Friday, July 26, 2024

Sassy and April (Feline Friday), Friendly Fill-Ins, Nature Friday and Pet Photo Fails


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (may he rest in peace), and i'm going to believe it's because he liked cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Ms. Fiona is safely at the facility where she should be able to spend the rest of her life.

Ms. G is taking care of her cats.  The feral cats which have not been fixed yet (only 2) will be fixed and all will go to barn homes or feral colonies.

Ms. Fiona's two special pets are are at Ms. G's house.

Sassy is 15, her senior bloodwork is perfect, she had heaven only knows how many kittens before she was spayed at age 7, and she is a friendly, tiny little minx.

April is a bit shyer, and wouldn't come out for her photo, although she did let me pet her a little.  She's is from Sassy's last litter and is age 8 and is bonded with her mama.

She's a calico, not that you can tell here.

That's the best she would let me do this time, but I'm sure I will get better photos in the future.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I have changed _________ in the past year.

2. I need to get moving on _________.

3. Though it might seem childish, I _________.

4. _________ wasn't as _________ as I thought it would be.

1. I have changed   very little   in the past year.

2. I need to get moving on   getting my things moved into my new rolling pack from my old backpack.

3. Though it might seem childish, I   still read fairy tales and children's stories.

4. Being a grown up  isn't/wasn't as   much fun  as I thought it would be.


Nature Friday is hosted by LLB in Our Backyard Simply post a picture of the natural world, and link up!   


Pet Photo Fails is hosted by Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows.     

I tried to take pictures of me petting Sassy to show how friendly she is, and of course, taking pictures with one hand while petting a cat with the other resulted in fails.


Today is:

All or Nothing Day -- no history on this one, but it's supposed to be the day you decide to live as if it's going to be your last!

Aunt and Uncle Day -- originally proposed on this day in 2005 by Florida State Senator Tony Hill; if you have aunts and uncles you love, why not give them a call today 

Dia de la Rebeldia -- Cuba (Revolution Anniversary)

Festival of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of Sleipnir -- Norse Pagan (date approximate, honored Odin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir)

Green Corn Ceremony -- Native Americans (thanksgiving for the maize harvest; these are celebrated by many tribes in many different ways and are not generally scheduled as they depend on how the corn grows; some have with rites including a Thanksgiving Prayer, Confession Chant, and Feather Dance; the Santa Ana Pueblo holds an annual Corn Festival on this date each year that is open to the public)

Groovy Chicken Day -- don't ask, just enjoy

Independence Day -- Liberia(1847); Maldives(1965)

Kargil Vijay Diwas -- India (Kargil Victory Day)

National Coffee Milkshake Day

One Voice Day -- readings around the world of the Universal Peace Covenant, sponsored by the School of Metaphysics

Otaru Tide Festival -- Otaru Wharf, Otaru City, Japan (one of Japan's biggest sea festivals, through the 28th)

Racial Desegregation Day -- date in 1944 the US Army ordered training camp facilities desegregated, and the date in 1948 President Truman signed the order integrating the US armed forces

Schools Tree Day -- Australia (because National Tree Day is always a Sunday, the schools participate in planting trees the Friday before)

St. Anne's Day (traditional name given to the mother of Mary; Patron of broommakers, cabinetmakers, carpenters, childless people, equestrians, expectant mothers, grandmothers, grandparents, homemakers, horse men, horse women, housewives, lace makers, lace workers, lost articles, miners, mothers, old-clothes dealers, poor people, pregnancy, pregnant women, riders, seamstresses, stablemen, turners, women in labour; Canada; France; Micmaqs; over 20 cities around the world; against poverty and sterility)

St. Joachim's Day (traditional name given to the father of Mary; Patron of fathers, grandfathers, grandparents; Adjuntas, Puerto Rico)

System Administrator Appreciation Day -- the day to thank your system administrator for keeping your computer up and running

Talk in an Elevator Day -- help break the taboo!

Anniversaries Today

Signing of the American's With Disabilities Act, 1990

New York becomes the 11th US State, 1788

The United States Postal Service is founded, 1775

Birthdays Today

Taylor Momsen, 1993

Kate Beckinsale, 1973

Jeremy Piven, 1964

Sandra Bullock, 1964

Kevin Spacey, 1959

Angela Hewitt, 1958

Dorothy Hamill, 1956

Susan George, 1950

Roger Taylor, 1949

Helen Mirren, 1945

Mick Jagger, 1943

Dobie Gray, 1940

Stanley Kubrick, 1928

Blake Edwards, 1922

Jason Robards, Jr., 1922

Vivian Vance, 1912

Gracie Allen, 1902

Aldous Huxley, 1894

Carl Jung, 1875

George Bernard Shaw, 1856

George Catlin, 1796

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Alice In Wonderland(Animated film), 1951

The Babe Ruth Story(Film), 1948

"The Bob Howard Show"(TV), 1948

"Young Widder Brown"(Radio), 1938

Today in History

The first recorded women's cricket match took place near Guildford, England, 1745

The birth of what would later become the United States Post Office Department is established by the Second Continental Congress, 1775

The Surrey Iron Railway, often considered the world's first public railway, opens in south London, 1803

In California, the poet and American West outlaw calling himself "Black Bart" makes his last clean getaway, 1878

Premiere of Richard Wagner's Parsifal at Bayreuth, 1882

Publication of the Unua Libro, founding the Esperanto movement, 1887

United States Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte issues an order to immediately staff the Office of the Chief Examiner (later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1908

King Edward VIII, in one of his few official duties before he abdicated the throne, officially unveiled the Canadian National Vimy Memoria, 1936

The Labour Party wins the United Kingdom general election of July 5 by a landslide, removing Winston Churchill from power, 1945

U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act into United States law creating the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council, 1947

U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs Executive Order 9981 desegregating the military of the United States, 1948

Fidel Castro leads an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada Barracks, thus beginning the Cuban Revolution, 1953

Syncom 2, the world's first geosynchronous satellite, is launched from Cape Canaveral on a Delta B booster, 1963

The National Assembly of Quebec imposes the use of French as the official language of the provincial government, 1977

A federal grand jury indicts Cornell University student Robert T. Morris, Jr. for releasing the Morris worm, thus becoming the first person to be prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 1989

Mumbai, India receives 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within 24 hours, bringing the city to a halt for over 2 days, 2005

Over 92,000 classified documents detailing incidents related to the war in Afghanistan are released by Wikileaks in the largest leak in U.S military history, 2010

President of France, Francois Holland finalizes a deal with Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara to forgive $4.7 billion dollars in debt incurred by the Ivory Coast when it was a French Colonial Power, 2012

Great Britain announces it will ban gasoline and diesel cars by 2040, 2017

The Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics publishes findings about the observation of a black hole by a telescope in Chile that proved Albert Einstein’s prediction of gravitational redshift, 2018

Weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz makes history becoming the first athlete from the Philippines to win gold at the Olympics, 2021

Russia announces it will leave the International Space Station in two years, 2022


  1. Sassy is a cutie - and looks good for her age.
    Snap on three and four of your fill-ins.

  2. I am glad that Sassy and April have a good safe home to go to together.
    My past year has been very different, especially the last few months. The biggest thing for me was agreeing to have Chemotherapy when I had always said I would never have it after what my mum went through. That was over 40 years ago and it is the only option left for me when the cancer tablets stopped working. I am not ready to go and am continuing to fight it.

  3. It's scary for us furry ones to suddenly lose our human and our home, especially when we are older. Sassy is adorable and so small. We could tell right away April is a calico. Hopefully they will adjust and be able to live our their lives at their new home.

  4. Beautiful Egret photo. So nice to see the two cats are settling in.

  5. Supurr fill-ins and Foto Fails! And furbulous news April and Sassy have a new home together - just pawesome! Happy Friday, and we hope your weekend is toally terrific!

  6. Adorable kitty photos. Great fill ins. Love your answer for #4 and it's so true. Have a great weekend!

  7. Bless her that little Sassy. Poor wee thing! It's not nice to end up in a shelter at her age, or any age. If there is a pawsitive, at least she has her kitten April to keep her company. I hope they both find their forever home very soon.

  8. Sassy is a beautiful girl. I am so happy her blood work was good and she has a forever home with her daughter. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think it is wonderful that you read Fairy Tales. XO

  9. I sure am glad that those sweet kitties are being taken care of. Those were good fill-in answers too!

  10. Sassy and April...what pretty names. I enjoyed your fill ins and Feline photos and the egret
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Sassy is lovely and the picture of April is cute! The only thing that changed for me since last year is my age - I wish it would hold back!

  12. I was diagnose of herpes virus year 2010 then my life got devastated i have no idea what I could do with my life anymore until I came across a old friend of mine tiffany whom we study together back then in college, she was an African America I explain to her my current health condition she laughed and say that is not a problem because she know a traditional herbal doctor from African whom will cure me completely with a herbal medicines I wow about the conversation then she gave me the herbal doctor email address Dr Jekawo replied my mail and I was so happy and he explained how the treatment will go through 25 days, I agreed I paid the preparation fee of the herbal medicines and I received the herbal product within few weeks after preparation of the herbal medicines, I drink the herbal medicine as instructed I must confess that Dr Jekawo is a great traditional herbal doctor I go for a rapid test I was cured completely then I recommend him to my mom whom suffering from dementia and my husband whom was suffering from prostate cancer also get cured by Dr Jekawo. I want to use this your platform to thank him so much and to also recommend him to anyone suffering from herpes,cancer,fibroid,prostate infection,parkinson,gonorrhea,hiv,chlamydia,diabets,hpv,hepatitis and so many diseases Dr Jekawo can cure with his ancestral herbal knowledge is beyond my imagination.

  13. Oh such adorable kitty photos ~ all of them precious ~ hugs

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I knew right away that April is a calico. They are very recognizable. In fact, the calico is the Maryland State Cat (where I live). Children's books are great to read no matter what age the reader is! Have a great weekend. :)

  15. Sassy looks just like "no-one's" Missy who is no longer with us. I'm happy that Ms Fiona is now settled in a caring home.
    #1 I have changed a lot this past year, I look old now! It was bound to happen eventually.

  16. What a collection of adorable kitties...and your heron is beautiful!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. Mom can't believe that little tiny Sassy had so many litters of kittens. She deserves a nice retirement. Thanks for continuing this hop. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  18. We are so thankful that all those kitties are being cared for. We love fairy tales and children's stories, too. :)

  19. How awwdorable sweet Sassy is💗and April may be shy, but very recognizable as a calico😸Great fill ins, especially about the fairy tales😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Charlee: "Whoa, April's got the lasers turned up to eleven! It's a good thing nobody got their retinas burned out!"
    Oona: "Sassy does look quite tiny. She reminds Oona of Oona in that respect."
    Chaplin: "You're kind of the same color too."
    Oona: "She and Oona are both smol ninjas!"


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