Thursday, October 3, 2024

Fight Tooth and Claw (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Sometimes you almost have to fight tooth and claw for things you really want.

I really want to attend Wednesday night Bible study, and two weeks ago, Ms. G kept me until i was almost late, while ast week she had me and my Sweetie working on a house until we were worn out and i was almost late again.

This week, my Sweetie wanted me to take his car, Slow-Moe, because it has A/C, so i hopped in to see the low tire light was on!

Sure enough, his front driver's side tire was visibly low, so i ran in, handed him the keys and told him he might want to go air it up ASAP, which he did.

Brother-in-Law had to move his car for the second time that evening, and finally gave up putting it in the driveway behind our vehicles and just parked in the street.

GusGus die Fledermaus may have no A/C and the check engine light coming on with an error code after every time i put gas in her, but at least she got me to Bible study this week.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Claw.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Mr. and Mrs. Stay-Puft  Marshmallow

to give their kids a lift

gave them a back yard playhouse

one year as a Christmas gift!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  \

Today i am grateful for the Wednesday night study on the life of Joseph, one of my favorite people in all Bible.


Today is:

Balloons Around the World -- balloon artists around the world are encouraged to donate an hour or more to a charity of their choice in their community, entertaining children everywhere with balloon sculpture

Bring Your Bible to School Day -- US

Change a Light Day -- US (was originally sponsored by EnergyStar, promoting energy saving light bulbs; although they don't seem to be running this particular campaign any more, it's a great idea to switch to the highest efficiency bulbs you can)

     while the original dates were on Wednesdays, some websites list this on the first Sunday

Festival of Bacchus/Dionysus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting the old and new wine and celebrating the harvest)

Ghatasthapana Dashain Festival-- Nepal (start of a nine day Hindu festival, the longest and most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar)

Independence Day -- Iraq,

Kae Chun Jul -- Korea (National Foundation Day, BC 2333)

Morazan Day -- Honduras (Soldier's Day, trad.)

National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day -- internet generated; celebrate these beauties today, no matter where you are

National Carmel Custard Day

Navaratri Dussehra -- Hindu (nine day Festival of Durga, wife of Shiva; local dates of observance may vary)

Oschophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (in honor of the return of Theseus after killing the Minotaur; deities celebrated were Dionysius and either Athena or Ariadne, depending on the source cited; date approximate)

Relief of Leiden Day -- Netherlands

Reunification Day/Unity Day-- Germany

Rosh Hashanah -- Judaism (began last night at sundown, through tomorrow at sundown)

Semana Morazánica, una Fiestas Patrias -- Honduras (through Saturday)

Sts. Ewald the Black and Ewald the Fair's Day (Patrons of Westphalia)

Techies' Day -- give your techies some well deserved appreciation

Vegetarian Festival -- Phuket, Thailand (lots of purification rituals and a rigid vegetarian/vegan diet are observed for spiritual cleansing and ensuring good luck; through Oct. 11)

Birthdays Today:

Neve Campbell, 1973

Gwen Stefani, 1969

Janel Maloney, 1969

Clive Owen, 1964

Jack P. Wagner, 1959

Dennis Eckersley, 1954

Stevie Ray Vaughan, 1954

Dave Winfield, 1951

Lindsey Buckingham, 1949

Roy Horn, 1944

Chubby Checker, 1941

Erik Bruhn, 1928

Gore Vidal, 1925

James Herriot (James Alfred Wight), 1916

Harvey Kurtzman, 1902

William Crawford Gorgas, 1854

George Bancroft, 1800

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"L.A. Law"(TV), 1986

"Scarecrow and Mrs. King"(TV), 1983

"Quincy"(TV), 1976

"The Dick Van Dyke Show"(TV), 1961

"The Andy Griffith Show"(TV), 1960

"The Pat Boone Show"(TV), 1957

"The Real McCoys"(TV), 1957

"Captain Kangaroo"(TV), 1955

"The Mickey Mouse Club"(TV), 1955

"Father Knows Best"(TV), 1954

"Our Miss Brooks"(TV), 1952

"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"(TV), 1952

"The Maltese Falcon(Film, NYC release), 1941

Today in History:

The state of Gojoseon (modern-day Korea) is founded by Dangun Wanggeom during the reign of the Chinese emperor Yao, BC2333

The siege and battle of Alesia is ended by the surrender of Vercingetorix, leader of the Gauls, to Julius Caesar, BC52

Julius Caesar's assassins suffer a decisive defeat at the First Battle of Phillipi, BC42

Jews are expelled from Eger, Bohemia, 1430

The Duke of Montrose issues a warrant for the arrest of Rob Roy MacGregor, 1712

British Captain James Cook anchors in Alaska, 1778

General Napoleon Bonaparte first rises to national prominence being named to defend the French National Convention against armed counter-revolutionary rioters, 1795

George Washington proclaims the first national Thanksgiving Day will be held on Nov. 26, 1789

American author Edgar Allan Poe is found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore, Maryland under mysterious circumstances; it is the last time he is seen in public before his death, 1849

J.S. Thurman patents a motor-driven vacuum cleaner, 1899

The first conference on wireless telegraphy agrees to adopt SOS as the warning signal and sign of distress, 1906

Leon Trotsky, Adolph Joffe, Matvey Skobelev and other Russian exiles in Vienna, Austria, found the Pravda newspaper, 1908

Mrs. W.H. Felton, of Georgia, becomes the first woman seated in the US Senate, 1922

A V-2 /A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany is the first man-made object to reach space, 1942

The United Kingdom successfully tests a nuclear weapon, 1952

Germany is reunified, 1990

Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy is attacked by one of the show's tigers, 2003

Archaeologists on the Egypt-Gaza border find the first evidence of a 2,000-year-old city, 2010

The Nobel Prize for Physics is awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves," 2017

The first exomoon, a moon outside of this solar system and about the size of Neptune, is discovered 8,000 light-years away by astronomers at Columbia University, 2018

Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Svante Pääbo for research into the genomes of extinct hominids and sequencing the genome of Neanderthals, 2022


  1. I'm glad you manage to get to your Bible study despite holdups. Love the gates and the "melting marshmallow" house.

  2. I am so glad that you got to Bible Study. I know how important it is.
    That melted marshmallow house gives me the creeps. I don't think I could go into it - though I would certainly photograph it.

  3. Naming our cars, motorcycles... yes, we do.
    We named our horses not long ago, didn't we?

  4. Love the 6 sentence stories...claws and balls, too funny!

  5. Funny poem. And I look at that fence and wonder if they ever forget to take the key with them when they shut and lock it on their way out.

  6. You are brave driving a car that has so many issues, but you do have someone at home to help you if it quits running or you have trouble. Mom could not stand the random lights going on with our car, so she finally broke down and got a new one. She knows nothing about cars and the lights that come on make her too nervous. No trust in the car, no go is what she told us.


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