Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Don’t Hold the Ice...Chest, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl's back at work, which is good, and back to his normal hours instead of his shortened summer hours.

He was already awake and eating breakfast when i arrived, so i wrapped an apron around him and grabbed the keys to his car.

It's been very cool in the mornings, jacket weather, but the afternoons are still hot enough that he might want his ice vest by then.  This means i have to check to see if he's packed it, or anything.

He had not.  In fact, the ice chest was still in the trunk from last week with the thawed ice packs, a now room temperature bottle of iced tea, and a half eaten donut.  I'd barely gotten that in the door when he decided he wanted to talk to me.

"I'm tired," he said, and i commiserated with him.  Then he explained why.  "Well, Friday I got together with my friend Price, and then I went to see Sam on Saturday, and I saw her on Sunday, too, at church.  When I went on Saturday, I took food over there.

"We went to the library, they had the fair.  There were robots."

He was cooped up so much during his 10 days of Covid isolation he hasn't stopped running around since, according to his mother, and i believe it.

He spoke more about it as i rushed about, getting his lunch.  I'd pulled out a cheese stick and a fruit cup, and while i was gathering the sandwich material (he wanted brioche bread with butter, smoked turkey, and avocado) the fruit cup disappeared.  He was eating it, along with the cereal and all the other stuff he had on the table.  I grabbed another and loaded it in the lunch box before he could abscond with it, too.

While digging, i found a mushy, black banana in the fridge.  When i asked why it was in there he just looked at me and said, "It's a mystery."

I also found the jam jar, liberally spread with butter, on the counter.  The lid, with the offending buttery knife, was on the table.  Life is an eating adventure for him and a cleaning adventure for everyone around him.

Then he started talking about how the doctor where he goes to get his flu shot has changed, and how he's lost the credit card again.

I managed to get his ice chest and lunch box packed and in the car, and as he was supposed to be heading out the door, he stopped and said, "Where did I put the library booklet about the sketch program?"

After telling him i'd be on the lookout for it, he grabbed another ice vest.

You don't need that, i told him, snatching it back.  You already have one in the trunk and it has ice packs in it already.  He left it reluctantly and i added that he needed to remember to bring the ice chest in when he got home and put everything away, he'd left it in the trunk to thaw over the weekend.

"Yeah, okay, okay!" he said in the tone of voice he uses when he really means, "Don't nag me!"  I just laughed and he left for work.  I'm sure that ice chest was still in the car when he got up this morning.

Meanwhile, i figured the few damp clothes in the washer needed a rewash and i tackled the room.

That doesn't show all of it, of course.

While loading his ice chest and putting cold packs in his vest, i found he'd saved one popsicle in the freezer.

There was also evidence he'd been to the library to the fair.  It's called the "maker faire" and there are lots of fun things to see and do.  He'd made a bookmark.

He's just a big kid.

There's always something to wonder about, and this week it was, how in the world did he get the clothes on the hanger this way?

As usual, about 4 1/2 total hours of work and 3 large loads of laundry, and the place was much better.

In honor of nagging, some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Alex Kivi Day a/k/a Kivi Day -- Finland (The Day of Finnish Literature)

Arbor Day -- Poland

Bonza Bottler Day

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Squid Day/Cuttlefish Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; today, celebrate the tentacular species

Curacao Day -- Curacao

Double Tenth Day/National Day -- China; Taiwan (In remembrance of the revolution against the Imperial Manchu Dynasty.)

Face Your Fears Day -- Stephen Hughes encourages you to use this as a day to try to do something you've always been afraid to do     

Festival for Juno Moneta -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Juno as goddess of money)

Hangeul Day -- South Korea

Independence Day / Deed of Cession Day -- Fiji(1970)

Journee Nationale de la Femme Marocaine -- Morocco (National Women's Day)

Kruger Day -- South Africa

KWP Foundation Day -- North Korea (1945)

Maroons Day -- Suriname (celebration of indigenous peoples)

Moi Day -- Kenya

National Angel Food Cake Day

National Cake Decorating Day -- some websites say today, some say the 17th

National Handbag Day -- started by www.PurseBlog.com

Naval Academy Day -- US

St. Francis Borgia's Day (Patron of Portugal; Rota, Marianas; against earthquakes)

St. Paulinus of York's Day (Patron of Rochester, England)

Tag der Volksabstimmung -- Austria (Referendum Day)

War of Independence Anniversary -- Cuba

World Day Against the Death Penalty -- International

World Homeless Day -- no one should be homeless   

World Mental Health Day -- International

World Porridge Day -- celebrating Scotland's traditional national dish    

Anniversaries Today:

Edward M. Kennedy, Jr., marries Katherine Anne "Kiki" Gershman, 1993

Richard Burton marries Elizabeth Taylor, 1975 (second time)

The United States Naval Academy opened with 50 midshipmen and 7 professors, 1845

Birthdays Today:

Adrian Grenier, 1976

Bob Burnquist, 1976

Dale Earnhardt, Jr., 1974

Mario Lopez, 1973

Brett Favre, 1969

Daniel Pearl, 1963

Tanya Tucker, 1958

David Lee Roth, 1955

Nora Roberts, 1950

Jessica Harper, 1949

Charles Dance, 1946

Ben Vereen, 1946

Harold Pinter, 1930

Richard Jaeckel, 1926

Thelonious Monk, 1917

Edward D. Wood, Jr., 1924

Helen Hayes, 1900

Giuseppe Verdi, 1813

Henry Cavendish, 1731 (discovered hydrogen)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Upstairs, Downstairs"(TV), 1971

"The Bob Newhart Show"(TV), 1962

"Milk and Honey"(Musical), 1961

"Porgy and Bess"(Folk opera), 1935

"Die Chinesische Mauer/The Great Wall of China"(Play), 1946

The Tuxedo, 1886 (introduced at The Tuxedo Club in New York)

Today in History:

The Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000 to 30,000 in the Carribean, 1780

The first non-Native American settlement is founded in Oklahoma, 1802

William Lassell discovers Neptune's moon Triton, 1846

The first "Dinner Jacket" is worn to the Autumn Ball at Tuxedo Park, NY, 1886

President Woodrow Wilson triggers the explosion of the Gamboa Dike thus ending construction on the Panama Canal, 1913

Ho Chi Minh enters Hanoi after the French pull out of the city, 1954

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologizes to the finance minister of Ghana, Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, after he is refused service in a Dover, Delaware restaurant, 1957

The Windscale fire in Cumbria, U.K. is the world's first major nuclear accident, 1957

The opening ceremony at The 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, is broadcast live in the first Olympic telecast relayed by geostationary communication satellite, 1964

The Outer Space Treaty, signed on January 27 by more than sixty nations, comes into force, 1967

In Montreal, Quebec, a national crisis hits Canada when Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte becomes the second statesman kidnapped by members of the FLQ terrorist group, 1970

Sold, dismantled and moved to the United States, London Bridge reopens in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 1971

After having closed borders for about two hundred years, Armenia and Turkey sign protocols in Zurich, Switzerland to open their borders, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI adds Arabic to the languages in which the weekly Vatican address is broadcast, 2012

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi for their work in advocating children's rights; 17-year-old Yousafzai, who was shot by Taliban in retaliation for her activism, is the youngest recipient in history, 2014

For the first time since the Islamic revolution, 3,500 women in Iran are allowed to attend a football match for a World Cup qualifier in Tehran, 2019

The Nobel Prize for Economics is awarded to Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig for discoveries which can improve how society deals with financial crises, 2022


  1. Carl is a handful. His space looks MUCH better after you have been through.

  2. At least Carl tries to get the clothes on the hangers.
    I like the lioness nagging the lion :)

  3. As usual your stories of Carl have me laughing and admiring your patience.
    Porridge day - I'm going to pass on that one!

  4. Nice to hear Carl is well and had his share of fun visiting friends and church. And back to normal getting ready for work, lol. Fun nagging cartoons.

  5. We are amazed by your patience with Carl every week. At first it would be a challenge, maybe funny, but then Mom would lose her mind and quit. You are truly a saint with him.

  6. Carl is a fascinating person. He would make a great main character for a novel.

  7. "It's a mystery." I love it. Carl is a hoot. He must just make your day Mimi. Sometimes my daughter just makes me angry but most of the time I just love her. She's great.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. I love Carl. He's got a great sense of humor and so do you. You take all this in stride. Bless you. Thank you for bringing me many smiles every Tuesday.

    Love all the funnies. Men nag too. Just saying.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. Fun post with Carl and the 'naggy' cartoons ~
    You are one angel lady ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I've never thought of nagging as funny ... until now!

  11. I know I have said it before and will again-you are truly a saint. XO


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