Thursday, June 10, 2021

Buried (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Yesterday i went to do my usual routine at the cat shelter, and when i pulled out the large container on wheels that we use to bring litter to all of the cages, i saw this small measuring cup in it.

All wrong, too small!

There's supposed to be a large bowl in there, and you put one large bowl scoop of litter in a litter box per kitten in the cage, plus one extra scoop.

The right size scoop.

That tiny measuring cup would hold about a quarter of the amount you dip with the large scoop, and using it would take forever to fill the litter boxes.

Unfortunately, someone had used the smaller measure the day before for many of the cages and seriously shorted those cages in litter, and i realized it as soon as i walked in and took a sniff.

As i went to grab another big bowl for scooping litter, i wondered what in the world someone could have done with the one that is supposed to live in the litter container, and how anyone could be thick enough to think a tiny amount of litter from a measuring cup would be enough.

It usually takes me 3-4 refills of the litter container to get through all of the cages, and when i got to the bottom the first time, guess what the bowl i had grabbed clinked up against!

Someone buried when refilling the container!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Quarter.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

While i liked the look of this back yard with the iron fence surrounding it, i think i was too far to get a good shot that shows off the fence.  That's why i included the second one, the yard is overgrown a bit, but the fence has character.


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

I think they just don't get it,

They really cannot see,

I'll eat just about anything else,

But strained prunes are not for me!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

This one is going to play a big part in my thankful list on Saturday, but i have to be thankful for it more than once.  We have transportation lined up for vacation next week!


Today is:

Abolition Day -- French Guiana

Alcoholics Anonymous Founders Day


Army Day -- Jordan

Ball Point Pen Day -- date, in 1943, Biro patented one of the early models of a ball point pen (it was as awful as the other early ones, though!)

Celtic Tree Month Duir (Oak) commences

Dia de Portugal e de Camoes -- Portugal (National Day)

Herbs & Spices Day

Holiday of the Wan Thing -- Fairy Calendar (the Wan Thing arrived in Fairyland this day and has sat there looking wan ever after, so the Fairies decided to give it its own holiday)

National Black Cow Day

National Iced Tea Day

Rape of Lidice/Lidice Memorial Day -- Czech Republic and Slovakia/New Jersey, US (in one of the most-remembered atrocities of WWII, the small town of Lidice, Czechoslovakia, was invaded by Nazi troops who murdered every man, burned every house, and sent all the women and children for "reeducation.")

Reconciliation Day -- Republic of the Congo

St. Brigid of Ireland's Day (Patron babies/infants/newborns, blacksmiths, boatmen/mariners/sailors/watermen, cattle, children whose parents are not married, dairymaids/dairy workers, fugitives, midwives, nuns, poets, poultry farmers, printing presses, scholars, travellers; Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland; Ireland; Ivrea, Turin, Italy; Kildare, Ireland; Leinster, Ireland)

Where the Wild Things Are Day -- birth anniversary of Maurice Sendak

Anniversary Tday:

Alcoholics Anonymous is founded, 1925

Birthdays Today:

Joey Zimmerman, 1986

Tara Lipinski, 1982

Leelee Sobieski, 1982

Hoku Ho, 1981

Shane West, 1978

Doug McKeon, 1966

Elizabeth Hurley, 1965

Linda Evangelista, 1965

Jeanne Tripplehorn, 1963

Michael Burger, 1957

John Edwards, 1953

Jeff Greenfield, 1943

F. Lee Bailey, 1933

Maurice Sendak, 1928

Nat Hentoff, 1925

Judy Garland, 1922

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1921

Saul Bellow, 1915

Frederick Loewe, 1904

Hattie McDaniel, 1889

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Tales from the Crypt"(TV), 1989

"Paperback Writer"(UK song release), 1966

"Tristan und Isolde"(Opera), 1865

Today in History:

Frederick Barbarossa drowns leading his troops across the Saleph River to attack Jerusalem in the Crusades, 1190

The first American log cabin is built, at Fort Christina in Wilmington, Delaware, 1639

Bridget Bishop becomes the first person hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692

Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef, 1770

A landslide dam on the Dadu River created by an earthquake ten days earlier collapses, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China, 1786

The Jardin des Plantes museum opens in Paris; a year later, it becomes the first public zoo, 1793

The first Boat Race between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge takes place, 1829

Myall Creek Massacre in Australia: 28 Aboriginal Australians are murdered, 1838

The first class of the United States Naval Academy students graduate, 1854

Mount Tarawera in New Zealand erupts, killing 153 people and destroying the famous Pink and White Terraces, 1886

Americus Callahan of Chicago patents the window envelope, 1902

The inaugural service for the United Church of Canada, a union of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregationalist churches, is held in Toronto Arena, 1925

Dr. Robert Smith takes his last drink, and Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in Akron, Ohio, United States, by him and Bill Wilson, 1925

Six-Day War ends: Israel and Syria agree to a cease-fire, 1967

Apple ships its first Apple II personal computer, 1977

The Spirit Rover is launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission, 2003

Twenty inches of rainfall in Escambia County, Florida damages roadways and bridges, and leaving parts of the Florida Panhandle and coastal Alabama under water, 2012

German authorities are forced to evacuate 10 villages as heavy rains swell the Elbe River, breaching its banks, 2013

Heavy monsoon rains cause the collapse of a partially-finished building on a residential block in Mumbai, India, 2013

Juan Felipe Herrera, age 66, is named by U.S. Congress as this year's national poet laureate, the first Latino to be given the title, 2015

According to a DNA study published in the science journal “Nature Plants”, grapes grown for some types of wine in modern France are genetically similar and in some cases identical to grapes grown 900 years ago, 2019


  1. That face you wrote your poem around says it all.
    And hooray for holiday transportation.

  2. excellent Six

    (No, seriously! It kept me through the narrative and, still, provided that, little smile at the end.)
    I like your Six style

  3. Your Six Sentence was great, as was your poem (prunes, yuck.) I'm really happy for your vacation transportation. - Also. That's interesting about the wine DNA. I'd like to sample some of that.

  4. Good six, Mimi.
    I guess some folk are just dumb, hmm?

  5. Filling a litter box or a bunch of them sounds so easy, but some people seem to have trouble with the simple tasks I guess. How could they even bury the thing? Crazy!

  6. Good six. Love prunes and the baby pix is awesome.! Good job.

  7. Dang, that really was quite the litter shortage! That was a cute poem and a wonderful thankful, I know you're more than ready for vacation! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Mind boggling over the litter box and bowl. Like your little poem.

  9. I laughed about the poem. Prunes are the best for me. My system runs without them. I smile not that poor baby. LOL

    Cruisin Paul

  10. Hilarious poem! And you are great at taking care of the litter boxes- very important task for sure! Have a fun vacation!

  11. How funny! The treasure was at the bottom - MOL!

  12. Too funny about the Prunes MOL. That is funny about the scoop too

  13. Some folks just don't pay attention to what needs doing.

    Love the poem and I'm coming with you on your vacation. I always come along with you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  14. That's similar to the face I pull when I think of prunes! Great use of the 6SS prompt.

  15. Exciting about your vacation coming ~ Great post and photos of fences too ~ Xo

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. The Human says it's a good thing you've got your vacation transportation lined up but we felines are a bit confused because for us, every day is a vacation!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  17. nice take on the poem today !!! and how awesome to have those trees { photo one } in your yard !! ☺☺♥♥

  18. Glad you found the scoop. Cute poem. :) XO

  19. Great thankful thing! And the six sentences story is tragicomic.
    Thanks for lists and laughs.

  20. Mystery solved! Funny...but stinky.

  21. Yay! for the transportation! That is a worry no one needs hanging over their head.

  22. Oh the face on that poor baby! He looks like they fed him broccoli.
    I don't use any type of scoop for kitty litter, I just open the bag and tip it in, about two thirds of a bag at a time. Thankfully I have only the one cat.

  23. You do have to ask "what were they thinking?!" lol
    Yup. That'd be the look on my face if someone insisted I eat strained prunes!
    That is totally awesome, Mimi. Have a wonderful vacation next week :)

  24. Glad the mystery of the scoop was solved in that Six, Mimi!

  25. A good slice of life Six, Mimi. I really don't know what folk dislike about prunes, I love 'em!

  26. Human nature described to a T, Mimi!

  27. Amazing you found the scoop! And the fences are terrific! The poem about the baby ROCKS! As do your thankfuls!

  28. I bet you scooped that right up!


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