Saturday, July 13, 2024

Always Plenty, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's been a good week, and as always, there's plenty to say on Thankful Day.  My first is that i am still learning to deal with this computer and i'm thankful it posted, even if everything looks off!

Last Saturday, i was thankful i didn't have to make any food runs.  I'm always willing to go get stuff, or take care of the ordering and meeting delivery drivers, but it does cut into my cleaning time at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

The first Sunday of this month saw our church have the first "one service Sunday" of the summer.  Attendance gets lower when people are all on summer vacations, so we only do the one service and give the Sunday school teachers a month off.  I'm thankful Becca didn't run off for the Sunday school room, which she did last time her brother was in town and he took her to the late service, after Sunday school was over. 

Sunday afternoon, Ms. JAI called saying she needed me to come Monday to drive her to an appointment if she could  not secure another ride.  She also said she would let me know for sure.

I never heard so i arrived to find her getting into a friend's car, and i was most thankful she had a safe ride and i got there in time to give her a good hug.  Later, i found out it was her dentist, and i'm also thankful she's getting her sore mouth and teeth taken seen to properly.

That evening, a few of us ladies from the circle met just to have time together.  We're thankful to be enjoying the laid back meetings in the summertime.

Finally, finally i was able to see the eye doctor and yes, my cataracts are ready to come out!  After years of being told insurance wouldn't pay for their removal, i am thankful the eye doc has proven to them it's time.  Of course, they won't pay for the good lenses to be put in, but anything would be better than what i have now.

I'm thankful to be on the schedule for surgery in October.  I'm also thankful this doctor uses the "dropless" technique, no tedious putting stuff in your eyes half a dozen times a day.

Ms. G and i had errands on Wednesday, as always.  She keeps saying she wants to stay home and work on her place, and getting involved in helping everyone else.  I'm thankful she dropped me off back at the house early enough to do the cleaning.

I'm also thankful i didn't get heat-sick on the way home from work.  I did feel a bit lightheaded and might have to keep an extra ice pack with me in the car.

We're thankful for visits from #1 Son and from #2 Son and His Bride, all of them came to pick up packages and mail.  We're thankful also His Bride is doing very well with this pregnancy, and we pray it continues to be so.

Ms. SE's house was the easiest it has ever been, we were thankful to get home early.  We were also thankful the AT&T outage didn't last as long this time when we noticed the phones weren't working.

I managed to have enough to renew our AAA membership and i managed to sign up for the new website to keep up with my Social Security earnings, two things which were on my list for the week.

The shelter is busting out with healthy and adoptable cats and kittens, and they are getting adopted and we're all very thankful.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bald In - Bald Out Day -- sponsored by Bald Girls Do Lunch; if men can be bald and brazen, then women and children who cannot grow hair should bring bald INto their lives, and never feel on the OUTs!  

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day -- anniversary of the founding of Sweet Adelines International

Beans and Franks Day

Carver Day -- George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond, MO, US

Embrace Your Geekness Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, celebrate your love of online dungeon games, comic books, or dressing up like a vampire

Feast of Kalimat (Words) -- Baha'i Faith

Fool's Paradise Day -- a day to figure out how a fool can achieve paradise?  or how it can be paradise if it is full of fools?

Galicnik Svadba -- Galicnik, Macedonia (wedding festival, when one lucky couple gets to be married in a traditional "Galichka" style wedding, through tomorrow)

Go West Day -- commemorates Horace Greeley's "Go West, young man, and grow up with the country."

Gruntled Workers Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; those of us who are gruntled, as opposed to the disgruntled, should unite and pass along some "great work" compliments to those doing a good job

International Puzzle Day -- some sites say Jan. 29, but today is Erno Rubik's birthday

La Retraite Aux Flambeaux -- France (night watch, before Bastille Day)

National French Fries Day

Obon (Ulambana) -- Buddhist; Shinto (Festival of the Lanterns, a time of honoring the ancestors, a reunion of them with the living; through the 15th, although Obon festivals are held on various dates in July at temples throughout the world)

Statehood Day -- Montenegro

St. Henry the Emperor's Day (Patron of childless people, disabled people, dukes, handicapped people, kings, people rejected by religious orders, physically challenged people; Bamberg, Germany; Basel, Switzerland; Benedictine Oblates; against sterility)

St. Joel the Prophet's Day (Old Testament prophet of the Book of Joel)

Birthdays Today

Anthony Jerome “Spud” Webb, 1963

Cameron Crowe, 1957

Jane Hamilton, 1957

Michael Spinks, 1956

Louise Mandrell, 1954

Cheech Marin, 1946

Erno Rubik, 1944

Harrison Ford, 1942

Roger McGuinn, 1942

Robert Forster, 1941

Patrick Stewart, 1940

Jack Kemp, 1935

Wole Soyinka, 1934

David Storey, 1933

Bob Crane, 1928

Dave Garroway, 1913

Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1821

Julius Caesar, BC100

Today in History

Capt James Cook begins 2nd trip (Resolution) to South Seas, 1772

William Wordsworth, on a walking tour through the Wye Valley, visited the ruins of Tintern Abbey and a few miles further on composed a poem about them, 1798

Greek War of Independence: Greeks defeated Ottoman forces at Thermopylae, 1822

Henry R Schoolcraft discovers the source of the Mississippi River, 1832

After 9,957 unnumbered patents, the U.S. Patent Office issues Patent No. 1, for locomotive wheels, 1836

Queen Victoria becomes the first British monarch to live at Buckingham Palace in London, 1837

First day of the New York Draft Riots in response to President Abraham Lincoln's Enrolment Act of Conscription, 1863

Horace Greeley publishes his editorial advising young men to "Go West, young man, go west and grow up with the country," 1865

PT Barnum's American Museum was destroyed in one of the most spectacular fires in New York City's history, 1865

Gold was discovered near Cochrane, Ontario, Canada, 1909

The British airship R34 lands in Norfolk, England, completing the first airship return journey across the Atlantic in 182 hours of flight, 1919

Alexander Butterfield reveals the existence of the Nixon tapes to the special Senate committee investigating the Watergate break in, 1973

The Live Aid benefit concert, a telecast fundraising concert for famine relief in Ethiopia, was held in London and Philadelphia, as well as other venues such as Sydney and Moscow, 1985

American Thoroughbred racehorse Cigar wins his 16th consecutive top-class race, the first horse to do so since Triple Crown winner Citation, 1996

Researchers reveal two studies showing the antiretroviral drugs prescribed to treat AIDS can also prevent HIV infections, 2011

The Eurozone countries agree to a conditional deal to lend €86bn over 3 years if Greece passes reforms, 2015

Drought helps to reveal the outline of a previously unknown 5,000-year-old henge at New Grange, Ireland, 2018

According to the Interagency Fire Center, the fire season in the western US has started unprecedentedly early, with 67 large fires and nearly 918,000 acres reported burnt already, 2021


  1. Gratitude is a gift that keeps giving.

  2. Good news to get rid of the cataracts in the near future. I'm thankful for the cool mornings before the high humidity and sun turn the rest of the day into a sweat bath.

  3. That is such a nice list of thankfuls and I'm glad that your cataracts are going to go bye-bye soon!

  4. Wonderful thankful list. Glad your daughter-in-law is doing well. XO

  5. There's a "dropless" technique for cataract surgery?? I'll be thankful if I can get that when it's my turn.

  6. Chaplin: "That is a great list of thankfuls! Heat-sick doesn't sound fun at all, we're glad that didn't happen!"
    Oona: "Oona hopes they start finding homes for those poor shelter cats!"

  7. So many wonderful reasons to be thankful. Thanks for sharing. Mom says you are going to be thrilled with your new vision. Her surgery was so smooth and good. She too had the no drops procedure, but her eye pressure elevated from the steroid injection when the first eye was done. For the second one she didn't get the injection and only had to do one drop twice a day for a couple of weeks, No biggie. Good luck. We hope October rolls around quickly.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Good oT list!
    Can we infer, new computer? Or phone->computer
    good list in any event.
    heat-sick can't be fun... sounds like it's something you've developed appropriate treatment/strategies to contend with it.
    have the best possible week ahead!


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