Sunday, October 27, 2024

How Long? (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

In certain ways, Grandpa is very patient, listening endlessly when someone is discussing a medical problem with him.  In other ways he thinks everything should have been done yesterday.  He's ready to walk out the door for shopping almost the moment he steps in from going to church, always wanting to do whatever is next on his to-do list to get on to the next thing.

Boudreaux be's gettin' ready to take Tee to de game Saturday an' Tee cain't wait.  He done be runnin' back in de room wit' Boudreaux over an' over an' say, "Père, do you be's ready yet?"

An' fin'ly Boudreaux  he say, "Mais, garçon, you done gots all de patience you was born wit' 'cause you ain't done used none of it yet!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

Halloween decorating season is in full swing.


This week, Mac and Tracy want to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   

They were a bit shy and nervous, so Mac asked to stay in his box and be able to show his tocks for Tock-tober at the same time.  Tracy  wanted to stay beneath the hammock.

Here's a bonus selfie from Cousin Itt.


Today is:

American Beer Day

Big Bang Day -- London, England

Boxer Shorts Day

Cernova Tragedy Day -- Slovakia

Cranky Co-Worker's Day -- because we all have occasional bad days; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays 

Daylight Saving Time ends -- Aland Islands; Albania; Andorra; Antarctica (Troll Station); Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Guernsey; Holy See (Vatican City); Hungary; Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Jersey; Kosovo; Latvia; Lebanon; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Western Sahara

     National Sleep-In Day -- begun by those who want you to spend the extra hour gained resetting your clocks catching up on your ZZZZ's

     Zero Tasking Day -- spend the extra hour gained when turning the clocks back doing nothing, just practice being

Feast of Osiris in Abydos -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Good Bear Day -- on Theodore Roosevelt's birthday, celebrating the stuffed toy created in his honor

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade -- Long Beach, CA, US (dress up your dog and have a howling good time)

Independence Day -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(1979); Turkmenistan(1991)

Jounen Kweyol -- Dominica; Saint Lucia (Creole Day, one of the biggest and most colorful celebrations in both of these countries, celebrating the Creole language and culture)

Mother-in-Law Day -- a day to honor good Mothers-in-Law for their contributions to their families and for enduring all the bad jokes; if you have a lousy one, go listen to Ernie K-Doe's song    

National American Beer Day

National Potato Day

National Tell A Story Day -- Scotland; UK (preserving the heritage of traditional stories)

Navy Day -- US (on T.R.'s birth anniversary)

Radio Day -- US (US Commerce Dept. issued the first broadcasting license this date in 1920)

Reformation Day/Reformation Sunday -- Protestant Christian (obs.)

St. Frumentius' Day (Patron of Abyssinia; Ethiopia)

Sylvia Plath Day

Visit a Cemetery Day

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage -- International     

World Occupational Therapy Day    

Anniversary Today:

The NYC Subway begins operation, 1904

Birthdays Today:

Zadie Smith, 1975

Marla Maples, 1963

Simon LeBon, 1958

Roberto Benigni,1952

Jayne Kennedy, 1951

Fran Lebowitz, 1950

Carrie Snodgrass, 1946

John Cleese, 1939

Ruby Dee, 1924

Roy Lichtenstein, 1923

Bette Babray, 1920

Nanette Fabray, 1920

Dylan Thomas, 1914

Emily Post, 1872

Theodore Roosevelt, 1858

Niccolo Paganini, 1782

Captain James Cook, 1728

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Lettice and Lovage"(Play), 1987

"Beyond the Fringe"(Revue), 1962

"Walt Disney/Wonderful World of Color/Wonderful World of Disney"(TV), 1954 (the show had several different names over the years, but even when it switched stations, it was still the same show)

"You Bet Your Life"(Radio), 1947

"Nocturnes"(Debussy orchestral compsition), 1901(first performance of all three parts together)

Today in History:

Constantine the Great is said to have received his Vision of the Cross, 312

Founding of the city of Amsterdam, 1275

Founding of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1682

US Navy forms, 1775

Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs issues the Extermination Order, which orders all Mormons to leave the state or be exterminated, 1838

R.H. Macy & Co. opens its first store, on 6th Ave. in NYC, 1858

Boss Tweed is arrested, 1871

The first underground New York City Subway line opens, 1904

The first published reference to "jazz" appears, in Variety, 1916

Chuhei Numbu of Japan sets the long jump record at 26' 2 1/2", 193

"You Bet Your Life," with Groucho Marx, premiers on ABC radio, 1947*

Benjamin O. Davis Jr. becomes the first African-American general in the United States Air Force, 1954

Mauritania and Mongolia join the United Nations, 1961

The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang, 1986

The U.S. prison population tops 1 million for the first time in American history, 1994

Gliese 229B is the first Substellar Mass Object to be unquestionably identified, 1994

Stock markets around the world crash because of fears of a global economic meltdown, 1997

The Boston Red Sox win the World Series for the first time in 86 years, 2004

The SSETI Express micro-satellite is successfully launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 2005

The Royal Australian Navy announces that they discovered the wreck of a World War II submarine in Simpson Harbour, Papua New Guinea during Operation RENDER SAFE, 2011

The first operation to separate conjoined twins joined at the head in India completed in New Delhi, 2017

Elon Musk takes over Twitter, 2022


  1. Love the ingenuity of those Halloween decorations. And the gorgeous pussy cat photos.
    Cousin It made me smile. Thank you.

  2. I can see where all the driving around you must do for your work, it lets you see so much scenery. I just so enjoy all this Halloween decoration you're showing. I don't see much around here even when I drive into town to go to the grocery. Happy Sunday

  3. Wow, those Halloween decorations are quite spooktacular. Seems quite a pity it isn't celebrated here.


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