Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I Want a Notepad Like That (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Elephant's Child.      

This week's prompts are:


  • Candles
  • Everyone
  • Nine
  • Days
  • Heart




  • Aunt
  • Strike
  • Bullet
  • Ballet
  • Missed

 Have fun. 

Our family has gotten some excellent news.

EVERYONE calm down, it's not about cars.  Unless a rich AUNT or other relative suddenly feels sorry for us, we're stuck on that issue.

We've got a few more DAYS before the part comes in and we find out if we can fix Slow-Moe, and meanwhile, my HEART is sinking about the chances of Lunceford the Land Yacht surviving into the new year.

I'd ask for CANDLES and prayers but i'm afraid it might be too late for that, we'll see.

On to a better topic.

A relative has had liver trouble.  Serious liver trouble.  Cirrhosis liver trouble, which means scarring of the liver.  There was talk of a transplant someday.

For about NINE or ten years, this person drank like a fish, probably a fifth or more per day.  The liver of this rather young person became like that of someone who'd been hard drinking into their seventies.

Then this person hit a STRIKE of good luck and got jaundice.  No longer could the problem be denied.  Rehab was arduous and this person came out on the other side stronger and sober.

This person determined not just to live sober, but to quit smoking, exercise and eat right and clean up all the way around.  Alcohol wasn't MISSED as this person forged a new life and now looks and feels better than ever.

This relative didn't just dodge a BULLET and save their life for a few extra years.  The news came in from the liver doctor this week that the liver has totally recovered, there is no more cirrhosis.

Even the doctor is shocked as he's never seen that happen.  All evidence of scar tissue is gone, the liver has totally regenerated.  This person has a normal prognosis for someone their age as far as life span and no longer has to say, "I've got a major organ with an expiration date."

I'm ready to dance a BALLET in celebration, if i knew how.


Today is:

Armed Forces Flag Day -- India

Day of Mourning for Dingle-Fritter, Gooseberry-Humple, Tiger-Get-By, LoneFolding, But Not Zimber-Quattor -- Fairy Calendar

Día de las Velitas -- Columbia (Day of the Little Candles, a celebration on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

Feast of Osiris in Abydos -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Hang a Wreath Day -- after all, by now it's about time

International Civil Aviation Day -- UN

Letter Writing Day -- no origin info found, but think of how happy someone will be to get a letter if you write one!

National Cotton Candy Day

National Heroes' Day/Memorial Day -- East Timor

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day  -- US

Quema del Diablo -- Guatemala (Burning of the Devil, to cast out impurities before the Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

Special Kids Day -- a day to make sure special needs kids get to visit Santa with whatever accommodations they require

St. Ambrose of Milan's Day (Patron of bee keepers, bees, candle makers/chandlers, domestic animals, learning, schoolchildren/students, wax refiners; French Commissariat; Milan, Italy)

Students' Day -- Iran

Spitak Remembrance Day -- Armenia

Urdhyauli Parwa -- Nepal (a festival of the Kirati People, celebration of the animals' annual migration down from the mountaintops)

Anniversaries Today:

National Fire Safety Council founded, 1979

Delaware becomes the first US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Aaron Carter, 1987

Tino Martinez, 1967

C. Thomas Howell, 1966

Edd Hall, 1958

Larry Bird, 1956

Tom Waits, 1949

Johnny Bench, 1947

Harry Chapin, 1942

Ellen Burstyn, 1932

Ted Knight, 1923

Eli Wallach, 1915

Louis Prima, 1910

Willa Cather, 1873

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"City of Angels"(Musical), 1989

"Band on the Run"(Album), 1973 (UK release date)

"The Gondoliers; or, The King of Barataria"(Savoy Opera), 1889

Today in History:

Marcus Tullius Cicero is assassinated, BC43

Chinese Emperor Lo-Yang makes notation of a supernova (MSH15-52), 185

Connecticut Route 108, one of the oldest highways in the US, is completed to Trumbull, 1696

The Royal Opera House opens at Covent Garden, London, 1732

Marquis de Lafayette attempts to enter the American military as a major general, 1776

The New York Philharmonic plays its first concert, 1842

Max Planck, in his house at Grunewald, on the outskirts of Berlin, discovers the law of black body emission, 1900

Leo Baekeland of Yonkers patents the first thermosetting plastic, Bakelite, 1911

The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, 1941

Prince Rainier III of Monaco revises the principality's constitution, devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils, 1962

The first ever general election on the basis of direct adult franchise is held in Pakistan for 313 National Assembly seats, 1970

The final Apollo mission is launched, and takes the photo now called The Blue Marble as they take off, 1972

Yasser Arafat recognizes the right of Israel to exist, 1988

The Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter, a little more than six years after it was launched, 1995

The Recording Industry Association of America files a lawsuit against the Napster file-sharing client alleging copyright infringement, 1999

The Conservative Party of Canada is officially recognized after the merger of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 2003

Scientists in Tanzania discover the oldest-known dinosaur fossil, and 243-million-year-old Nyasasaurus, 2012

NASA reports the GRAIL probes studying the moon reveal unexpectedly deep cracks, craters and tectonic structures, 2012

Beijing issues its first ever red alert for pollution, 2015

Naples' pizza spinning, Germany's organ music, Kyrgystan's Kok boru and India's Kumbh festival are all given UNESCO intangible heritage status, 2017

Breaking, the competitive form of breakdancing, is confirmed as an Olympic sport for the Paris 2024 games, 2020


  1. That is truly WONDERFUL news. Hooray for fresh beginnings.

  2. I want one too :-) I can't remember the last time I used a notepad apart from the one on the PC heheh!

    Have a padtastic week 👍

  3. Fun notepad. What a wonderful story about the liver. The body and mind can do amazing things.

  4. What? No fences?

    I am erecting a fence on our stairs.

    God bless.

  5. I love the notepad. I could have used that when I was working.

    I wish you had a new vehicle so you could quit worrying about transportation.

    Love your use of the prompts. I love a happy ending.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  6. At our house my wife celebrates National Wreath Day several times a least once per season.

  7. Oh yeah that's a good pad to have. And since it's National Hang a wreath day and ours is already up maybe now we can put something on it like berries or something. :-)

  8. That is a great story. Truly a miracle. XO

  9. This is really a beautiful story and I do hope it is true, except for the automobile issues, of course.

  10. Fun notepad and awesome story ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. That is wonderful news about the liver regenerating.

  12. I wonder who the fearless leader is right now?

    Have a wonderful day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. Cool notepad and WOW, what wonderful news about your family member! I have not of anything like this happening before but I think this is God's handiwork, don't you? I hope you get good news on your vehicle. Have a wonderful Christmas season, my friend!

  14. That is an amazing and wonderful story. A liver regenerating? We love a happy ending!

  15. That is such fabulous news and we're happy to read about such a wonderful miracle this Holy season.

  16. Such wonderful news. I'm happy to hear it!

  17. I can sympathise with you about your car: At the end of October, after 22 years, I had to say goodbye to my car.
    Re the recovery of your relative one thought spontaneously came to my mind: What a man's will can achieve! Wonderful.

  18. The liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate if given a decent chance. Coming back from heavy scarring is pretty amazing though. I hope Lunceford limps along for a few months longer than anyone expects.

  19. Wow, that's a miracle! Let's hope for a miracle for your cars as well. Well written.

  20. A great notepad and a wonderful recovery. A joyous post indeed!

  21. It's good to know that people can recover, given the right treatment, encouragement and incentive. Well done!

  22. Yeah, I want that notepad!
    The body truly is a miraculous thing. But I wonder how many prayers went into that complete recovery!


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