Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Bit Catty (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Last Wednesday, when going through Ms. Fiona's clothes with her, she indicated she wanted to keep most of her nicest outfits.  "You saw me in there," she said, and Ms. G had seen her, in the big room, watching the singer who'd come to provide the day's entertainment.  She was sitting at the front and said, "I was flirting with him, I have to have nice clothes so I can flirt with the men!"

Grand-mère Boudreaux done be set'lin' in de new home an' tellin' Clothile, "I needs me de nice clo'es de mos'."

An' Clothile say, "What fo' you want be dressin' up?"

"So's to gets me a husban'!"

"You done tole us year ago you don' want marry no old man to have to wash hims socks."

"I's not gonna flirt wit' de old men, I be's gonna flirt wit' de young men, I's gonna be, what dey say now? de cougar!"

An' Clothile say, "Mais, Grand-mère, now you be 'lion' it on way too thick!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

Photos, including from the baby shower yesterday for #2 Son and His Bride and the baby-to-come.


This week, Ruth(less) wants to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   


Today is:

Auntie's Day® -- as begun by The Savvy Auntie, celebrating those who chose to take on the active role of being an Auntie   

Buffalo Soldiers Day -- US (as designated by Congress)   

Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval a/k/a Expulsion of the Acadians Day -- Canada

Festival of Domhnach Chrom Dubh -- Ireland (also called Festival of Lughnasa or Garland Sunday, Black Chrom's Sunday, associated with the god Lugh and connected to the festival of Lammas; also connected to John Barleycorn, the personification of the grain, who is killed by being harvested at this time; many honor St. Patrick's Fast by making a pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, where he fasted until he overcame the pagan deity Crom Cruach [Crom of the Reek])

Festival of Hedjihotep -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (goddess of weaving; date approximate)

Heyannir month commences -- Icelandic Calendar (Harvest Month, literally translates "Hay Working")

Independence Day -- Peru(1821)

International Bog Day

Liberation Day / Anniversary of the Fall of Fascism -- San Marino

Mi'kmaq Pilgrimage to St. Anne Mission -- Mi'kmaq First Nations of Canada and Maine 

Nagasaki Peiron Senshuken -- Nagasaki, Japan (two day dragon boat racing festival begun in the 17th century)

National Lasagna Day 

National Milk Chocolate Day

National Tree Day -- Australia

Olavsokuaftan (Olavsoka Eve) and the Olai Festival -- Faroe Islands (St. Olav's Eve, the night before the opening of Parliament and the festival of St. Olav; through tomorrow)

Parent's Day -- US 

Procession of the Penitents -- Veurne, Belgium (passion play dating back to the 15th century)

Ranggeln -- Mt. Hundstein, Germany (traditional form of wresting, called ranggeln, in honor of St. Jacob's Day [which most celebrate on July 25]; this particular festival harks back to the pre-Christian Lughnasadh celebrations, which went through Aug. 1 and contained athletic events)

Soma-Nomaoi -- Haramachi City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (three day wild horse chase which recreates a battle from over 1,000 years ago)

St. Arduinus of Trepino's Day (Patron of Trepino, Italy)

Terry Fox Day -- born in Winnipeg on this date in 1958, he raised $24 million for cancer research by running over 3,000 miles on an artificial leg before his death in 1981 at age 23

Valencia Fair Battle of the Flowers -- Valencia, Spain (conclusion and highlight of the Valencia Fair, with a parade and thousands of carnations thrown from floats, making a magical carpet of petals for all to enjoy)

World Hepatitis Day -- International 

Anniversaries Today

The first Singing Telegram is delivered, 1933

Henry VIII marries Catherine Howard, 1540

Birthdays Today

Lori Loughlin, 1964

Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox, 1958

Hugo Chavez, 1954

Sally Struthers, 1948

Linda Kelsey, 1946

Jim Davis, 1945

Rick Wright, 1945

Bill Bradley, 1943

Phil Proctor, 1040

Darryl Hickman, 1931

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, 1929

Jacques Piccard, 1922

Earl Tupper, 1907

Rudy Vallee, 1901

Joe E. Brown, 1892

Beatrix Potter, 1866 

Thomas Heyward, Jr., 1746

Today in History

Thomas Cromwell is executed at the order of Henry VIII of England on charges of treason, 1540

Bermuda is first settled by Europeans, survivors of the English ship Sea Venture en route to Virginia, 1609

Maximilien Robespierre is executed by guillotine in Paris during the French Revolution, 1794

Welsh settlers arrive at Chubut in Argentina, 1865

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, guaranteeing due process and establishing citizenship for African Americans is certified, 1868

First flight of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, 1935

The Metropolitan Police Flying Squad foils a bullion robbery in the "Battle of London Airport", 1948

The Tangshan earthquake measuring between 7.8 and 8.2 moment magnitude flattens Tangshan, the People's Republic of China, killing 242,769 and injuring 164,851, 1976

Andorra joins the United Nations, 1993

Australian Ian Thorpe becomes the first swimmer to win six gold medals at a single World Championships, 2001

The Provisional Irish Republican Army calls an end to its thirty year long armed campaign in Northern Ireland, 2005

The U-550, a sunken German U-Boat, is discovered off the cost of Massachusetts, 2012

Findings of the earliest evidence of cancer, found in a 1.7million-year-old fossil from Swartkrans Cave, South Africa, are published in "South African Journal of Science", 2016

19 year old gymnast Daiki Hashimoto of Japan becomes youngest Olympic men's artistic individual all-around champion in history at the Tokyo Games, 2021

After a 37 year run, Australians view the final episode of the soap opera Neighbours, 2022

Scientists announce the ability to genetically engineer fruit flies in such a way the females can reproduce without males, 2023


  1. Love the baby shower photos - and of course your beautiful skyscapes.

  2. That first blue vase sets off the flowers beautifully.
    I decided long ago I would never be a "cougar".

  3. Beautiful bouquets of flowers that you're showing us. And there remains of a fantastic baby shower. Happy Sunday

  4. Funny husban huntin'! Nice photos and quite the pretty selfie sweet Ruth!

  5. Great Cajun joke, one of your best! Love the 'shower' photos.

  6. Lovely flowers, lovely skyscapes. But - what's with the alligator head???

  7. happee tree day two all treez out ther ever wear and ruth ewe bee one gorgeouz gurl ~~~~ ♥♥ heerz hopin
    yur week a headz pawsum awesum grate and ya N joy sum catnip, grazz N lotz oh nomz ♥♥♥♥

  8. Aw ~ Ruth is a cutie ~ great Cajun joke and awesome sky shots ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm, A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Wishing you happiness and good health always.

    God bless.

  10. Cute joke. Ruth is a beautiful cat. Nice photos except the crocodile head. :) XO

  11. Cougar Granny - love it!!! the flower arrangements were so pretty but Mom is in love with the baby blanket. She loves the pattern and would love to use it for a big afghan. She makes one for each of the grands as they head off to college. This year she will have double duty as the twins are seniors - need a boy afghan and a girl afghan.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Mee-yow Miss Mimi such purrty flowerss!! Concatss to yore 2nd Son an wife an baby-two-come!! Lookss like youss' had a lovelee time. Yore Sunset fotoss are beeuteefull. An Ruth(less) yore gorgeeus!!! Wishin efurryone there a bettur week an no more car trouble!!! ;) ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  13. I remember seeing a piñata in Three Cabelleros when I was small I always thought they were a brilliant idea!

  14. Great pics. Ruth is adorable.

  15. It's okay to be a cougar. Better to rob the cradle than the kennel. Lol...

  16. Charlee: "Oona! That little alligator head has as many sharp teeth as you do!"
    Oona: "ALMOST."


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