Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Work, Wires, and Knowing Where It Is, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post



It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl had been testing negative for Covid for 3 days and was cleared to go back to work.  His parents, thank heaven, didn't get it this time.

Ms. V wanted to keep him home for one more day to recover, but it was deemed safe for me to come, wearing mask, shield and gloves, and clean his empty room.

Safe for whom? i thought to myself as i tripped over the shoes he'd pulled out of his closet and that were everywhere.  Please note, he has not left the house for almost ten days, does not wear shoes in the house in any but the coldest months, and his slippers were still on the shoe shelf.

That, however, was later in the morning.

First, because he wasn't going to work so i wouldn't need to rush him out the door, i went to Ms. G's and tended her cat and fed all the outdoor critters.

When i arrived at Carl's place, he heard me unlock the door (he has hyperacute hearing, just like my Bigger Girl), stuck his head out of his apartment into the hall to the main house and said gleefully, "I have one more sick day!"

Yes, you do, i told him, but i have to clean that room of yours so you'll have to have your nap on your chair in the living room.

With that, i headed to laundry room and he got into his robe to head for the main part of the house and further snoozing.  He stopped for a snack in the kitchen and i was able to ask him about the state of cleanliness of certain items in said laundry room.

Through the morning he only came in his room once, to grab his toothbrush and take it to the hall bathroom.  He also stopped me as i was getting cleaning supplies and said, "Did you see my X-box?"

Yes, i told him, and i have not touched it, i have cleaned around it and it's still right where you left it.

At least he's been keeping himself entertained.

I also found plenty of evidence his parents had been making him stay mostly in his room.  There was food, extra condiments, and the usual lids all over, some of which needed to be reunited with the items they are supposed to seal.

He's obviously been well stocked.

His table, with the requisite crumbs and a lid that belongs on top of something.

Now, where can it be?

Reunited and it feels so good!
(sorry, i couldn't resist the song lyric)

He'd had plenty of time to get everything into disarray, so everything that belongs here

See the empty spots?

was here

There it all went!

and so it went through the room.

Carl had also managed to loosen the screw on one of his chair legs again.  It comes loose on a regular basis, so as always i grabbed an Allen wrench/hex key and got it tightened up again until next time.

He mostly napped the whole morning away, and when i left after 5 hours he was back in his sleep chair, a smile on his face.  No one in that family likes early mornings, i think they want the morning to start at noon.

Meanwhile, my Sweetie was having his problems with Slow-Moe the car.  Some of you may remember it was giving us fits off and on, on when with us and off when with the mechanics at Kevin and Lenny's.

It went haywire again Friday right after the shop closed for the weekend.  Yesterday morning, it wouldn't start at all, total silence.

Then, ten minutes later, Sweetie got in to try again and it fired right up and no warning lights on.  He drove it to the shop and they said they'd try to track it down.

It was a loose wire!  When we'd had all the computer work done on it last year, the panel over where all that computer stuff is wasn't properly attached and so a wire had loosened and now it's all put back together.

Poor car, i think i've had a few loose wires and screws myself for years now.

In honor of loose screws, sick days and "everything in it's (wrong) place,” some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Festival of Bacchus/Dionysus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting the old and new wine and celebrating the harvest)

Independence Day -- Iraq,

Kae Chun Jul -- Korea (National Foundation Day, BC 2333)

Morazan Day -- Honduras (Soldier's Day, trad.)

National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day -- internet generated; celebrate these beauties today, no matter where you are

National Carmel Custard Day

Nobel Conference 59 -- Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, US (annual two-day symposium, this year, Insects: Little Body, Big Impact)

Oschophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (in honor of the return of Theseus after killing the Minotaur; deities celebrated were Dionysius and either Athena or Ariadne, depending on the source cited; date approximate)

Relief of Leiden Day -- Netherlands

Reunification Day/Unity Day-- Germany

Sts. Ewald the Black and Ewald the Fair's Day (Patrons of Westphalia)

Techies' Day -- give your techies some well-deserved appreciation

Birthdays Today:

Neve Campbell, 1973

Gwen Stefani, 1969

Janel Maloney, 1969

Clive Owen, 1964

Jack P. Wagner, 1959

Dennis Eckersley, 1954

Stevie Ray Vaughan, 1954

Dave Winfield, 1951

Lindsey Buckingham, 1949

Roy Horn, 1944

Chubby Checker, 1941

Erik Bruhn, 1928

Gore Vidal, 1925

James Herriot (James Alfred Wight), 1916

Harvey Kurtzman, 1902

William Crawford Gorgas, 1854

George Bancroft, 1800

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"L.A. Law"(TV), 1986

"Scarecrow and Mrs. King"(TV), 1983

"Quincy"(TV), 1976

"The Dick Van Dyke Show"(TV), 1961

"The Andy Griffith Show"(TV), 1960

"The Pat Boone Show"(TV), 1957

"The Real McCoys"(TV), 1957

"Captain Kangaroo"(TV), 1955

"The Mickey Mouse Club"(TV), 1955

"Father Knows Best"(TV), 1954

"Our Miss Brooks"(TV), 1952

"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"(TV), 1952

"The Maltese Falcon(Film, NYC release), 1941

Today in History:

The state of Gojoseon (modern-day Korea) is founded by Dangun Wanggeom during the reign of the Chinese emperor Yao, BC2333

The siege and battle of Alesia is ended by the surrender of Vercingetorix, leader of the Gauls, to Julius Caesar, BC52

Julius Caesar's assassins suffer a decisive defeat at the First Battle of Phillipi, BC42

Jews are expelled from Eger, Bohemia, 1430

The Duke of Montrose issues a warrant for the arrest of Rob Roy MacGregor, 1712

British Captain James Cook anchors in Alaska, 1778

General Napoleon Bonaparte first rises to national prominence being named to defend the French National Convention against armed counter-revolutionary rioters, 1795

George Washington proclaims the first national Thanksgiving Day will be held on Nov. 26, 1789

American author Edgar Allan Poe is found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore, Maryland under mysterious circumstances; it is the last time he is seen in public before his death, 1849

J.S. Thurman patents a motor-driven vacuum cleaner, 1899

The first conference on wireless telegraphy agrees to adopt SOS as the warning signal and sign of distress, 1906

Leon Trotsky, Adolph Joffe, Matvey Skobelev and other Russian exiles in Vienna, Austria, found the Pravda newspaper, 1908

Mrs. W.H. Felton, of Georgia, becomes the first woman seated in the US Senate, 1922

A V-2 /A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany is the first man-made object to reach space, 1942

The United Kingdom successfully tests a nuclear weapon, 1952

Germany is reunified, 1990

Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy is attacked by one of the show's tigers, 2003

Archaeologists on the Egypt-Gaza border find the first evidence of a 2,000-year-old city, 2010

The Nobel Prize for Physics is awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves," 2017

The first exomoon, a moon outside of this solar system and about the size of Neptune, is discovered 8,000 light-years away by astronomers at Columbia University, 2018

Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Svante Pääbo for research into the genomes of extinct hominids and sequencing the genome of Neanderthals, 2022


  1. I am glad that Carl is over this bout - and that he didn't share it. Thanks for the funnies, many of which apply here.

  2. As always, Maxine is the best! Glad your car is fixed and it was nothing major. These days with all the tech, no one thinks to check on simple things like cables and wires. Next week Carl should be out at work so you will be able to clean in peace.

  3. Although cleaning up after Carl when he hasn't been out for so many days is clearly a herculean task, the good luck with the car provided a nice balance.

  4. Glad Carl is well again. I missed the Carl adventure last week. All is well now. I got my whirlwind back. He's a hoot.

    Love all the funnies. I've had a screw loose for years. Sorry about the car issue, but glad it wasn't a horrible or expensive fix.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  5. Great humorous post ~ Carl keeps you busy ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. That almost should be hazard pay at Carl's place LOL. Those were really good funnies!

  7. If I walked into that mess, I would have to go home sick. :)

  8. You write about it all very well. I thought you were talking about MY husband. He leaves piles of stuff wherever he goes and then gets upset when he can't find something. I gave up trying to change things.

  9. Those funnies are great! Love this whole post.

  10. Mimi, I respect you so such for what you do for Carl & his family. I jut hope you don't sick after all of this. Keep strong my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Another chapter in Carl's interesting life, great funnies too.


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