Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Hit the Ground Running, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Ms. V and Mr. L and Carl had company for Christmas Day.

Everything gets stuffed in the laundry room when company comes.  Guess who has to shift it all back to do the laundry?

There was extra laundry, as i had to wash kitchen linens to get them out of the way so i could wash Carl's things.

Carl was up and showered, standing by his kitchen counter saying, "I don't know what to do with this mess!"

I reassured him he didn't have to do anything with it, whatever was there on Monday morning is my job, the rest of the week it's up to him.  He wasn't sure whether or not to be relieved by that.

"Work was a nightmare on Friday," he told me.  "Couldn't keep up with the carts!"

It's over now, i told him, you just work on getting to work today.

That's where we ran into another problem, he couldn't find his car keys.  I frantically searched every pants pocket, and as almost every pair of pants he owns was dirty or on a floor somewhere, it took some doing.  No dice.

The messy counter was ransacked, again to no avail.

Mr. L and Ms. V were awakened.  The spare key box hidden under the car was retrieved and found to also be empty, as they remembered he lost the main key and has been driving with the spare.

With time running out and an employer that hands out demerits for tardiness (and 3 demerits in a 6-month span results in immediate termination, no exceptions), in desperation i dragged him outside and toward the loaner i was still using.  He stopped at his car, looked in the window and said, "But I need some of this stuff for work!"

Shooing him into my car, i told him if he had a key to get into his car to get the stuff, i wouldn't be driving him to work to begin.  "Oh, yeah, right," was his response.

We took off and i caught nothing but green lights as he kept muttering under his breath, "Faster, faster!"  We all know that desperation, when we'd like to get somewhere ten minutes ago and someone else is driving.  He's been known to get speeding tickets, though, so i wasn't going to be able to go fast enough for him anyway.

He had two minutes to spare to sign in when i dropped him off, so i hope he didn't meet anyone on the way in and stop for a chat, since he's a social butterfly.  I guess i'll find out later.

It's time for funnies.

And a few more for the New Year.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Anniversary of Benazir Bhutto's Death -- Sindh, Pakistan

Calli (House) Day -- Aztec Calendar (a good day for all things hearth and home and family. a bad day to participate in public life; date approximate, but soon after the solstice)

Constitution Day -- Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Festival of Nehebkau -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (Beginning of Eternity, celebrating the snake god and his role of binding the sun to the earth at the beginning of time; date approximate)

First Day of the Stanley Races -- Faulkland Islands

Kwanzaa, Day 2, Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)

Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day -- internet generated, with Christmas over, you need to do winter decorations

Modern Medicine Day -- birth anniversary of Louis Pasteur

National Fruitcake Day -- unless, of course, you are like me and have spent your last several days with fruitcake relatives, at which point you get a day off from fruitcakes! ;D 

St. Fabiola's Day (Patron of difficult marriages, divorced people, victims of abuse, victims of adultery, widows)

St. John the Divine's Day (Patron of art dealers, authors, bookbinders, booksellers, burn victims, compositors, editors, engravers, friendships, lithographers, painters, papermakers, printers, publishers, tanners, theologians, typesetters, writers; Asia Minor; Boise, Idaho, Borgo Santo Sepolcro, Italy; Cleveland, OH; Eger, Hungary; Milwaukee, WI; Morra, Netherlands; Saint-Jean – Longueuil, Québec; Sansepoicro, Italy; Sundern, Germany; Taos, NM; Umbria, Italy; Wroclaw, Poland; against burns, poisoning)

St. Stephen's Day -- Eastern Orthodox, a public holiday in Romania

Third Day of Christmas

Unfairies' Gathering -- Fairy Calendar

Visit the Zoo Day -- don't know who put this one in the middle of winter, but there it is

Watch the Children Day -- internet generated, a day to take a page from the book of the young and remember how to play like a child

Birthdays Today:

Heather O'Rourke, 1975

Masi Oka, 1974

Bill Goldberg, 1966

Tovah Feldshuh, 1952

Gerard Depardieu, 1948

Cokie Roberts, 1943

John Amos, 1939

Oscar Levant, 1906

Marlene Dietrich, 1901

Sydney Greenstreet, 1879

Louis Pasteur, 1822

George Cayley, 1773

Johannes Kepler, 1571

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Knots Landing"(TV), 1979

"Howdy Doody"(TV), 1947 (first successful children's television show)

"Radio Roxyettes"(Now the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes), 1932

Today in History:

The Hagia Sofia of Constantinople is completed, 537

The Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regards to native Indians in the New World, 1512

The first public railroad using steam locomotive completed in England, 1825

Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard the HMS Beagle, 1831

Worst English avalanche kills 8 of 15 buried in Lewes Sussex, 1836

Ether is first used in childbirth in US, in Jefferson, Ga., 1845

The world's first cat show is held at the Crystal Palace, London, 1871

Carrie Nation's first public smashing of a bar, at the Carey Hotel, Wichita, Kansas, 1900

Unsuccessful attempt on prince-regent Hirohito of Japan, 1923

Stalin's faction wins All-Union Congress in USSR, Trotsky is expelled, 1927

Radio City Music Hall opened in New York City, 1932

The Shah of Persia declares Persia is now Iran, 1934

The World Bank was created with the signing of an agreement by 28 nations, 1945

Apollo 8 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean, ending the first orbital manned mission to the Moon, 1968

The People's Republic of China is granted permanent normal trade relations with the United States, 2001

Radiation from an explosion on the magnetar SGR 1806-20 reaches Earth. It is the brightest extrasolar event known to have been witnessed on the planet, 2004

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated, 2007

Toyota Motor Corporation agrees to pay $1 billion to settle over a dozen lawsuits related to sudden acceleration, 2012

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Pearl Harbor, offering “sincere and everlasting condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives” and adding, “[Japan] must never repeat the horrors of war again," 2016


  1. I hope those missing keys reappear - and will be interested to hear where they are found.
    The New Year will find its way in without me. It knows the way.

  2. I will be really stress out having Carl around me. Lol! Hope he found the missing car key.

  3. Car keys are always in the last place you look; because then you've found them.

    God bless.

  4. The Boston one is so perfect! Mom spent a lot of time in Boston years ago when she was based there and they do talk so weird! Keep us posted on the car keys. Where oh where could they be???

  5. I always enjoy hearing about whirlwind Carl. He's most entertaining. Love the car keys funnies too. My son did something with my car keys when he was young and I never found them. Gone forever. Thank you for the chuckles.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. I can't laugh *too* hard, I've been losing things like crazy lately, myself...

  7. A great story and the funnies had me chuckling from beginning to end!

  8. First, I would take one look at that laundry room and run. And second, I need to know if those keys were found.

  9. Car keys have a life of their own. We're MOL at the 'toons!

  10. Car keys always disappear. I hope they get found, or will you be driving Carl to work every day?

  11. The whole post is a LOL ~ event ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. You really go above and beyond - how kind of you to give Carl a ride. I love the Boston accent joke- so true. :) XO

  13. Those are all terrific funnies. Oh wait, Carl has car keys, that's scary.

  14. I do hope the car keys were found including the spare. Thanks for the funnies.

  15. I relate to the car keys funnies! The penguins and the cat were super relatable. Or me with the car keys in my hand. Except that's usually me looking for my phone (when I'm on it) or for my glasses, even though there is a pair in every room. I also love Maxine. My kind of snarky humor! Happy new year!


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