Saturday, October 19, 2024

When Last We Left, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


When last we left off, Slow-Moe had a light on the dash off and on and was making noises not lawful to be spoken of above a fearful whisper.  Kevin and Lenny said it was safe to drive, and thankfully i did get to NOLA and back Saturday with no lights coming on.

Sunday i arrived at Becca's to find Ms. A was out of town visiting the new grandson, and we are always thankful for new babies.

In other good news as well, Becca had been chosen queen of the homecoming parade at her school, and the parade was that afternoon!  She was going to ride in the back of a BMW convertible driven by her father!  We were so thankful.

This also meant, oh dear, her mother, she of impeccable taste in dress and decor, was not there to help Becca dress appropriately.

That was left to the janitor, a/k/a me.  I am very thankful to say i actually managed to choose well, as confirmed by a couple of the church ladies when we arrived.  Will wonders never cease?

Speaking of church ladies, we had a meeting Monday night at the home of a member who lives, shall we say, out in the middle of nowhere, even more so than we do.  Ms. W and i met in the grocery parking lot across the highway from here and we took her car, for which i was thankful.  

That's when we realized neither of us had the address and it was not in the email which was sent out.  We were thankful one of the other ladies was able to text it to us and we also found the house eventually, for which we were both thankful, as Ms. W's satnav is not very reliable and we were both late and somewhat lost.

Tuesday i was trying to call the eye doctor's office to once again reschedule my eye surgeries and i was unable to get phone calls to go through.  I was concerned it was my phone but thankfully i was able to call other people and places, so it had to be them.  I'm thankful i was able to drive up there and speak to them in person as i found out the problem was on their end, i was able to reschedule easily and i got the second of the three measurements taken so only one to go, at my next scheduled visit.

The same day we got a visit from our termite inspection guy and we were thankful for the good news the baits are still good, no signs of termites.

That evening we got a visit from #2 Son, His Bride, and my little Annie, the perfect way to finish a day as i'm always thankful to see them.

Wednesday's craziness with Ms. G and the work that wasn't has been documented and i was thankful for a half day off as well as Sweetie agreeing to take GusGus to get the check engine light turned off again.

He came home, unfortunately, with news it was not the usual check engine light meaning an information code not a repair code and told me we needed to take it in to let them find out what was wrong with it.

Thankfully, they could see it the next morning, Thursday, while we were on our way to work, leaving it in their capable hands.

Thursday morning we got ready for work with Slow-Moe loaded and Sweetie drove GusGus over with me right behind him.  We arrived and they checked the code again.  Guess what?  They'd made a mistake, reading the code wrongly and it was simply the info code so we were able to drop GusGus die Fledermaus back at the house right away and then head to work.  We were very thankful, and also made an appointment for Slow-Moe on Friday, because of those noises we've already discussed.

Ms. SE's house was about as bad as we've seen it, but we were thankful to get it all done Thursday and get home early enough to rest a short while.

As soon as we did get home, i asked Sweetie to give me the key to GusGus.  "What key?" he asked.

Turns out, he drove GusGus back to the house, and after that, the key disappears, poof.  We have no clue and he cannot for the life of him remember what he might have done with it.  For all we know, it dropped out of his pocket when we stopped to gas up Slow-Moe on the way to work.

We are very thankful for a spare key.

Then came Friday, and it turns out Slow-Moe needed, as usual, a huge hunk of work at a huge hunk of a price.  While i'm now back off-track for saving up for the surgeries again, we are thankful for good brakes, very important in a car that gets put on the highway on a regular basis.

I was thankful for a fun evening at the shelter which included an adoption.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Clark and his co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Armilustrium -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of Mars)

Bettara-Ichi -- Ebisu Shrine, Tokyo, Japan (Pickle Market Fair, enjoy the pickled radishes, a specialty; through tomorrow)

Constitution Day -- Niue

Dita e Lumturimit te Nene Terezes -- Albania (Mother Teresa Day)

Evaluate Your Life Day -- a day to make sure your life is heading where you want, and course correct if it isn't; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Greasy Spoon Day -- internet generated, a day to go revel in the love of your favorite greasy spoon diner

Nagoya Festival -- Nagoya, Japan (biggest festival in the city; through tomorrow)

National Seafood Bisque Day

Samora Machel Day -- Mozambique

St. Frideswide's Day (Patron of Oxford and the University of Oxford)

St. Rene Goupil's Day (Patron of anesthetists, anesthesiologists)

Sweetest Day -- begun by Herbert Birch Kingston, a candy company employee who decided it would be wonderful to distribute candy to the sick, shut-ins and orphans in Cleveland, OH; today is the day to do something for someone that makes him/her say, "Oh, that is so sweet!"

World Toy Camera Day -- now with a Flickr page 

Yabusame Festival -- Koyama, Japan (horseback archery, samurai costumes and dragons, oh, my!)

Birthdays Today:

Jason Reitman, 1977

Ty Pennington, 1965

Evander Holyfield, 1962

Jeannie C. Riley, 1945

John Lithgow, 1945

Patricia Ireland, 1945

Simon Ward, 1941

Michael Gambon, 1940

Peter Max, 1937

Robert Reed, 1932

John Le Carre, 1931

Jack Anderson, 1922

Auguste Lumiere, 1862

Annie S. Peck, 1850

Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson, 1748

Thomas Browne, 1605 (O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Rothschilds"(Musical), 1970

"The Miracle Worker"(Play), 1959

"I Remember Mama"(Play), 1944

"Pomp and Circumstance Marches"(Elgar Op. 39), 1901

"Tannhauser und der Sangerkrieg auf Wartburg/Tannhauser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg"(Wagner opera), 1845

Today in History:

Battle of Zama, Scipio Africanus and his Roman legions defeat Hannibal Barca and the invading Carthagian army, BC202

King Gauseric and his Vandals take the city of Carthage, 439

The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Treaty of Thorn, 1466

Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology, 1512

The first general court is held in Boston, 1630

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown at 2PM, end of the US Revolutionary War, 1781

Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow, 1812

Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to receive a medical degree, 1849

The first 4 blacks are elected to the US House of Representatives, 1870

The USPS first used an automobile to collect and deliver mail, 1914

Streptomycin, the first antibiotic which could treat tuberculosis, is isolated at Rutgers University, 1943

Black Monday - the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22%, 508 points, 1987

Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II, 2003

Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity, 2005

Hurricane Wilma becomes the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882 mb, 2005

Naheed Nenshi becomes the first Muslim in Canada to be elected mayor, in Calgary, 2010

Pope Francis beatifies Pope Paul VI, who was known for changes in the Catholic Church that came out of Vatican II, 2014 

The New Zealand Labour Party forms a coalition government led by Jacinda Adern (37), the youngest NZ leader in 161 years, 2017

Peru announces a newly rediscovered geoglyph outline in the Nazca Desert, a 37m outline of a cat, probably completed between 500BC-200AD, 2021

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry about Slow Moe - but very glad for all the other thankfulnesses in your life.


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