Saturday, October 28, 2023

Busy All Around, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Another busy week, another busy Thankful Day.

In excellent news, the shelter got their Facebook page back!  Several weeks ago, scammers managed to hack into their page and put up ads asking for a $300 "deposit" to "adopt" purebred animals, both cats and dogs.

Repeated requests to Facebook for help, constant attempts to get someone to do more than just file away the reports our director was making were getting nowhere.

Thankfully, she heard about another rescue which got into the same bind and she asked them for tips on how to get it taken care of.  They gave her the direct contact info for the one person in all of Facebook who could get them their page back, and had it within an hour of his getting the message.

Yes, Facebook has only one person who can help a non-profit get their hacked page back.  No, messages about a hacked page belonging to a non-profit do not automatically go to this person, you have to track him down yourself.

Anyway, we're most thankful to have the page back, it's how most of the fundraisers were run, through that page.

Saturday was just a good, all around day.  The trip to NOLA and cleaning had no drips, runs or errors.

When i got to Becca's Sunday morning she was still asleep.  After i woke her, she went to put her retainers in the bowl with no prompting, another star for her!  I'm thankful the reward system is really helping her form good habits and she's not sleeping most of the day away because of staying up all night.

The evening Zoom meeting was another good one, i'm always thankful for an excellent discussion at a Bible study.

I hit the ground running Monday and got Carl's place in almost record time, then Ms. S.  She was gone a good while as i worked, so there was no stopping to chat.  This worked to me advantage as we had Kevin and Lenny's that afternoon.

I'm thankful Sweetie was able to help, thankful all 3 jobs got done to everyone's satisfaction, and thankful i don't do such long days as rule any more, they are now the exception.

Ms. G was back in town and we got to real world test her generator.  It worked just fine and she's most thankful, as am i since without electricity there's generally no work for me to do.

Ms. V's place went well Thursday, i was thankful i even got done early enough to get to the bank.

#1 Son needed a ride to work Friday so he could get his oil changed in his car, i was thankful Sweetie was able to do that.

Mr. BA's car wouldn't start that morning, the battery was gone, so Ms. GA brought him to prayer group and he was going to leave early with her.  I was thankful to be able to offer him a ride, as i go to their house anyway.

There's some sad thankful news which needs a bit of background.  When they married, Mr. BA the cat lover was feeding several feral cats hanging at his house.  Most of them were female, most of them were pregnant.  He was just feeding every cat which showed up, and it was getting to be more and more.

Ms. GA stepped in, got local rescues involved, got all the cats TNRed and they have run a feral colony since, all of their house cats have come out of strays which wandered up to join the group (except Abigail, a rescue lady gave her to Ms. GA for free because they didn't think the kitten would survive anyway).

Over the years, the ferals have died off and of the original babies born during that period, only Lewis and Miss Alice, both of whom are 17-18 years old, were left.

Miss Alice has been going downhill, not eating, and Thursday she actually came into the house to stay.  We could tell she was in pain and asking for relief, so old and worn and sad.  She was feral enough in her heyday she would have taken off any hand which tried to pet her.

Yesterday i was thankful to not just pet her, but hold her and comfort her, getting her into the carrier.  Mr. BA took her to the vet where she was helped to the Rainbow Bridge.

We're thankful to have known her, thankful she didn't just run off to die alone and in pain as so many animals do, and thankful she's well and happy again.  I'm also thankful they gave her a good life, 17+ years is a good, long life for a feral cat.

Miss Alice, who at one time was nicknamed Phat Alice.

I arrived at the shelter to find the adoptions manager almost dozing at his desk, his day had been so boring.  For some reason, within about 20 minutes the place was full, potential adopters were all over, and we watched and did our volunteer work as several kitties were spoken for (preadopted) and one went home.  All of us were thankful for the nice ending to the day.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bring Your Jack-O-Lantern to Work Day -- just check the fire code before you light that candle

Buffalo Racing Festival -- Chonburi, Thailand (lots of water buffalo contests, including fancy dress!)

Celtic Tree Month Negetal (Reed) begins

Dia do Servidor Publico -- Brazil (Civil Servants' Day)

Fall Back Night -- all areas that end Daylight Saving Time tomorrow; set your clock back one hour before you go to bed and change the batteries in your smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors (Aland Islands; Albania; Andorra; Antarctica (Troll Station); Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Guernsey; Hungary; Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Jersey; Kosovo; Latvia; Lebanon; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City[Holy See])

     Note:  This does not apply to the United States, we have one more week of "summer time" left

Flying Baby Day -- celebrating the first baby born on an airplane on this day in 1929

Forgiveness Day -- a day to reconcile or forgive, for your own peace of mind; sponsored by Positive Peaceful Partners and the Center of Unconditional Love 

Full Hunter's Moon/Full Blood Moon/Full Sanguine Moon (some also consider this the true Harvest Moon, if last month's came too early)

     Boun Ok Phansa and Ventiane -- Laos (end of "Buddist Lent" and a traditional boat race festival starting tomorrow with hundreds of decorated candle-lit floats made of paper set adrift in the rivers)

     Kojagrat Purnima -- Nepal (end of Dashain)

     Thadingyut Full Moon/"Buddhist Lent" ends -- Myanmar (begins at sunset, through tomorrow)

     Vap Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka

Fyribod (or Forebode) -- Ancient Norse Calendar (announces the beginning of winter; date approximate)

Gormánuðr -- Old Icelandic Calendar (beginning of "Innards Month," after all the animals have been butchered and fresh innards figure predominantly in the menu, as the rest of the meat has been preserved for winter)

Hari Sumpah Pemuda -- Indonesia (Youth Pledge Day)

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade -- Long Beach, CA, US (dress up your dog and have a howling good time)

Independence Day -- Czechoslovakia (from Austria-Hungary in 1918; still celebrated in the Czech Republic and Slovakia)

International Animation Day -- ASIFA (to honor the day Emile Reynaud presented the first animation to the public)

Isia -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (dates approximate; first day of the 6 day Isis festival)

Lakshmi Puja -- OR, TR, WB, India (Hindu celebration during the Festival of Lights)

Make A Difference Day -- US (Whoopie Goldberg once said that if every American would donate 5 volunteer hours a week, it would be the equivalent of several million full time jobs; whether or not it's strictly accurate, volunteering is a great thing to do no matter where you live.  This day is no longer sponsored, but if you are looking for volunteer opportunities in your area, go here.)   

Milvian Bridge Day -- Christain (day to reflect on the interrelationship of religion and government)

National Chocolate Day

Okunchi Matsuri -- Karatsu, Japan (with floats that date back to the 1800s; through the 30th)

Oxi Day / Greek National Day -- Greece (Sometimes "Ochi" or "Ohi", literally "No Day", celebrating resistance to Mussolini.)

Pit Bull Awareness Day -- it's not the breed, it's the owner   

Plush Animal Lovers' Day -- internet generated; celebrate your love of stuffed animals today

Runic Half-month Hagal (hailstone) begin

St. Jude Thaddeus' Day (Patron of desperate or hopeless cases -- the reason Danny Thomas chose this saint to invoke as patron of the hospital he helped found.)

St. Paraskevi of Iconium's Day (Patron of fairs and traders; in Russia, patron of marriage; associated in Ukrain with Mokosh, the ancient women's divinity, and celebrated on the final Friday of the month)

St. Simon the Zealot's Day (Patron of curriers, sawmen, tanners)

Wild Foods Day -- as in, grown or caught in the wild (please be careful if you like mushrooms and want to gather your own!)

Anniversaries Today:

Statue of Liberty dedicated, 1886

Maimonides College is founded, 1867 (first Jewish college in the US)

R.H. Macy & Co. in NYC opens, 1858

Founding of Harvard University, 1636

Universidad Santo Tomas Aquino is established, 1538 (first university in the New World)

Birthdays Today:

Matt Smith, 1982

Joaquin Phoenix, 1974

Brad Paisley, 1972

Jeremy Davies, 1969

Julia Roberts, 1967

Andy Richter, 1966

Jami Gertz, 1965

Daphne Zuniga, 1962

Lauren Holly, 1963

Bill Gates, 1955

Annie Potts, 1952

Bruce Jenner, 1949

Telma Hopkins, 1948

Dennis Franz, 1944

Jane Alexander, 1939

Charlie Daniels, 1936

Cleo Laine, 1927

Jonas Salk, 1914

Francis Bacon, 1909

Edith Head, 1907

Howard Hanson, 1896

Georges Auguste Escoffier, 1846

Desiderius Erasmus, 1467

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Jack Benny Program"(TV), 1950

"Dead End"(Play), 1935

Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Pathetique(Tchaikovsky Op. 74), 1893

Today in History:

Constantine the Great defeats Maxentius, 312

Battle of Yaunis Khan in which Turkish forces under the Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha defeat the Mameluks near Gaza, 1516

Battle of Amba Sel, in which Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi again defeats the army of Lebna Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia; the southern part of Ethiopia falls under Imam Ahmad's control, 1531

Peruvian cities of Lima & Callao are demolished by an earthquake, 18,000 die, 1746

Eli Whitney applies for a patent on the cotton gin, 1793

The first railroad in Spain, between Barcelona and Mataro, is opened, 1848

The Statue of Liberty is dedicated by President Grover Cleveland, and celebrated by the first ticker tape/confetti parade in NYC, 1886

An earthquake strikes Mino-Owari, Japan, kills 7,300, 1891

Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Pathétique, receives its première performance in St. Petersburg, only nine days before the composer's death, 1893

The St. Louis police try a new investigation method -- fingerprints, 1904

Czechoslovakia gains its independence in the break up of Austria-Hungary, 1918

The Volstead Act, passed by Congress over Wilson's veto, starts Prohibition, 1919

The first coast to coast radio broadcast of a football game, 1922

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt rededicates the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary, 1936

The Alaska Highway (Alcan Highway) is completed through Canada to Fairbanks, Alaska, 1942

Swiss chemist Paul Müller is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the insecticidal properties of DDT, 1948

The modern Kingdom of the Netherlands is re-founded as a federal monarchy, 1954

Nikita Khrushchev announces that he had ordered the removal of Soviet missile bases in Cuba, 1962

Nostra Aetate, the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions" of the Second Vatican Council, is promulgated by Pope Paul VI; it absolves the Jews of responsibility for the death of Jesus, 1965*

Britain launches its first satellite, Prospero, into low Earth orbit atop a Black Arrow carrier rocket, 1971

The centenary of the dedication of the Statue of Liberty is celebrated in New York Harbor, 1986

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner becomes the first woman elected President of Argentina, 2007

The US celebrates the 125th anniversary of the dedication of the Statue of Liberty, 2011

The World Health Organization ranks tuberculosis alongside HIV as 2014's two deadliest infectious diseases, 2015

The EU agrees to another Brexit extension to January 31 2020, 2019

The fifteenth-century medieval manuscript "The Book of Lismore", returns to Ireland after being donated by Chatsworth Settlement to University College Cork, 2020

Palestinian authorities in Jericho, West Bank unveil the restored floor mosaic in Hisham's Palace, one of the world's largest floor mosaics and dating from 660-750AD, 2021

Swedish engineers produce the world's first female crash test dummy which is not just a scaled down version of the male model, 2022


  1. Thank you for helping Miss Alice end her days gently. And hooray for all the other thankfulnesses too.

  2. It's a disgusting crime when people do things like hack into Facebook or your own personal accounts. Glad that's cleaned up for now. How Sweet for Miss Alice to have had such loving people take care of her for all these long years. She'll be safe forever now.

  3. Thank you for all your good works with cats.

    God bless.

  4. wow! What a day you had and so many thankfuls ~ you are an angel ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. How sad about Alice, but at least she didn't have to die alone. Glad the shelter got their FB page back. That sounds like an awful ordeal. XO

  6. Those were good thankfuls and we're thankful for the care Miss Alice received even in the end. Hooray for adoptions!

  7. " had no drips, runs or errors."
    Very good line!

  8. I'm sure Becca's parents are very thankful for you!
    My oldest son has a colony of feral cats in his backyard that he has TNRed. It really is a labor of love. Sad news about Miss Alice, but how nice she was able to be cared for.

  9. Sweet Miss Alice! She knew she was loved. I had no idea you EVER could talk to someone at facebook with a problem, so it's good to know there really is a person there!


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