Thursday, April 4, 2024

Distressed Over Dungarees (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday, an A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


Every year, when we'd go on vacation, it was time to go to the Outlet Mall and refresh our wardrobes.

Not being fashion plates but rather working stiffs who abuse their clothing with real actual hard wearing, we only bought what was needed to replace what was worn out, with an occasional nice piece for Sunday, but the latter aren't needed as often as they don't wear out quickly, if you buy right you don't need to worry about it going out of fashion.

As the family yearly vacation is a thing of the past, we'd been going to an outlet just a longish drive up the road the last couple of years and making a morning of it, finishing with lunch once we'd procured sufficient raiment.

Alas, the couple of stores there which carried the clothes most suitable to our line of work have closed and we are casting around for an alternative.

It's not that there aren't some suitable items at other local of stores, it's that finding the ones which wear the best and longest takes searching at these places, and we're thinking we will be soon forced to do the dreadful online ordering, with its attendant problems of returning for a different size, etc.

If anyone knows where a five-foot-nothing-hundred-and-ten-pound-soaking-wet gray-haired woman janitor can get decent jeans to work in, please clue me in!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Outlet.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

The class project got out of hand

when acting class did "FairyLand."

How I got this role,

it was this or the troll.

Next semester, I'm joining the band!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for the simple pleasure of iced tea, so refreshing after a busy day.


Today is:

Ballroom Dance Day -- dance with your sweetheart today in honor of the birth anniversary of Arthur Murray

Bonza Bottler Day™

Children's Day -- Taiwan

Homogenized Milk Day -- a machine to homogenize milk was patented this day in 1892 by Auguste Gaulin

Hug a Newsman/Newswoman Day -- an internet holiday, and be careful, no more fiascos like the gropings in 2009, please, just a nice hug

Independence Day -- Senegal(1960)

International Carrot Day 

International Day for Mine Awareness & Assistance in Mine Action -- UN

Matsuyama Haru Matsuri -- Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan (Spring celebrations incorporating the Matsuyama Castle festival and the Dogo Hot Springs festival)

Megalesia, a/k/a Festival of Magna Mater -- Ancient Roman Calendar (great mother festival for Cybele; through the 9th)

Nafels Pilgrimage -- Canton Glarus, Switzerland (commemoration of the Battle of Nafels in 1388, observed with processions, prayers, sermon, and a reading of the names of those killed in battle)

National Cordon Bleu Day

National Reading a Roadmap Day -- another internet holiday that some sites call "Learn to Read A Roadmap Day," but a good one to observe; you need to know how to read one when your GPS battery dies, after all

National School Librarian Appreciation Day

Ose Matsuri -- Ose Shrine, ShizouKa Prefecture, Japan (men dressed in women's clothes dance a lively jig on board a boat afloat in the harbour which is festooned with flags and streamers while taiko groups play drums on shore in this festival thought to date back to a wife wanting to protect her fisherman-husband by giving him a kimono)

Peace Day -- Angola

Quing Ming Jie -- China; Hong Kong; Macau; North Korea; Taiwan (Tomb Sweeping Day, last day of the Quingming Festival)(a/k/a Festival of Clear Brightness, Festival for Tending Graves, Grave Sweeping Day, Chinese Memorial Day, Tomb Sweeping Day, Spring Remembrance, and All Souls Day (not to be confused with the Roman Catholic holiday of the same name); the festival includes kite flying and rituals to call the spring rains, as well as cleaning the graves of ancestors and offering them gifts)

St. Benedict the African's Day (Patron of African missions; African-Americans; Palermo, Sicily, Italy)

St. Isidore of Seville's Day (Patron of computer technicians, computer users, computers, the Internet, schoolchildren, students)

Swedish-American Friendship Day

Tell a Lie Day -- an internet generated holiday; the only day it is acceptable! make sure, after today, to clear it up, trust me

Victims of Violence Day -- anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vitamin C Day -- the vitamin was isolated on this day in 1932 by C.C, King at the University of Pittsburgh

Walk Around Things Day -- fun to do, it makes people look at you funny

World Rat Day -- pet rat lovers everywhere, unite and introduce your friends to your pet rats

ZAB Death Anniversary -- Pakistan (39th anniversary)

Anniversary Today:

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft Corporation, 1975

Birthdays Today:

David Blaine, 1973

Dave Mirra, 1972

Jill Scott, 1972

Barry Pepper, 1970

Nancy McKeon, 1966

Robert Downey, Jr., 1965

David Gavurin, 1963

Gary Moore, 1952

Christine Lahti, 1950

Craig T. Nelson, 1946

Kitty Kelley, 1942

Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti, 1938

Michael Parks, 1938

Anthony Perkins, 1932

Maya Angelou, 1928

Muddy Waters, 1915

Frances Langford, 1914

Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, 1908

John Cameron Swayze, 1906

Arthur Murray, 1895

Isoroku Yamamoto, 1884

Linus Yale, Jr., 1821

Dorothea Dix, 1802

Today in History:

Francis Drake is knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world, 1581

Sir Robert Walpole becomes First Lord of the Treasury of England, and is so influential in the Cabinet that he is considered the de facto first Prime Minister of England, 1721

Napoleon abdicates for the first time, 1814

Casparus van Wooden of Amsterdam patents chocolate milk powder, 1828

William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and the one with the shortest term served, 1841

Bryant's Minstrels debut the song "Dixie" in a blackface minstrel show, 1859

Susanna Medora Salter is elected the first US woman mayor, in Argonia, KS, 1887

Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund is established, 1902

An earthquake in India's Kangra Valley kills 20,000, destroys most of three cities, 1905

Vitamin C was first isolated by C.C. King at the University of Pittsburgh, 1932

Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty, creating NATO, 1949

Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated, 1968

Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart (the patient survived for 65 hours), 1969

The World Trade Center in NYC is dedicated, 1973

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft, 1975

Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space, 1983

Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications Corporation under the name "Mosaic Communications Corporation", 1994

Comet Hyakutake is imaged by the USA Asteroid Orbiter Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, 1996

The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign a peace treaty ending the Angolan Civil War, 2002

15 British Royal Navy personnel held in Iran are released, 2007

The most distant supernova on record is found by the Hubble Space Telescope, 2013

The "Pink Star" diamond sells at an auction in Hong Kong for a record $71 million, 2017

Elon Musk buys enough Twitter stock to make him the company's largest shareholder, 2022

Finland officially joins NATO at a ceremony in Brussels, becoming its 31st member and doubling NATO's border with Russia, 2023


  1. I hope you can find a suitable outlet for your work clothes.
    Love your poem - and the simple pleasures are often the best.

  2. Take note of the brand and size you like best and buy that same brand and size online if you need to.

  3. Oh my word! are you trying to show me that flowers are abloom in masses down there! After 5 inches of rain and now snow flakes today, I'm feeling more than a little blue (and wet, lol).

  4. Clothes are a thing these days. Tops are easy, but pants are a nightmare. The small sizes keep getting bigger, and even if you get two of the same size and brand, they are not the same. Mom gets really cranky when she has to get new pants.

  5. Shopping for clothes is a dreaded task here as well, online is not an alternative. It looks so nice, and then is thin as gauze when it arrives. No thanks. I hope you're not soaking wet all the time ;)
    Nice fences and fun poem!

  6. ayyieee the online shopping world (not that I do anything more than endure the process of shopping for anything) but the online experience... it's hit 'n miss even when going to brick and mortar stores
    (I suspect the key is learning to return stuff... don't have that particular skill)
    timely Six, yo

  7. Lulu: "That's a very red fence! Good thing there are no bulls around to charge into it!"

  8. If you press a potato against the first fence you get French fries.

    God bless.

  9. Don't get me started on clothes shopping! Eggcellent poem!

  10. Thank goodness for online shopping, I really do not like going to the mall!!

    Wonderful poem, thanks for the giggle!

  11. I love this: Walk Around Things Day -- fun to do, it makes people look at you funny.

    This is a fabulous idea!

  12. That was a fun poem. Sorry, no idea where to get some good jeans. I like ones without stretch , just loose fitting and I found those at JCPenney.

  13. Most of the stores at our outlet mall have closed and before too long the whole thing will be closed down. I hope you find those jeans. Ice tea is a favorite of mine too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Great fence photos ~ and stories too ~ As for jeans ~ I find it harder and harder to find items I want to replace ~ not sure about jeans because I have been struggling to find them too ~ good luck ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. I wish I had an answer to your jeans question. I think the brand/style that I've been wearing is no longer in production, so I'm on a quest myself. Good luck!

  16. I'm not much of a shopper. It's not really my thing and I've started buying most stuff online.

  17. I don't know why, but I have noticed jeans seem to be made of thinner denim. I buy from the same place, but they wear through faster, and I couldn't figure out why. Pulled out an old pair, the fabric was thicker. So I have no recommendations for you, sadly. I love the photo and story. That is cool!

  18. Ugh, outlet stores aren't what they used to be! Can you wear Old Navy jeans? They go on sale often and come in quite a few different styles and washes and lots of size choices (including short - I am the opposite end of the spectrum from you and need tall). I also love Wonderly brand jeans from Belk department stores. Stretchy denim and soooo comfy!

  19. This post is so intriguing - I love that it covers so many different things! I really enjoy the challenges or writing flash fiction (like six-sentence stories), and while I've never really thought much about fences in general, you certainly made me think about it!

  20. Yup, I have the same problem too (I'm very short)

  21. HA! Great poem......I think I'd be joining the band too!

    Hugs, Pam


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