Saturday, July 8, 2023

Some Good, Some Bad, Like Life, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Sometimes i'm not sure where to begin on Thankful Day, which is why i generally just run through the week.  It's usually rather full.

This week is no exception, as now we have Sweetie's phone under control (it is in a case chained to his belt loop) so it was time for Brother-in-Law to lose his.

He really doesn't lose things often, unless they fall out of his soft-sided briefcase.  That's what happened, it fell out when he borrowed Sweetie's car (the A/C doesn't work in Brother-in-Law's car, and it's hot around here).  

This led to a funny story.  We were getting in the car to head to NOLA, me driving because Sweetie hates that part of the highway, and he called Brother-in-Law's phone to see if it was in the car someplace.  It started ringing, and he could hear it, so could i, but we couldn't see it.  Finally, i told him to stand up and, sure enough, Sweetie was sitting on it!  It's a very small flip phone and was deep in the seat, so it was an easy mistake to make.

We're just thankful it was found at all, and i'm thankful to get a laugh from it at the end.

During July, our church only has one service instead of 3 per Sunday because so many people are on vacation.  We're thankful the first one went well and everyone got to see people we know but don't see regularly because they attend a different service.  It's a nice change of pace.

It also means Becca and i have more time to walk Mr. Cal in the morning, and he's thankful.  So are the turtles we can now take time to feed at the pond.

We got some happy/sad news this week, but more happy than sad.  My Sweetie and i feel it's important to give back in this world, and one way we've chosen to do that is sponsoring a child.  Our child has graduated from the program, and we're happy for her and sad at the same time.  We've already been assigned another little girl to sponsor, and i'm thankful we can do this.

Ms. V asked me to swap out my cleaning schedule this week between her and her son, Carl.  It was easy to do, i'm thankful when things work out that way (and she's thankful to get the place extra clean before company comes).

We had a very quiet Independence Day, and we're thankful.

Wednesday made up for it, you rest up to be worked up.

Ms. G is always dropping her own projects to help others, and this was no exception.  She and i went to BigBox Hardware Store and bought contractor bags (we grabbed her quarter of a bag to take with us too, thankfully) and tape and boxes, then went to help friends of hers pack up so their house can be remodeled.

We got in a hurry and i didn't follow my instinct to check the baskets again, and the bags and tape got left in the cart in the parking lot.  We're thankful some kind soul turned them in at customer service and she was able to pick them up later.

We're also thankful we had some contractor bags with us for storing linens and pillows, as we were able to really get a lot done for this family.  They've been through a difficult time and we're all hopeful this will get them settled.

I was thankful, too, their sweet granddaughters were there, and one of them, in a quiet moment, let me read her a story.  I haven't had the fun of reading to a child in a while, and we read the Little Golden Book version of Heidi.

Because i'd already done the rest of Ms. V's house Monday, i was able to do Carl's room on Thursday and then the back of the house.  It turns out that takes less time than just doing the whole house at once!  I'm thankful i got home a bit early that day.

Thursday was also a day for sad news.  Becca's grandmother, her dad Mr. JH's mother, was in an accident.  We're very thankful Mr. JH managed to get to New Jersey in time to say good-bye.  

The shelter, both Wednesday morning and Friday evening, was busting at the seams.  We're thankful the shipment of food arrived just as we were about to run out (it was late because of the 4th), thankful people are coming in to adopt, and thankful for volunteers.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bald In - Bald Out Day -- sponsored by Bald Girls Do Lunch; if men can be bald and brazen, then women and children who cannot grow hair should bring bald INto their lives, and never feel on the OUTs!  

Carver Day -- George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond, MO, US

Celtic Tree Month Tinne begins (Holly)

Feast of St. Sunniva (Ancient Norse solar maiden Sunna's worship around this time of year was merged with the story of this medieval saint; Patron of Bergen, Norway and the Norwegian west coast)

Galicnik Svadba -- Galicnik, Macedonia (wedding festival, when one lucky couple gets to be married in a traditional "Galichka" style wedding, through tomorrow)

Math 2.0 Day -- celebrating the intermingling of math with technology

Nagoya Sumo Tournament -- Nagoya, Japan (one of the 6 major tournaments; through the 22nd)

National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day

Old Crafts Day -- it's listed in a few places, but i can't find the history; Old time crafts, or old crafts you've had sitting around the house and never gotten done? If you have the latter, do them or toss them!

Olive Branch Petition Day -- the final attempt, by the 13 Colonies, to avoid a complete break with England in 1775

SCUD Day (Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama) -- a good habit, on every day

Sts. Aquila and Prisca's Day

St. Kilian's Day (Patron of people with gout or rheumatism, whitewashers; Bavaria, Germany; Paderborn, Germany; Tuosist, Ireland; Wurzburg, Germany)

Video Games Day -- do they really need a day?

Vitulatio -- Ancient Roman Calendar (when Vitula was given the first fruits of the earth)

Ziegfeld Follies Day -- his first "Follies of 1907" opened on this day

Anniversary Today:

Prince Richard of Gloucester marries Birgitte Eva van Deurs, 1972

Birthdays Today

Jaden Smith, 1998

Sophia Bush, 1982

Milo Ventimiglia, 1977

Kathleen Robertson, 1973

Beck Hansen, 1970

Billy Crudup, 1968

Toby Keith, 1961

Kevin Bacon, 1958

Christopher G. Moore, 1952

Marianne Williamson, 1952

Anjelica Huston, 1951

Wolfgang Puck, 1949

Kim Darby, 1948

Raffi, 1948

Cynthia Gregory, 1946

Jeffrey Tambor, 1944

Steve Lawrence, 1935

Marty Feldman, 1933

Roone Arledge, 1931

Billy Eckstine, 1914

Nelson Rockefeller, 1908

Louis Thomas Jordan, 1908

Philip Cortelyou Johnson, 1906

Alfred Binet, 1857

John D. Rockefeller, 1839

Ferdinand von Zeppelin, 1838

Etienne De Silhouette, 1709

Today in History

Vasco da Gama sets sail on first direct European voyage to India, 1497

Charles II of England grants John Clarke a Royal Charter to Rhode Island, 1663

Battle of Restigouche – British defeat French forces in last naval battle in New France, 1760

The Olive Branch Petition is drafted by the Second Continental Congress as the Congress' last attempt to get King George III of Great Britain to reason with them, 1775

The Declaration of Independence has its first public reading, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Liberty Bell is rung, 1776

Chippewas turn over huge tract of land in Ontario to the United Kingdom, 1822

Commodore Perry sails into Tokyo Bay, 1853

The initial force of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police begin their March West, 1874

The first issue of the Wall Street Journal is published, 1889

St. John's, Newfoundland is devastated in the Great Fire of 1892

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level of the Great Depression, bottoming out at 41.22, 1932

The United States Air Force accepts its first female recruits into a program called Women in the Air Force (WAF), 1948

Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American Self-Determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination Act, 1970

The Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe creates the office of High Commissioner on National Minorities, 1992

NATO invites the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland to join the alliance, membership to become effective in two years, 1997

The Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched in the final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle program, 2011

Pope Francis condemns the 'global indifference' to the plight of immigrants who have drowned trying to reach Europe, 2013

The mission of the NASA Curiosity Mars rover begins, 2013

UNESCO declares Asmara, capital of Eritrea, a world heritage site for its Art Deco buildings, 2017

Eritrea and Ethiopia announce the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries after almost 20 years, 2018

According to new genomic study in "Nature", people from eastern Polynesia had DNA from indigenous Colombia, showing Americans and Polynesians made contact around 1200 A.D., 2020

Japan says the Olympics will be held without spectators as Tokyo announces state of emergency due to a surge in COVID-19, 2021


  1. Definitely a bit of good and bad in the week. Saying those final goodbyes is so important and I am glad it was possible.

  2. This was a good week of thankfuls. Thank you.

  3. Pretty funny about the flip telephone. Glad it was found. And very sad about your friends mother passing away from a terrible car wreck. Even though there is something thankful in that it still a sad event.

  4. I made my way to keeping a daily list of thankfulness during the pandemic. I've found that it is very powerful to keep one, but it is also very powerful to read the lists of others. Thank you for sharing yours.

  5. I always enjoy reading what our friends here are thankful for. I enjoy seeing what their days are like.

  6. A week of thankfulness with a tinge of sadness.

  7. That is funny about the phone. How kind of you to sponsor a child. XO

  8. You are one busy Angel ~ being grateful makes the day so much better ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That was a nice bunch of things to be thankful for this week. Those were a couple of sads though.


  10. thecontemplativecat here. Such a good list. You and yours are being to generous to help another girl.

  11. Funny thing (you mentioned) about the 4th being relatively quiet this year.
    Very much the case here. (No, the scottian neighbors didn't move away ;[ lol)
    But it was like five or six explosions and then nothing!
    One of the Fourth of July's ever!

  12. Thank you for stepping in as a co-host! I know you are busy, but I guess that's how the saying goes, right?

  13. It takes a lot of 'thankful' to overcome the 'sads' in our lives. You do it. You are my example!

  14. Your grateful heart brings smiles to many. I am sure of that.

  15. Love seeing all the stories and photos and tales you share. You are such a kind heart. Enjoy your day. Stay cool.


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