Friday, April 5, 2024

Ellington (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins, an A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Ellington has been preadopted and is just waiting for his neuter surgery to go home.  Meanwhile, he's always wanting someone to play with.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I plan to _________ in April.

2. My favorite kind of muffin _________.

3. _________ always seems to happen when I _________.

4. _________ has been on my to-do list for a long time.

1. I plan to   visit a new eatery which has vegan options   in April.

2. My favorite kind of muffin   is a vegan chocolate muffin.

3. Morning coming too early   always seems to happen when I   can't get to bed on time for any reason.

4. Cleaning out the car again   has been on my to-do list for a long time.


Today is:

Babu Jagivan Ram's Birthday -- Andhra Pradesh, India

Bell Bottoms Day -- remember those? apparently so did someone who wanted to celebrate the fact

Easter Island Day -- anniversary of the "discovery" of the Island in 1722, on Easter Sunday of that year

Go for Broke Day -- take a risk, and make it count!  step out and do something extraordinary; anniversary of the day in 1945 that a US Army unit made up of almost all Japanese-Americans, the 442nd Regimental, went for broke and managed to break through the Nazi Gothic line in Italy in one day

Hospital Admitting Clerks Day -- remembering those people at the front desk who make sure you get in and to the right place

Jumatul Bidah/Wida -- Bangladesh; JK, LA, India

Lady Luck Day -- in honor of the Roman festival of Fortune held each year on this date

Lailat al Kadr (Lailat al Qadr) -- Islam (Night of Destiny; begins at sundown, through sundown tomorrow, although local observances may vary)

National Caramel Day

National Dandelion Day

National Deep Dish Pizza Day -- anniversary of the day in 1979 that Uno Chicago Grill, originator of the deep dish pizza, first opened a restaurant outside the Chicago area

National Walk to Work Day -- US (originally sponsored by Prevention Magazine, and different from the one in September) 

National Raisin and Spice Bar Day

Nones of April -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also

     Fortuna Publica -- festival of Fortune in her role as the Luck of the People

Saint Vincent Ferrer's Day (Patron of brick makers, builders, construction workers, pavement workers, plumbers, tile makers; of Calamonaci, Italy; Casteltermini, Agrigento, Italy; Leganes, Philippines)

Sikmogil -- South Korea (Arbor Day)

Student Government Day -- US (encouraging kids to learn about how government works by learning to govern themselves) 2nd Friday if the 1st is Good Friday

Anniversary Today:

John Rolfe marries Pocahontas, 1614

Birthdays Today:

Mitch Pileggi, 1952

Agnetha Faltskog, 1950

Max Gail, 1943

Michael Moriarty, 1942

Judith A. Resnik, 1949

Colin Powell, 1937

Frank Gorshin, 1934

Roger Corman, 1926

Gale Storm, 1921

Gregory Peck, 1916

Bette Davis, 1908

Spencer Tracy, 1900

Booker T. Washington, 1856

Joseph Lister, 1827

Elihu Yale, 1649

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Secret Garden"(Musical), 1991

"Married . . . with Children"(TV), 1987

"Secret Agent"(TV), 1961

"Fireside Theatre"(TV), 1949

"Pavane pour une infante défunte"(Ravel piano solo, Pavane for a Dead Princess), 1902

"Die Fledermaus"(Operetta), 1874

The Symphony No. 2 in D major(Beethoven Op. 36), 1803

Today in History:

St. Patrick returns to Ireland as a missionary bishop, 456

Two hundred Dutch noblemen petition to have the Spanish Inquisition suspended in the Netherlands, 1566

The Daimyo (Lord) of the Satsuma Domain in southern Kyushu, Japan, completes his successful invasion of the Ryukyu Kingdom in Okinawa, 1609

The Native American Indian princess Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, marries Englishman John Rolfe, 1614

Jacob Roggeveen discovers Easter Island, 1722

The first recorded meteorite in Scotland falls in Possil, 1804

Helen Keller learns her first word, "water," from Anne Sullivan, 1887

The Greco-Turkish War, also called "Thirty Days' War", is declared between Greece and the Ottoman Empire, 1897

Archaeologists in Knossos, Crete, discover a large cache of clay tablets with hieroglyphic writing in a script they call Linear B, 1900

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company begins production of balloon-tires, 1923

In an act of civil disobedience, Mohandas Gandhi breaks British law after marching to the sea and making salt, 1930

In the Dominion of Newfoundland, 10,000 rioters seize the Colonial Building leading to the end of self-government, 1932

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for espionage, 1951

Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the UK because of failing health, 1955

Ripple Rock, an underwater threat to navigation in the Seymour Narrows in Canada is destroyed in one of the largest non-nuclear controlled explosions of the time, 1958

In Japan, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge linking Shikoku with Honshu, the largest suspension bridge in the world, opens, 1998

North Korea launches its controversial Kwangmyongsong-2 rocket, 2009

SkyNews admits it illegally hacked emails that belonged to members of the public on two separate occasions, 2012

San Francisco becomes the first US city to mandate paid parental leave, 2016

Italy scraps its 1914 film censorship law that could ban films on moral and religious grounds, 2021


  1. Ellington is a cutie. At the moment his name is bigger than he is.
    I like morning.

  2. Ellington is a little cutie. I am glad he has a home waiting for him.

  3. What a beautiful ball of fur!
    I wish you hadn't mentioned cleaning out the car, you've reminded me of something I've been putting off for far too long!

  4. Bell Bottoms! I hate them, they always trips me up! Good fill-ins. My fave muffins are any with fruits and no milk (butter welcome).
    Mornings always come too early for me.

  5. Ellington surely is one of the sweetest looking kittens I've ever seen! I wish him happiness in his new life. Hopefully his new family will have a hammock for him, too.

  6. Ellington! What a big name for a tiny kitten, lol.
    I need to vacuum out the van soon and very soon. I'll be adding dirt back some day if it is ever warm enough to ride my bike, as I carry it inside the van.

  7. That kitten is sooo adorable, we just want to cuddle his soft furs. Speaking of cleaning out the car, ours it really bad but Mom can't do much with it now with only one arm.

  8. Ellington is such a cutie pie, enjoy a most happy home sweet one. Those were good fill-in answers too.

  9. Ellington is adorable. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. It is good that more places are offering vegan foods. XO

  10. Look at that little cutie pie, OMG we want to kitten-nap him! MOL Supurr fill-ins and thank mew for hosting, we love that mew do! Have a pawesome weekend!

  11. Elllington what a very distingushed name...and it suits you. I love how obvervantly you are looking at the camera
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. It's easy to see why Ellington was snatched up quickly!

  13. Oona: "Ellington is such a cute little fellow! He reminds Oona of her brother Odin when Odin was smol!"

  14. Good luck to the little guy as he goes to his furever home !

  15. What a cutie! So glad he's been pre-adopted. Have a great weekend! :)

  16. Ellington looks a little young for neutering, I'm pretty sure my Angel was done at six months, maybe five months. Is it possible to do the neutering at a younger age?

  17. I'm in love with Ellington! What a fun blog hop! After the A to Z is over, I may have to join in!

  18. Ellington sure is cute. We're so happy he' already got a forever home waiting for him. :)

  19. What a little sweetheart Ellington is. Good Luck in your furrever home sweetie🐾😽🍀


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