Saturday, July 27, 2024

You Never Quite Know, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


You never quite know where you'll end up by Thankful Day, but you know you'll have something for which to be thankful even in the midst of the muddle.

Lulu is not a fan of rainstorms, and most of south Louisiana has been having rainstorms almost daily for several weeks now.  Not all day, just a morning or afternoon shower, or sometimes one of each, but if there's thunder, she knows and gets most agitated.  When i am there, she sticks to me like glue if there's thunder.

Last Saturday, the rain was short lived so my tripping over the poor thing as she stuck to me was short lived and we were both thankful.

Sunday morning, Mr. Cal was thankful we got in a walk before the rain even started.

The blood drive at our church was last Sunday, and because my doctor has given me a clean bill of health and i'm not anemic, i did it.  This time, i didn't have work after and was able to come home and rest and relax and so no getting dizzy and hitting the floor like last time.

Ms. JAI had called to make sure i was coming this week and it was a full on three job Monday.  Carl started me off with a bang and i was thankful i managed to only have to do four loads of laundry.

Ms. D wanted me to dust "all the things" and dust mop "all the floors" and i'm thankful she really doesn't have a lot of dust, but what there was is now gone and it won't need to be done again for a few months.

Ms. JAI and i were so thankful to finally get together!  She needed the bathroom cleaned and the floors done and i'm thankful i was able to get through it.

I'm also thankful at all 3 places that day i was able to park in a carport or garage and keep GusGus cooler.  Not having A/C in the car is bad enough, having to get into a hot car to start is worse.  I'm thankful when the car isn't hot already when i leave and for the ice packs i keep and put in client's freezers and then put around my neck while driving.

Sweetie had worked for The Big Boss on Monday and he once again told him, "Treat yourself and your wife to a nice lunch out."  Tuesday, we were thankful to take advantage of it and have lunch at our favorite place.

Tuesday evening, i was thankful for the third installment of our ladies' summer Bible study.

About 3 weeks ago, Ms. G wanted us to go to lunch and tried to go to the restaurant i just mentioned, but their dishwasher was broken and it was a very long wait for a table as they washed dishes by hand.

This week, after i'd done the morning shift at the shelter, i went to her house and was thankful to greet the two new residents, Sassy and April, Ms. Fiona's cats which Ms. G has adopted now Ms. Fiona is in a residential facility.

We got a few things done, and then guess what?  She wanted us to have lunch and you got it, back to my favorite place we went.  I've never had so much vegetable sushi two days in a row in my life and i was thankful for it and enjoyed it immensely.

After lunch, she and i took clothes to Ms. Fiona and helped her decide what to keep.  We were thankful we got all the clothes in the building before the daily rain started.

Because #2 Son and His Bride are having the baby shower today, my week got compressed.  Thursday had big plans, Ms. SE and Ms. GA on the same day.

Of course, the bottom fell out and we were thankful by the time it was all over.

Ms. SE had out-of-town company and they were all trying to get ready to leave town again.  I was thankful her mother had folded most of the clothes, her older son finally cooperated and got ready to leave, the puppy mostly behaved, we figured out how to get the broken gate to work so we could get in and out of the driveway, and she taught me how to reset the now-well-past-its-prime dishwasher when it decided to stop in the middle of a load of dishes.

Sweetie and i were also thankful to finish early in spite of it all so i could get to Ms. GA's house at a reasonable time.

Ms. GA was thankful as it was her birthday and her sweetheart Mr. BA had gotten her several surprises.

Because Ms. GA was done on Thursday, Sweetie and i were thankful to be able to go to NOLA on Friday and get Grandma and Grandpa's house done.  Sweetie was also thankful, as always, to get his favorite spaghetti and meatball meal from the Italian place up the street from them.

On the way home, we were thankful the two accidents we passed on the interstate were small and only caused minor delays, and we were thankful the power steering on Slow-Moe the car waited to go out until i got off at our exit and only had a couple of miles to go to get home.

Like i said, you never know at the start of the week where  you will be by Thankful Day, but in my case, it will usually be someplace unexpected.

I'm also thankful i'd told the people at the cat shelter i would not be there Friday night.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Barbie-in-a-blender Day -- while i get why we do it to Barbie, what did your blender do to deserve this?  originally thought of by, to defend our rights to comment on cultural icons, whether they are trademarked/copyrighted or not     

Bugs Bunny Day -- the "wascally wabbit" made his debut in A Wild Hare, released on this day in 1940

Cowes Week begins -- Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK (the largest, longest-running and most prestigious international sailing regatta in the world; through August 6)

Day of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- date on the Julian Calendar, these are the legendary saints who, upon persecution by the Emperor Decius and being walled up in a cave to die as martyrs, instead slept for over 200 (in the Koran, yes, they are mentioned there, it is 300) years; based on an even more ancient legend and the prototypes of Rip Van Winkle; related observances 

     National Sleepy Head Day -- Finland (the last person in the house to wake on this day is awakened with water, either thrown on him/her or the person is thrown into water; in honor of the story of the Saints of Ephesus)

     Seven Sleepers Day -- Ancient Latvian Calendar

     Siebenschlafer -- Germany (a weather prognostication day, if it rains today, there will be rain for seven weeks more)

Iglesia Ni Cristo Day -- Philippines

Ipip Festival -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (festival for working on the king's tomb; date approximate)

Jose Celso Barbosa Day -- Puerto Rico

National Creme Brulé Day

National Dance Day -- US (begun by Nigel Lythgoe, now a congressionally recognized day to encourage dance education and physical fitness, so go out and bust a move on a Saturday night, but don't bust you, please)

National Day of the Cowboy -- US  (celebrating the heritage, and those who still work as cowboys/cowgirls today) 

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day -- US

National Scotch Day

St. Pantaleon's Day (Patron of bachelors, physicians, torture victims; against tuberculosis)

Take Your Houseplants For a Walk Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, which claims doing this will orient them to their position on the earth and make them healthier (some websites mistakenly call it take your pants for a walk day!)

Victory Day -- North Korea

Walk on Stilts Day -- at your own risk always; sponsored by Bill "Stretch" Coleman, the Nine Foot Clown, who encourages everyone to walk on stilts to foster a chance to develop self-confidence, master balance and coordination, enjoy the challenge, and celebrate daring accomplishments at all ages

War Martyrs' and Invalids' Day -- Vietnam

Birthdays Today

Ashlyn Sanchez, 1996

Cheyenne Kimball, 1990

Courtney Kupets, 1986

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, 1977

Alex Rodriguez, 1975

Maya Rudolph, 1972

Triple H, 1969

Julian McMahon, 1968

Maureen McGovern, 1949

Peggy Fleming, 1948

Betty Thomas, 1947

Bobbie Gentry, 1944

James Victor, 1939

Gary Gygax, 1938

Jerry Van Dyke, 1931

Norman Lear, 1922

Leo Ernest Durocher, 1905

Joseph Bert "Joe" Tinker, 1880

José Celso Barbosa, 1857

Alexandre Dumas, fils, 1824

Queen Hatshepsut, BC1508

Today in History

Siward, Earl of Northumbria invades Scotland to support Malcolm Canmore against Macbeth of Scotland, who usurped the Scottish throne from Malcolm's father, King Duncan; Macbeth is defeated at Dunsinane, 1054

Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reaches Japan, 1549

The English Parliament passes the second Navigation Act requiring that all goods bound for the American colonies have to be sent in English ships from English ports, 1663

A Royal Charter is granted to the Bank of England, 1694

The Russian Navy defeats the Swedes atthe Battle of Grengam, 1720

The first U.S. federal government agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs, is established (later renamed Department of State), 1789

Robespierre is finally arrested, 1794

The Atlantic Cable is successfully completed, allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time, 1866

Researchers at the University of Toronto led by biochemist Frederick Banting announce the discovery of the hormone insulin, 1921

The animated short A Wild Hare is released, introducing the character of Bugs Bunny, 1940

RMS Titanic, Inc. begins the first expedited salvaging of wreckage of the RMS Titanic, 1987

A pipe bomb explodes at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GA, US, during the Summer Olympics, 1996

Photograph negatives purchased at a garage sale prove to be early works by photographer Ansel Adams, 2010

The first Przewalski’s horse (whose wild populations were believed extinct in 1969) to be conceived via artificial insemination is born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute as part of a worldwide effort to rebuild the wild herds, 2013

Fiat Chrysler is fined a record $105 million by US regulators over their number of car recalls, 2015

US congressman John Lewis becomes the first African American lawmaker to lie in state in the Rotunda in Washington D.C., 2020

Triathlete Flora Duffy claims an historic first ever Olympic gold medal for Bermuda in the women's event at the Tokyo Games, 2021

A diamond mine in Angola announces the discovery of the "Lulo Rose," a 170-carat pink diamond thought to be the largest found in the last 300 years, 2022


  1. So many good thankfuls this week :)

  2. Another v busy week. Love your list - and am so glad you got those lunches.

  3. Hope that baby shower goes off with lots of fun and lots of gifts. And even better lots of good memories when it's over. I feel only slightly better, but that's way better than what it was. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

  4. There's always a lot to be thankful for.

    God bless.

  5. Such a busy, busy week and those were all darn nice thankfuls!

  6. What a great list for the week!

  7. Wonderful list of thankfuls. Glad you got to give blood and you got to go to lunch twice. XO

  8. My, you are one busy lady! You obviously have so many different trains of thought going on in your head all at once. No wonder it's so hard to keep track of things. More power to ya!

  9. Good list of thankfuls! I chuckled, you mentioned having a reaction after giving blood... When I was in college, the ROTC, in full uniform, were escorts for the people donating. My friend had a reaction, passed out, ROTC guy caught her. She woke up, first thing out of her mouth? "You're cute!!"

  10. So busy, I bet you'd be thankful for a quiet week now and again!

  11. Awesome thankful list ~ you are soooo busy ~ glad you got out to lunch ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm, A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. None of our dogs have liked thunder storms. But they are interesting in how they react. Ola made it her mission to herd anyone at home at the time into a safe place. (Usually the car... I suppose she figured we'd have the sense to drive us all away from the threat from the sky! lol)
    Bella was more, like Lulu, stay close to any human available.
    Una was the most laid back. While she did not like thunder, she made it clear that certain music (turned up to 11) made the bad feeling go away. She fall asleep to the sounds of giant guitars and heavy metal songs)

  13. What a week! I'm glad you were able to donate blood without hitting the floor. I was supposed to donate this past week, but had to cancel due to being sick the day before. Fortunately, it was just a quickly resolved cold, so I need to sign up for another drive soon.
    Hope this upcoming week goes well for you!

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, our Lulu is right there with your Lulu. If the base is booming, you can usually find her under Dada's desk, unless it's really loud, and then you can usually find her hiding in the hallway bathroom."
    Lulu: "It's just good sense! They say you should go to an interior room during dangerous conditions!"
    Java Bean: "I don't think the base booming is actually dangerous to us."
    Lulu: "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!!!"


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