hopefully we NEVER forget how to have fun as we grow older. Sorry for your back pain - hope you are better VERY soon!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  22. Thank you for voting! So sorry your back refused to cooperate! Great Poem! I totally agree!


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