Thursday, August 3, 2023

Double Helping of Toast (Six Sentence Stories), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


(Today, two stories for the price of one!)

"Would you look at this!" she said, gesturing toward her computer as if to say words failed her.

He walked over and glanced at the screen and she continued, "It's instructions [<--link] for how to make 'perfect' toast, and can you believe it, there are six steps here -- six!" 

"That does seem a bit excessive," he said mildly, heading toward the coffee pot.

"A bit!" she exclaimed.  "I'd say it's more than that.  And I'd also say, anyone who needs such detailed instructions for how to make toast isn't ready to be let loose in society!"


Two Everest climbing expeditions, one from Ireland and the other from France both got into difficulty, but decided to join forces and together, they all successfully summited and got safely back to the base camp.

They decided to hold a celebration in a bar together, and during the celebration wanted to make toasts, so the leader of the Irish expedition stood up and said, "May you live as long as you like and never lack as long as you live!" and everyone drank.

Then the leader of the French expedition stood up and said, "Eggs, milk, cinnamon, syrup!" and everyone drank again.

The bartender was a bit confused about the second toast, and asked why there was such a difference between them.

"I'm Irish," said the leader of the Irish expedition, "and I made a traditional Irish toast."

Then the leader of the French expedition explained, "And I'm French..."

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Toast.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!  (And Gosia is back to blogging, so maybe we'll have Good Fences again soon!)


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

(One stanza from each child.)

I know it's all our birthdays but

I'm really a little bummed,

I'd rather have my cake in peace, the

"Happy Birthday" singers should have hummed.

I know it's all our birthdays and

I'm going to give a cheer

once I've blown these candles out

and she quits screaming in my ear!

I know it's all our birthdays but

I'm yelling from my chair,

I just don't like this set-up,

my cake's too small, it's not fair!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

This week i am thankful payday hit just right so i could buy insulin for Dansig the Round the very day we were going to run out.


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Equatorial Guinea

Dia de la Bandera -- Venezuela (Flag Day)

Emancipation Day -- Bermuda (first day of the Cup Match)

Feast of Caligo, the mother of Chaos -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate, and this is as good a day to celebrate chaos as any other)

Fete National de l'Arbre -- Niger (Independence Day, 1960)

Fiesta de San Salvador -- San Salvador, El Salvador

Golpe de la Libertad -- Equatorial Guinea (Freedom Day)

Grab Some Nuts Day -- almonds and walnuts are especially good for you

International Friendship Day (original date proposed by Joyce Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards, back in 1935 because it is the center of the largest lull between major holidays; the UN celebrates it on July 30 and many countries celebrate on the second Sunday in August)

Kanto Matsuri -- Akita, Japan  (a fourd-ay festival, praying for good harvest, purification ceremonies, and feats of skill)

National Watermelon Day

Pidjiguiti Day -- Guinea-Bissau (Colonization Martyr's Day; Anniversary of the Killing of Pidjiguiti)

St. Lydia Purpuraria's Day (Lydia the "seller of purple" who was Paul's first convert in Philippi; Patron of dyers)

St. Nicodemus' Day (member of the Sanhedrin and secret disciple who helped bury Jesus)

Birthdays Today:

Evangeline Lilly, 1979

Blaine Wilson, 1974

Isaiah Washington, 1963

John McGinley, 1959

Jay North, 1951

John Landis, 1950

Martha Stewart, 1941

Martin Sheen, 1940

Steve Berkoff, 1937

Tony Bennett, 1926

Leon Uris, 1924

P.D. James, 1920

Margaret "Maggie" Kuhn, 1905

John T. Scopes, 1900

Ernest Taylor "Ernie" Pyle, 1900

Elisha Graves Otis, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Primetime Live"(TV), 1989

"Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp)"(Single release), 1963

"Chu Chin Chow"(Musical), 1916

"William Tell"(Opera), 1829

Today in History:

Tiberius, Roman Empire general, defeats the Dalmatians at the river Bathinus, 8

Columbus sets Sail for the "Indes," departing from Palos, Spain, 1492

John Rut, at St. John's, Newfoundland, sends the first known letter from North America, 1527

Robert LaSalle builds the Le Griffon, the first known ship built on the Great Lakes, 1678

First ascent of Jungfrau, third highest summit in the Bernese Alps, 1811

Harvard defeats Yale in the first intercollegiate rowing race, 1852*

Second Maori War begins in New Zealand, 1860

The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company is founded, 1900

The nuclear submarine USS Nautilus travels beneath the Arctic ice cap, 1958

President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya of Mauritania is overthrown in a military coup while attending the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia, 2005

After last month's extensive flooding, North Korea finally asks the United Nations for food aid, 2012

The International Olympic Committee approves baseball/softball, karate, sport climbing, surfing and skateboarding to be included in the 2020 Games, bringing the total number of sports to 33, 2016

Singer Tony Bennet celebrates his 95th birthday with the first of two performances at Radio City Music Hall, NYC, 2021

The Ascent skyscraper in Milwaukee is certified as the world's tallest timber building at 25 stories, 2022

Researchers at Yale University bring the brains and hearts of dead pigs back to life, with tremendous implications for organ transplants and stroke sufferers, as well as bringing up ethical questions about the definition of death, 2022

*In fact, it was the first American intercollegiate athletic event ever.


  1. Smiling at your stories and poems - and v glad that Dansig won't miss out on his insulin.

  2. Is that a fence or a gate? Take no offence at my question. Take the gate if you will. On second thought; leave the gate and the fence.

    God bless.

  3. Fun poem. And I aways enjoy the fences. Good to hear extra funds just in time for cat meds.

  4. Six steps to make toast, get bread, put bread in toaster, push the lever down, retrieve bread, place on plate, put on topping of choice. It sure does seem like overkill, LOL!

  5. Love the Irish and French toasts :)

  6. I loved both stories, and as for the poem, I can imagine the words coming out of their mouths!

  7. smile on the 2nd Six fer sure
    as to the first Six, I agree! (but then again, I have found myself going through phases where the toast must have a carbonized crust to be enjoyed.

  8. Love the birthday cake poem. How would the French explain that toast.

  9. Those were both good stories and what a purrfectly timed thankful! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. 2 Sixes! That is a treat. Difficult to fathom there is complexity to the preparation of toast but...nothing is beginning to surprise me anymore, lol
    Trials and tribulations of triplets, oh my!
    Who said gifts don't abound?
    Don't believe I'm familiar with of Danzig the Round but adore his name 😁

  11. I enjoyed both stories and the poem.

  12. Oh gosh, you have sparked a memory. Way back in time, when I was learning how to write proecedure manuals, the very first exercise was a procedure for boiling an egg. I couldn't believe how such a simple exercise became so complicated.
    Love your Irish/French toast story. And the poem.

  13. Tripod Sissycat looks like a really lovely and loving kitty. She is thankful for any place she can find to shelter from the rain. What a sweetie!

  14. Tripod Sissy is quite comfy in her special spot. So cute! I always love your shares. The Happy Birthday note reminded me of Rita Rudner. The comic once told of a surprise first birthday for her friend's child. As they gathered round the baby's crib and shouted Happy Birthday she said she was sure the child was still in long term therapy today! Great shares. Happy weekend. Thanks for all you do

  15. You come up with so many blessings here and I smile. I was here earlier, enjoying it so much I forgot to comment! Ding ding! Lots of fun for a fabulous Friday. Enjoy your weekend.

  16. Stories and poems are great and perfect timing on the insulin need ~ great fence photo too.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Brilliant poem as always Mimi......we think this one was a toughie for people. You made it look EASY!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  18. Hahahaha! Great 'toasts'! (Went to see the 'perfect' toast instructions. Salt, eh? My dad would be so pleased!)
    I love that picture! And your poem was SO clever! (And she quits screaming in my ear! *snort*)
    So thankful for medications and the money to buy them!


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