Thursday, August 10, 2023

Time Will Tell (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


I breathed a sigh of relief when they finally secured the lid and set the seal on the time capsule, as it meant I'd gotten away with it.

After all, I hadn't done anything that terrible, like commit a murder, I'd only snuck the special pen out of the principal's pocket when he wasn't looking.  It was the pen he was always waving around to make a point, or tapping things with, and it was supposedly made of gold and it had his name on it in funny, squiggly writing and a bunch of letters after the name.  I think those are all the degrees he earned in college, in a long list behind his name, and he was snooty proud of all those degrees, like he was a thermometer or something.

Anyway, he was kind of a jerk, and kind of had it coming to him, and he was always mean to us like he would have liked to run the school without the students even having to be there, so I snuck it out of his pocket.

Then I put it in the envelope with some other things and when no one was looking put it in the time capsule box, and a few minutes later everyone came out to where it was going to be buried and Mr. Snooty Principal gave a speech, and they closed it, and in a hundred years when it's opened, if the school lasts that long, it'll be too late and no one will care anyway.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Seal.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!  Also, Gosia is posting again, so the blog hop just might make a comeback.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

how uninspiring

to live life all in a row

no scope for dreaming


I grew up in a neighborhood

where every street's the same

talk about lack of scenery!

It really was a shame.

Cookie cutter houses

all standing in a row,

cookie cutter houses

such a boring show.

I went to cookie cutter schools

with no imagination,

we all learned the same boring stuff,

it felt like a limitation.

Cookie cutter schools,

everyone, go to college!

Cookie cutter schools,

no wisdom, just knowledge.

I was headed for a cookie cutter job

and a very boring life

The thought of "stuck forever"

was really causing strife.

Cookie cutter jobs

until you're over the hill,

Cookie cutter jobs,

they drain, and don't fulfill.

I moved out of the cookie jar

to the country, and bought some land.

I built myself a home-grown house

and everything feels grand.

No cookie cutter houses,

out here there's trees and sky,

no cookie cutter life,

let imagination fly!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful the mail actually came, first time in 3 days.


Today is:

Banana Split Day

Chemistry Set Volcano Day -- beat summer boredom, make a chemistry set volcano!

Dejada de Santo Domingo de Guzeman -- Managua, Nicaragua

Feast of San Lorenzo -- San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain

Horse Racing Festival -- Nagchu, Tibet (through the 16th)

Independence Day / National Day -- Ecuador(1822)

Lazy Day -- internet generated, since it's so hot, though, make it a lazy day!

National Duran Duran Appreciation Day -- anniversary of the 1985 near fatal accident of lead singer Simon Le Bon, when his yacht capsized during a race; the band acknowledges the declaration of this day on their website, and many years offer a free download of a song from one of their albums

National Hobo Convention -- Britt, IA (held each year since 1900, gathering for migrant workers who are proud to call themselves "hobos" and make a living through working where they choose and traveling where they want; through Sunday)

National S'mores Day

Opalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar, festival of Ops (date approximate, there were several celebrations of Ops through August and September)

Puck Fair -- Killorglin, Ireland (one of Ireland's 3 oldest fairs, with a wild goat caught and crowned the Puck, and let go on the 3rd day, Aug. 12)

Prisoner's Justice Day -- Canada (prisoners fast and refuse to work in memory of those who have died in prison of murder, suicide, or neglect)

Skyscraper Appreciation Day -- birth anniversary of architect William Can Alen, the genius behind the Chrysler Building

St. Lawrence of Rome's Day (Martyr roasted on a gridiron; Patron of archives and archivists, armories and armourers, brewers, butchers, chefs, comedians, confectioners, cooks, cutlers, deacons, glaziers, laundry workers, librarians and libraries, paupers and the poor, restauranteurs, schoolchildren, seminarians, stained glass workers, students, tanners, vine growers and vintners; of over 25 cities around the world; against fire and lumbago)

World Lion Day -- established in 2013 by Dereck and Beverly Joubert of National Geographic's "Big Cat Initiative"

Anniversaries Today:

The Smithsonian Institution is chartered, 1846

Missouri becomes the 24th US state, 1821

Birthdays Today:

Angie Harmon, 1972

Antonio Banderas, 1960

Rosanna Arquette, 1959

Schim Schimmel, 1954

Ian Anderson, 1947

Betsey Johnson, 1942

Bobby Hatfield, 1940

Rocky Colavito, 1933

Jimmy Dean, 1928

Eddie Fisher, 1928

Rhonda Fleming, 1923

Leo Fender, 1909

George Crockett, 1909

Norma Shearer, 1902

Henri Nestle', 1890

Herbert Hoover, 1874

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Candid Camera"(TV), 1948

Today in History:

Nineveh is destroyed and Sinsharishkun, King of the Assyrian Empire is killed, BC 612

Temple at Jerusalem is burned, 70

Ferdinand Magellan sets out with 5 ships to circumnavigate the globe, 1519

The foundation stone of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London is laid, 1675

Word of the US Declaration of Independence reaches London, 1776

Mozart completes "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", 1787

First ascent of Finsteraarhorn, the highest summit of the Bernese Alps, 1829

Candid Camera makes its television debut after being on radio for a year as Candid Microphone, 1948

The Magellan space probe reaches Venus, 1990

The highest temperature ever recorded in the UK – 38.5*C (101.3*F) in Kent; it is the first time the UK has recorded a temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 2003

New Zealand's highest mountain, the south ridge of Aoraki/Mount Cook, is renamed Hillary Ridge after Sir Edmund Hillary, first to conquer Mt. Everest, 2011

Google announces it is restructuring as Alphabet, a holding company with Google, YouTube, Android and Chrome as subsidiaries, 2015

Scientists exploring Captain Scott's hut in Antarctica discover a 100-year-old Huntley & Palmers fruitcake that is perfectly preserved and deemed to look and smell almost edible, 2018

A rare windstorm called a “derecho” slices through the US Midwest, flattening crops, leaving hundreds of thousands without electricity and killing two people, 2020


  1. You totally mirror my feelings when seeing those houses. Well written.

  2. I agree totally with you and Charlotte (MotherOwl). I am also smiling at the addition to the time capsule.

  3. I love your six sentence story! Cookie cutter suburbs are everywhere now and the houses are closer together, in many cases there is very little greenery for each home. It's sad, but there are so many people and they all need to live somewhere.

  4. Great story poem, and of course I love the fences

  5. The principal is probably still wondering what happened to his favorite pen, LOL!

  6. Excellent Six and excellent moral (as opposed to morel).
    Funny thing about synchronicity...I mentioned a gold pen in my Six

    ..well, implied it

  7. Loved your Six, the ending is magical. I also loved your poem.

  8. A brilliant six. Cookie cutter houses, a perfect description of so many new developments these days. I'm all for individuality..

  9. We had one here in about 2010..the house right across the street was cut in two, literally but a huge oak. Where I live the town was built inside a forest of trees. Beautiful but scary when storms come. And the derecho was a horrible experience for us all. Many other homes were smashed all through town.

  10. Creative writings and wonderful fence photos too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Great poem. I would not want to live there either. Funny story too. XO

  12. That was a great story, I think I had his brother as my principal. Those were good poems and a great thankful. We must have the same mailperson LOL. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. It's Denise, Mimi. Phone is giving me fits.
    Principal got off easy, lol
    Where are the trees and flowers and color!! I'd have to keep looking.
    Yikes! 3 days? Hope you don't lose delivery altogether.

  14. It's Denise.Did my comment disappear?

  15. A gold pen for a principal sounds suspicious. I think that kid did good.

  16. Poetic justice in a timely fashion! 😉

  17. Hahahaha! Don't you just love a joke that no one knows about but you?!
    Great cookie cutter poem!
    Reminds me of the song Little Boxes:


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