Friday, June 4, 2021

Resident Cat (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

The senior living apartments where Ms. S lives has a resident cat.  Sometimes you find her outdoors, and sometimes in.



Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. ___________________ creep (s) me out.

2. I could use a refresher class in __________________.

3. Life would be much simpler if _________.

4. I would like to _________, but first I have to _________.

1. Ugh!bugs (roaches)  creep (s) me out.

2. I could use a refresher class in   pretty much everything i learned in school!  CPR, too, i need a refresher in that.

3. Life would be much simpler if   unplanned stuff never happened, but then again, that stuff is life!

4. I would like to   visit a lot of places and see them for myself, both at home and abroad  , but first I have to   earn the money to do it, and retire.


Today is:

Audacity to Hope Day -- to encourage all to have the audacity to keep hope

Emancipation Day -- Tonga (trad.)

Festival for Hercules Custos -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Hercules the Custodian)

Flag Day -- Estonia

Flag Day -- Finland (Armed Forces observe the birth anniversary of Carl Gustaf Mannerheim)

Hug Your Cat Day -- yet another date for this noted on many sites; if you celebrate all of them, your cat will be well hugged!   

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression -- UN

Jarila's Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (Festival of Jarila, god of the sun and fertility)

Labour Day / Sir Randol Fawkes Day -- Bahamas

Lassie Day -- the first dog to play the role of Lassie, in the movie Lassie, Come Home, was born this day in 1940

National Cheese Day -- not to be confused with Cheese Lover's Day earlier in the year

National Cognac Day

National Donut Day -- US (successor to the original Donut Day begun by the Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI and as a fundraiser in Chicago, and it is still used as a fundraiser there for Salvation Army projects; look for a doughnut shop to give out freebies near you)

National Frozen Yogurt Day -- not to be confused with the Frozen Yogurt Day celebrated on Feb. 6 in Los Angeles, where the temperatures make such a thing possible

National Unity Day -- Hungary

Old Maid's Day -- supposedly established after WWII, when there were so many eligible young ladies who weren't getting any younger

Plynteria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival in Athens in honor of Athena; date approximate)

St. Petroc's Day (Patron of Cornwall and Wales, as well as many locations in Cornwall, Wales, and England, and Saint-Meen, France)

Birthdays Today:

Evan Lysacek, 1985

Russell Brand, 1975

Angelina Jolie, 1975

Noah Wyle, 1971

James Callis, 1971

Scott Wolf, 1968

Cecilia Bartoli, 1966

Sam Harris, 1961

Eldra DeBarge, 1961

Keith David, 1956

Parker Stevenson, 1953

George Noory, 1950

Bettina Gregory, 1946

Michelle Phillips, 1944

Joyce Meyer, 1943

Freddy Fender, 1937

Bruce Dern, 1936

John Drew Barrymore, 1932

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 1928

Dennis Weaver, 1924

Robert Merrill, 1919

Rosalind Russell, 1907

George III, 1738

Aesop, BCE620 (not certain, but close enough)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Born in the USA"(Album release), 1984

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan(Film), 1982

"Cavalcade of Stars"(TV), 1949

Today in History:

Chinese astronomers make the first recording of a solar eclipse, BC781

Sir Walter Raleigh establishes the first English colony on Roanoke Island, old Virginia (now North Carolina), 1584

Forces under the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan, 1615

New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia, Canada taken from the Acadians, 1760

A transit of Venus is followed five hours later by a total solar eclipse, the shortest such interval in history, 1769

The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (hot air balloon), 1783

Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for the Kingdom of Great Britain, 1792

The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title, 1878

Henry Ford test drives his first prototype automobile, the Ford Quadricycle, 1896

Massachusetts becomes the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage, 1912

A patent for the ATM is granted to Donald Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain, 1973

The Tiananmen Square protests are violently ended in Beijing by the People's Liberation Army, 1989

Solidarity's victory in the first (somewhat) free parliamentary elections in post-war Poland sparks off a succession of peaceful anti-communist revolutions in Eastern Europe, 1989

Falcon 9 Flight 1 was the maiden flight of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, 2010

Negotiations break down between Greece's leftist Syriza government and the European Union regarding issuance of additional bailout funding, 2015

A State of Emergency is declared after 20,000 tonnes of diesel oil spills near the Russian city of Norilsk, Siberia within the Arctic Circle, 2020


  1. I like your fill-ins. Yuks, I too don't like bugs. This lockdown helps us to save money for our holidays but its the pandemic that is blocking our plans.

  2. Inside or outside that is one comfortable cat.
    I hope you do get to travel. I too could do with refreshers - in lots of things.

  3. I'm with you on the travelling. I liked your fill-ins.

  4. I bet the residents love having the cat in the building!

  5. I see the resident has grabbed her own chair heheh!

    I hate bugs too Mimi I run lol

    Have a bugfreetastic weekend 👍

  6. Refresher course in Math on my Blog today.

    God bless.

  7. Cute kitty and loved the fill-ins.

  8. It's good to have a resident cat. Good looking kitty too.

    Love your fill-ins. I hope you get to do #4.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  9. The resident cat looks pretty sweet. Those were good answers too.

  10. What a sweet Tabby resident! Good fill-ins- and number 4 will eventually be accomplished!

  11. wavez two ewe kitty who lookz like mackerull :) ~~~

    and YAY for donutz; we will eat sum in yur honor Aesop witha happee 34,921st birth day two ewe ;) ♥♥☺☺

  12. That is a nice looking cat.
    I don't like bugs either. We have a big woodpile in the barn and dust keeps coming out of it. The other day some flying bugs were there so I sprayed the wood with cockroach spray. It was like a nightmare. Hundreds, and I mean like 5 or 6 hundred bugs came out of the wood. Thankfully the spray worked and most died. I reckon I will need to spray it again in a couple of weeks to be sure.

  13. Such a cute kitty. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. One thing you don't need a refresher in is writing- you are one of the best writers I know. XO

  14. I've never seen a cat with a single white star on her back. Resident cats here are supposed to live inside, it's the law, but some still can be seen roaming the gardens.

  15. What a beautiful 'resident kitty' ~ great photos ~
    and fill-ins too,

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. What a cutie!
    I am always amazed at the different answers for the friendly fill-ins each week!

  17. What a gorgeous kitty! I bet she makes the residents at the apartment so happy. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I'm with you on bugs being more than a tad bit creepy. My worst enemy is the spider, though I try not to kill them. I usually try to get them outside, or to recruit someone else to take them outside for me. I hope you're having a wonderful week!


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