Thursday, October 12, 2023

Text String (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Bigger Girl:  Hey, Mom, I don't know if it's because my meds are working right, or the fact that I'm about to receive my Le Cordon Bleu certification, or finding out I don't have cancer, but I am so happy here and I highly recommend the last one, finding out a scary medical thing isn't cancer and is easily treatable makes food taste better and colors look brighter, it's a 10/10 experience.

mimi:  Been there, done that, kept my mouth shut so the kids wouldn't worry, although i must say the colors aren't going to get brighter for me until i can get the &x>$*'Z>x! cataracts out.

Bigger Girl:  Hopefully that's soon, and I'd say try looking for different doctors but hey, that takes time and I know you're busier than a one-eyed cat trying to watch two mouse holes.

mimi:  They say, "your cataracts aren't ripe yet" which in medical speak means, "your insurance won't pay yet."  But it's okay, it'll happen sooner or later and meanwhile, The Good Lord is good.

Bigger Girl:  I know, just drive carefully until then, and know I'm hissing in the general direction of your insurance company!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Text.  (My Bigger Girl sends the best texts i get, as you can tell.)   


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

It's that time of year again.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I got winded coming down the stairs,

but we got it here without a goof,

Now I gotta take a break

before I hoist this to the roof,

then someone set the strap,

and the move will be foolproof!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for Brian and his Dad, who is the "thumbs" behind the Brian's Home Blog.  Brian, the cat who started it all with his Dad, went to the "Rainbow Bridge" this past Monday.  His blog header now reads, "Brian is Home, Forever."

They have hosted the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop for much longer than i've known them, and i am most thankful they really do welcome new bloggers who want to link up.  Theirs is a most special family, and i'm thankful they will continue Brian's legacy and this hop which is dedicated to celebrating all the blessings in our lives.


Today is:

Ayathrem -- Zoroastrianism (feast of bringing the herds and flocks home, a five-day feast, dates approximate)

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Fossil Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; today, for all the "incredible suckers that have gone extinct"

Child Rambunctiousness Appreciation Day -- remembering back to when we didn't say every kid with ants in his/her pants needed drugs

Children's Day / Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida -- Brazil

Day of Fortuna Redux -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of successful journeys and lucky homecomings, favored by travelers and soldiers)

Day of Giving the Black Land to Horus and the Red Land to Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

"Discovery" of America by Columbus, actual date; most government holidays will be on the Monday nearest this date

     Columbus Day -- Turks and Caicos Islands; US and Territories

     Descubrimiento de América -- Mexico

     Día de la Hispanidad or Fiesta Nacional de España -- Spain

     Dia de la Raza -- Latin America and especially Guatemala (Day of the Race, or Day of the Natives)

     Día de la Resistencia Indígena -- Venezuela (Day of Indigenous Resistance)

     Dia de las Americas/Descubrimiento de America -- Uruguay

     Dia de las Culturas -- Costa Rica (Day of the Cultures)

     Dia del Descubrimiento de dos Mundos -- Chile

     Discovery Day -- Bahamas

     Encuentro de Dos Mundos -- Ecuador

     National Heritage Day -- Turks and Caicos Islands

     Pan America Day -- Belize

Fiesta Nacional de Espana -- Spain (National Day/Hispanity Day)

Freethought Day -- celebration by Freethinkers of the effective ending date of the Salem witch trials

Independence Day -- Equatorial Guinea(1968)

International Moment of Frustration Scream Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, who want you to go outside at 1200GMT and scream for 30 seconds so we can all get it out of our systems 

National Gumbo Day

National Pulled Pork Day

Native American's Day -- often celebrated on both the observed and the traditional Columbus Day; a day to mourn Native American victims of conquest and oppression, make peace, and celebrate the empowerment of Native Americans

Old Farmers Day -- an unsponsored day, and any day is a good day to honor the men and women who work hard to grow our food

St. Edwin of Northumbria's Day (Patron of converts, hoboes/tramps, homeless people, kings, parents of large families)

St. Wilfred of York's Day (Patron of Middlesbrough, England; Ripon, England)

World Arthritis Day -- people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases can make their voices heard today

World Sight Day -- International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (#LoveYourEyes)    

Anniversary Today:

Day of Six Billion, 1999 (marking the world population reaching that number)

Birthdays Today:

Marion Jones, 1975

Kirk Cameron, 1970

Adam Rich, 1968

Hugh Jackman, 1968

Carlos Bernard, 1962

Ronald E. McNair, 1950

Susan Anton, 1950

Chris Wallace, 1947

Tony Kubek, 1936

Luciano Pavarotti, 1935

Dick Gregory, 1932

Charles Gordone, 1925

Jean Nidetch, 1923

Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872

Jonathan Trumbull, 1710

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Jesus Christ, Superstar"(Rock opera), 1971

"The Bob Hope Show"(TV), 1953

"The Burns and Allen Show"(TV), 1950

"Call Me Madam"(Musical). 1950

Today in History:

The army of Cyrus the Great of Persia takes Babylon, BC539

King John of England loses his crown jewels in The Wash, 1216

Nichiren, Japan's Buddhist monk who founded Nichiren Buddhism, inscribes the Dai-Gohonzon, 1279

Christopher Columbus' expedition makes landfall in the Bahamas, 1492

Massachusetts discontinues all witch trials, 1692

America's first asylum for "Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds" opens in Virginia, 1773

Bavarian royalty invites the citizens of Munich to join the celebration of the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen; this celebration becomes the founding of the first Oktoberfest, 1810

Charles Macintosh, of Scotland, sells the first raincoat, 1821

Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) is enacted by British rule in India, which named over 160 local communities 'Criminal Tribes', i.e. hereditary criminals, 1871*

President Theodore Roosevelt officially renames the "Executive Mansion" to the White House, 1901

An iron lung respirator is used for the first time at Children's Hospital, Boston, 1928

The Soviet Union launches the Voskhod 1 into Earth orbit as the first spacecraft with a multi-person crew and the first flight without space suits, 1964

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the first of five books in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy comedy science fiction series by Douglas Adams is published, 1979

The lowest recorded non-tornadic atmospheric pressure, 87.0 kPa (870 mbar or 25.69 inHg), occurred in the Western Pacific during Typhoon Tip, 1979

Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh visit the People's Republic of China, 1986

NASA loses radio contact with the Magellan spacecraft as the probe descends into the thick atmosphere of Venus, 1994

The proclaimed 6 billionth living human in the world is born, 1999

The second Chinese human spaceflight, Shenzhou 6, is launched, 2005

The first of the thirty-three miners trapped in the Copiano mining disaster, Florencio Avalos, is rescued, 2010

The customary law preventing women from inheriting their family home is overturned in Botswana, 2012

A long-lost bust of Napoleon by Auguste Rodin is confirmed found in Madison borough hall, New Jersey; it is estimated to be worth at least $4m, 2017

California becomes the first US state to pass a law banning the manufacture and sale of new fur products, 2019

Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya becomes first to run a marathon in under 2 hours (1:59:40) in Vienna, Austria, 2019

Lebanon reports its first death from Cholera since 1993, as more Syrian refugees flood the country, 2022

*Not repealed until India's independence in 1949


  1. Love the support you give and receive to and from your family.
    My heart goes out to Brian's family.

  2. Cell phones. Love them/hate them (although my mom always said "never say hate"...but in this case, lol) They provide a method by way to stay in touch at times we may not have considered we needed.
    Moving mattresses is the worst! They are so darned heavy!
    I am sorry for Brian's loss. They are as much family, if not more, than our human family members.

  3. very true (a view of life not easily attained but very worth the scary effort)

  4. I have to I've just been diagnosed with cataracts last year, and I am sure that for the next 10 probably I'll have to put up with them getting a little worse each day. Sorry yours are to the point of where you're having a bit of trouble having Clear Vision. And yes your text messages were fantastic. We know about Brian and it's very heartbreaking heartbreaking. But we are thankful that we knew him while we did.

  5. There aren't many things scarier than being told it looks like you have cancer, but the relief of finding out you do not have cancer is so huge. Mom lived through that in 2021 and it was terrible. Hopefully you can get the cataracts taken care of soon. These days it is such a simple thing to have done.

  6. Don't panic! In honour of the Hitchhiker's day. What good news and wonderful text from Bigger Girl. The colours DO look brighter after such a piece of news. And please drive carefully!
    Prayers for eyes and other ailments.

  7. My husband and I, both of whom are legally blind without our glasses, always thought it is ridiculous that insurance pays for drug treatment (which we have never needed) but pays nothing for glasses (which we do).

  8. Good news about Bigger Girl ~ sad news about Brian but wonderful tributes throughout the blog connection ~ Loving post ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. ...a one-eyed cat trying to watch two mouse holes! Best of luck shifting that mattress or whatever it is!

  10. Sounds like there is a lot on Big Girl's plate.

  11. we gotta free pea sea anda minit two say HI guyz !!!

    HI !!! happee week a head :) ♥♥

  12. I thoroughly enjoyed this highly entertaining text exchange. Congrats, btw, to Bigger Girl on her Le Cordon Bleu certification!

  13. I'm sure glad to hear that Bigger Girl is okay and congratulations on the fabulous certification! I hope you get those cataracts gone soon. Cute poem too. Thank you so much for the kind words on the passing of our Brian, I appreciate them and you so very much. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Glad your daughter is healthy. Sorry you have to wait on the cataracts. Great poem. XO

  15. Lovely conversation with Bigger Girl, good to know she is healthy and you will be too once the cataracts are done. I laughed at the image, I thought she was trying to fit that mattress into the car until I read your poem.

  16. Glad your daughter is now fine and I hope you get well soon too :)

  17. Mimi I had to wait longer than I might have wanted to have my cataract surgery because they weren't yet RIPE (Hate that picture in my mind!)....but the surgery was easy peasy and what a difference! Glad your daughter is OK - great news. Loved your poem - in fact we had a lot of really cute poems this week!

    hugs, Pam

  18. I have not been blogging, Hannah's baby shower is tomorrow and next week. things will get back to normal. I am sad to hear of Brian's passing too.I will send my condolences to them soon. I always enjoy your posts and like seeing all your shares. Thank you for all you do. HUGS

  19. I love witnessing the warmth present between you and your daughter in these texts.

  20. They say, "your cataracts aren't ripe yet"; that cracked me up!

  21. I like the hissing part :) the texts were indeed fun.


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