Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Laundry and Laughing, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl had tried to do some tidying in his room.

The key word here being "tried."

He washed his laundry.

He got the clean laundry back into his bedroom.

He got sidetracked, and the clean laundry ended up in piles with the still dirty laundry, one pile on the table, one on the counter, and one on the top closet shelf.  No, i don't get that, either.

Yes, i rewashed all the laundry.  When i left every stitch of clothing he owned except for what was on him (or what he'd stowed in his car that i didn't get to) was clean.  No, i don't think that will last past tomorrow.

Oh, and i got the shoes off the top of the refrigerator, too.

Right before i left to go see Ms. PA, Ms. V (Carl's mom) said, "You did hear what happened to her, didn't you?"

No, i had not heard.  A few weeks ago, she broke a bone in her back, probably while straining to help Mr. Jack get up.  This time, she tripped over the walker she's been using since she broke her back and fell, breaking her arm near the shoulder.

She's going to be okay, and no surgery is needed.  They seem to be keeping her at the hospital just to slow her down a little!

When i arrived, i started as usual by stripping the beds and bundling it all downstairs to the washing machine.

Someone had done a load and left it.  It was a load with clothes, washcloths, and a rug that had practically disintegrated as it was not designed to be washed and is very old.  The rug had to be shaken out and left hanging to dry, and everything else had to have the bits of rug fluff picked off and get washed again.  Some days i wonder how some people found their way out of the birth canal.

While i was there, Mr. Jack stopped me a few times to tell me things, mostly rambling.  He seems to have a harder time concentrating or keeping his thoughts straight when Ms. PA is not there, which is not surprising as they've been married almost 70 years.

Anyway, at one point he said, "You do a good job!  If anybody out there tries to put a bad report on you, let me know.  I haven't killed anybody in a long time!"

He and the sitter and i laughed when he said that.  The sitter spoils him, too, and that makes him smile a lot.  It makes me happy as well.  (No, she didn't do the laundry with the rug, she said she hadn't done laundry as there wasn't enough to do a load, and she's one of the smart ones who knows her job and does it well.)

 Some cute and funny things from Grandma to round out the day:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Arrival of the Swiss at the Port-Noir -- Switzerland

Dia da Crianca -- Cape Verde (Youth Day)

Dia de la Marina -- Mexico (Day of the Navy)

Early Bird Day -- an internet derived day that reminds us the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

Famadihana -- Madagascar (from now until November, various areas celebrate the Malagasay culture's "turning the bones," a fascinating reburial of the dead ceremony)

Feast of St. Justin Martyr (a/k/a Justin the Philosopher; Patron of apologists, lecturers, orators, philosophers, speakers)

Festival of Non-Linearity -- another one you find on the internet, no meaning or rhyme to it, but if you like to think in non-linear ways, enjoy today!

Festival of the Oak Nymph -- Celtic/Pagan (around this time of year, the Celts took a day to honor all hamadryads, the female nature spirits who inhabit oak trees)

Flip a Coin Day -- as noted by The Ultimate Holiday Site, which claims Julius Caesar invented it (doubtful, but the Romans did toss coins)

Gawai Dayak -- Sarawak, Malaysia (harvest festival begins today)

Global Day of Parents -- UN

Go Barefoot Day -- originally sponsored by Soles4Souls, which recycles shoes to those who have none; while i cannot find if they are sponsoring a day or week this year, it's a good reminder not to let your old shoes end up in a landfill   

Hari Lahir Pancasila -- Indonesia (Pancasila Day)

Heimlich Maneuver Day -- Dr. Heimlich first published his suggestion for aiding choking victims with "subdiaphragmatic pressure" on this day in 1974

Helen Keller Day -- sponsored by the Lions Clubs

Hen-Peeler's Holiday -- Fairy Calendar

Independence Day/National Day -- Samoa

International Children's Day

International Tabletop Day -- encouraging people to play games on a table, not online, face to face; sponsored by Geek and Sundry    

Kalends of June -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observances:

     Day Sacred to Tempestas (goddess of storms)

     Festival for Juno Moneta (Juno as goddess of money)

     Festival of Carna (goddess of health and vitality, and also of doors and locks, which were to be repaired today)

Madaraka Day -- Kenya (National Day or self-rule/responsibility day)

Mint Julip Day -- Oxford University, England (the drink was introduced there this day in 1845, and they liked it so well, they dedicated a day to it!)

Mothers' and Children's Day -- Mongolia

National Hazelnut Cake Day

National Tree Planting Day -- Cambodia

Oscar the Grouch Day -- according to the Sesame Workshop, today is his birthday

Pancasila Sanctity Day -- Indonesia

President's Day -- Palau

Say Something Nice Day -- as declared by the mayor of a town in South Carolina who is tired of all the negative talk all the time

Stand for Children Day -- stand.org founded by a rally this day in 1996, seeking to ensure all children graduate from high school

St. Theobald Roggeri's Day (Patron of church cleaners, cobblers, porters, shoemakers; against fever and sterility)

Summer Library Book club Season begins -- anywhere that school is out, check your local library for a summer book club for children or adults; you never know what world you will discover when you read

Superman Day -- publication of the first Superman comic was this day in 1938

Victory Day -- Tunisia (anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of Tunisia in 1959)

Wear It. Beat It -- UK (formerly Rock Up in Red Day, raising awareness of heart health and educating people about heart disease through the month of June) 

Yobuko Otsunahiki -- Higashi Matsuura, Saga prefecture, Japan (two day Big Tug-of-War Festival, with one team representing the land and the other the sea; victory for the land means good crops, for the sea means good catches)

Anniversaries Today:

Charlie Chaplin marries Paulette Goddard, 1934

Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is founded as the first US land-grant university, 1808

Tennessee becomes the 16th US state, 1796

Kentucky becomes the 15th US state, 1792

Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen Consort of England, 1533

Birthdays Today:

Justine Henin, 1982

Alanis Morissette, 1974

Heidi Klum, 1973

Mark Curry, 1964

Lisa Hartman Black, 1956

Ron Wood, 1947

Jonathan Pryce, 1947

Frederica von Stade, 1945

Robert Powell, 1944

Rene Auberjonois, 1940

Cleavon Little, 1939

Morgan Freeman, 1937

Colleen McCullough, 1937

Pat Boone, 1934

Edward Woodward, 1930

James Hadley Billington, 1929

Bob Monkhouse, 1928

Andy Griffith, 1926

Marilyn Monroe, 1926

Nelson Riddle, 1921

Brigham Young, 1801

Jacques Marquette (Père Marquette), 1637

Debuting/Premiering Today:

FX(TV channel), 1994

Gremlins(Film), 1984

Cable News Network/CNN(TV network), 1980

"Live and Let Die"(Song release), 1973

"The Prisoner"(TV), 1968

"Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"(Album release), 1967

Today in History:

Hugh Capet is elected King of France, 987

Beijing, then under the control of the Jurchen ruler Emperor Xuanzong of Jin, is captured by the Mongols  under Genghis Khan, ending the Battle of Beijing, 1215

Friar John Cor records the first known batch of scotch whisky, 1495

Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen of England, 1533

Mary Dyer is hanged for defying a law banning Quakers from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1660

The battle of the Glorious First of June is fought, the first naval engagement between Britain and France during the French Revolutionary Wars, 1794

U.S. President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the United Kingdom, 1812

James Lawrence, the mortally-wounded commander of the USS Chesapeake, gives his final order: "Don't give up the ship!" 1813

James Clark Ross discovers the North Magnetic Pole, 1831

American adventurer William Walker conquers Nicaragua, 1855

Treaty of Bosque Redondo is signed allowing the Navajos to return to their lands in Arizona and New Mexico, 1868

Thomas Edison receives a patent for his electric voting machine, 1869

Napoleon Eugene, the last dynastic Bonaparte, is killed in the Anglo-Zulu War, 1879

The United States Census Bureau begins using Herman Hollerith's tabulating machine to count census returns, 1890

Louis D. Brandeis becomes the first Jew appointed to the United States Supreme Court, 1916

The First Conference of the Communist Parties of Latin America is held in Buenos Aires, 1929

Charles de Gaulle comes out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months, 1958

New Zealand's first official television broadcast commences at 7.30pm from Auckland, 1960

Kenya gains internal self-rule (Madaraka Day), 1963

The Heimlich maneuver for rescuing choking victims is published in the journal Emergency Medicine, 1974

The first black-led government of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 90 years takes power, 1979

The Warsaw Pact officially dissolves, 1991

Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupts for the first time in 600 years, 1991

Air France Flight 447 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil, Killing all 228 passengers and crew, 2009

General Motors files for chapter 11 bankruptcy, 2009

Russia enacts a country-wide smoking ban, with most public places included, 2013

Switzerland’s Gotthard Base Tunnel is completed - world’s longest at 57km and most expensive tunnel costing €11bn, 2016


  1. Thank you for smiles to start the day. Hopefully Ms. PA will learn a lesson.

  2. Great selection of photos. Thanx.

    God bless.

  3. Mimi, you are one exceptionally great helper. I am sure all your clients will give you a very good report. Thanks for the funnies from Grandma. I love the cute dogs and cats photos.

  4. Who knew laundry could be so complicated! Sounds like a real mess with the rug! Great funnies again today!

  5. When my kids were young I used to have to wash clothes all over again because when I gave them the clean clothes to put away they got mixed in with their dirty clothes. - I would be totally bummed to see that a rug had shredded... It takes forever to get those fuzzies off and out of everything.

  6. I feel so bad for Carl and his mother. Isn't there some way that the government can assist Carl?
    I loved the STOP picture. Now that was amazing Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Mimi,

    Yikes, so sorry to hear about Carl's mom. I hope she has a speedy recovery and no doubt given the chance she'll be back on her feet before the doctor even gives her the okay. Aging...aging related injuries stinks! I loved your memes - great for some giggles this morning!!

  8. Carl is such entertainment. Thank you for sharing him with us.

    Yikes on Mrs. PA. She is done trying to help hubby. I hope she gets well soon.

    Fun comment from Jack though. Made me laugh out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  9. Love all your 'critter' photos and awesome sayings ~ ~ Carl ~ well Carl is Carl ~ bless you for taking care of him ~ Xo''

    Living moment by momen,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. truer words were never spoken, { andy rooney }

    and see ...all this time, everee one thinked trout speech waz WRONG !!! YOW !!! ☺☺

    4 catz ina korner getz R vote :) ☺☺☺♥♥3

    { dictionary } ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  11. How sweet that Mr. Jack would kill for you. Thanks for the reminder- I have had clothes in the machine since Sunday, I am sure they need to be rewashed-oops. :) XO

  12. Carl sure keeps you plenty busy and I'm sorry to hear about that fall. Those were really cute funnies!

  13. Mimi! I LOve your post today! You always write the purrfect things to cheer me up!

  14. Very interesting photos! I like this post. Greetings.

  15. Carl always makes me smile. Love the funnies, those four cats making sure the quilt stays in place :)

  16. Love the cat and dog pictures! The fish and chips was clever!

  17. Thank you for the belly laughs! You don't know how much I NEEDED that today! :)

    Oh Carl.... funny thing is, my hubby kinda does that laundry thing. He'll keep cramming his dirty clothes into his hamper until he can't cram any more in - I've told him when he does that, he might as well do his own laundry, because he'll usually (finally) bring it down to the laundry area when I'm busy doing *other* stuff, and not in the mindset to do four loads of laundry. Well, it worked - except now he'll cram ALL of that into ONE load, and either forget them in the washer, so when I need to use the washer it's jam packed with his wet laundry, or he'll forget them in the drier and I end up folding everything anyway. Of course there was the time he washed and dried his laundry, then crammed them back into the hamper without folding them - I thought they were dirty and that he'd left the hamper downstairs for me to take care of, so I washed 'em, only to be told later that he'd already washed 'em. So much fun, I tellya! ;)

    Ooops! Sorry about the novel... also sorry about Ms PA! I hope she heals quickly! And Jack's comments totally cracked me up! As did all your awesome funnies! :)


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