Saturday, April 27, 2024

X-Ray Vision, a Ten Things of Thankful A to Z Post


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It might not be as cool as Superman's kind, but i believe thankfulness gives you a kind of X-ray vision on your life, to see into it more clearly.

I'm thankful for that, in itself.

This wasn't Ms. JAI's usual week, but she called in a panic on Thursday.  She needed meds picked up at the pharmacy and she wasn't feeling well enough to drive.  She'd been calling around and none of her friends were able to help, although Ms. Sue, a mutual friend, was willing to get a neighbor to come help her put her back brace on so she could drive and take care of it.  (Ms. Sue is a gem and i'm thankful for her.)

Thankfully, i'd just gotten off work and Sweetie wasn't out in Slow-Moe.  Since GusGus Die Fledermaus no longer has a working A/C and the driver's window doesn't roll down, i try to go straight to work and home, as thankful as i am for having transportation at all, a car without A/C in our heat can be lethal.  I ran by the house, grabbed the generic bleach tablets i'd found online for her toilet cleaning system, and went in Slow-Moe to get her meds.

Thankfully, too, the line at the pharmacy was very short and quick, i got to her place and used the bleach tablets, storing the rest for later, and got home before the evening traffic picked up.  Around here, the latter is very important.

Speaking of Ms. V's house, i'm thankful even though Carl is not going to work until later, i've managed to figure out a cleaning routine which takes it into account and doesn't leave me just waiting for him to finish in the kitchen.

I'm also thankful i'd already taken the knobs off the stove to clean it and left them off so he couldn't cook eggs on the cooktop i'd just cleaned before his mother could see and enjoy it.  I'm thankful they had plenty of frozen breakfast sandwiches he could toast instead, and he did.

Several years ago, i had a professional style mop bucket given to me, the kind that costs more than i can usually pay for equipment.  It was outdoors to be cleaned, near the garbage cans, and Sweetie thought it was trash and threw it away and i was heartbroken.

This past week, Ms. G found one, filthy but perfectly usable, in the townhouse we were cleaning and she gave it to me.  It's outdoors for cleaning, and you-know-who has been warned to leave it be, and thankfully, he will!

I'm thankful we should only have one more cleaning session at that place, and that i was able to do the shelter, meet her at the townhouse and work there, then go back to her place for a few needed chores and i got through it, though it was very long.

The Big Boss was so pleased with Sweetie's work last Friday he told him to take the two of us out to lunch this week, so on Tuesday we went to the place that serves all-you-care-to-eat sushi.  That's a yummy thankful!

The week has been very busy, i'm behind in reading blogs and behind in everything else, but i'm thankful the bills got paid on time and the cleaning work is getting done despite how rushed i often feel.

I'm thankful for extra work this weekend, as Ms. GA and Mr. BA are out of town and that means catsitting.

I'm especially thankful for extra volunteers at the shelter!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Abolition Day -- Mayotte

Babe Ruth Day -- anniversary of the day dedicated to him in 1947 by every ball field in the US and Japan

Freedom Day -- South Africa

Independence Day -- Sierra Leone(1961); Togo(1960)(

International Marconi Day -- a 24-hour amateur radio event annually near the birth anniversary of Marconi (Apr. 25, 1874)

King's Birthday / Koningsdag -- Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba, Curacao, Netherlands, and Sint Maartin); Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba

Lazarus Saturday -- Orthodox Christian

     Lazarovden -- Bulgaria (along with celebrating the raising of Lazarus, there are fertility rituals, especially involving young maidens, and honoring the goddesses of spring and love)

Matanzas Mule Day -- remembering the only casualty of one of the first naval actions of the Spanish-American War, a mule in the village of Matanzas, Cuba

Morse Code Day -- birth anniversary of Samuel Morse

National Go Birding Day -- US (but feel free to participate wherever you are, birding is fun!)

National Herb Day -- different from the HerbDay in May, and unsponsored

National Prime Rib Day

National Sense of Smell Day -- US (sponsored by the Sense of Smell Institute, encouraging museums and science centers to focus on how the sense of smell plays an important role in daily life and how it interacts with other senses; While celebrating, remember those with anosmia [diminished ability or total inability to smell])

National War Veterans Day -- Finland

Penguin Day -- originated by a different group from World Penguin Day, but you can't have enough days dedicated to these cute guys, can you?   h

Resistance Day/Day of the Uprising Against the Occupying Forces -- Slovenia

Save the Frogs Day -- Save The Frogs Day is the world's largest day of amphibian education and conservation action 

St. Zita of Lucca's Day (Patron of butlers, domestic servants, homemakers, housemaids, lost keys, maids, manservants, people ridiculed for their piety, rape victims, servants, servers, single laywomen, waiters/waitpersons/waitresses; against losing keys)

Tell a Story Day -- US (no history of origin, although celebrated in many libraries)

The Ennead Sail Through the Land -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Victory Day -- Afghanistan

World Graphic Design Day

World Healing Day / World Tai Chi and Qigong Day   

World Tapir Day 

World Veterinary Day -- World Veterinary Association       

Write An Old Friend Today Day -- a real letter, in the mail, remember how exciting it is to get those?

Anniversaries Today:

Ringo Starr marries Barbara Bach, 1981

Cornell University is established as New York's land grant institution, 1865

Birthdays Today:

Patrick Stump, 1984

William-Alexander, King of the Netherlands, 1967

Sheena Easton, 1959

Ace Frehley, 1951

Cuba Gooding, Sr., 1944

Earl Anthony, 1938

Sandy Dennis, 1937

Anouk Aimee, 1932

Casey Kasem, 1932

Coretta Scott King, 1927

Jack Klugman, 1922

Walter Lantz, 1900

Sergei Prokofiev, 1891

Jessie Redmon Fauset, 1882

Ulysses S. Grant, 1822

Samuel Morse, 1791

Mary Wollstonecraft, 1759

Edward Gibbon, 1737

Suleiman the Magnificent, 1495

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Chips with Everything"(Play), 1962

"Le roi de Lahore/The king of Lahore"(Opera), 1877

"Roméo et Juliette"(Opera), 1867

"L'africaine/The African Woman"(Meyerbeer Opera), 1865

Today in History:

Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapu-Lapu, 1521

Re-founding of the city of Bogotá, New Granada (now Colombia), by Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastián de Belalcázar, 1539

Cebu is established as the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines, 1565

The blind and impoverished John Milton sells the copyright of Paradise Lost for £10, 1667

The British Parliament passes the Tea Act, 1773

Beethoven composes Für Elise, 1810

US troops capture the capital of Upper Canada, York  (present day Toronto, Canada), 1813

The Foundation stone for new Palace of Westminster, London, is laid, 1840

The establishment of Jewish congregations in Lower Austria is prohibited, 1857

The steamboat Sultana, carrying 2,400 passengers, explodes and sinks in the Mississippi River, killing 1,700, most of whom are Union survivors of the Andersonville and Cahaba Prisons, 1865

In South Africa, the Group Areas Act is passed formally segregating races, 1950

Togo gains independence from French-administered UN trusteeship, 1960

Sierra Leone is granted its independence from the United Kingdom, 1961

Expo 67  officially opens in Montreal, Canada, 1967

Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse, 1981

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, comprising Serbia and Montenegro, is proclaimed, 1992

Betty Boothroyd becomes the first woman to be elected Speaker of the British House of Commons in its 700-year history, 1992

Russia and 12 other former Soviet republics become members of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, 1992

The first democratic general election in South Africa, in which black citizens could vote is held, 1994

The last successful telemetry from the NASA space probe Pioneer 10 is received, 2002

The superjumbo jet aircraft Airbus A380 makes its first flight from Toulouse, France, 2005

Construction begins on the Freedom Tower for the new World Trade Center in New York City, 2006

Estonian authorities remove the Bronze Soldier, a Soviet Red Army war memorial in Tallinn, amid political controversy with Russia, 2007

The wives and children of former Osama bin Laden are deported from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia, 2012

North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in of South Korea agree to officially end the Korean war and rid the peninsula of nuclear weapons, 2018

Space-X launches its Crew Dragon capsule with four astronauts, including Jessica Watkins, the first African-American woman to serve an extended mission on International Space Station, 2022

The Zoonomia Project, where genomes of 240 mammals were collected and compared, publishes findings which seem to show 10.7% of the human genome is identical to that of almost all mammal species, 2023


  1. You must be exhausted - and I am glad that you are finding so many things to be thankful for. Very glad.

  2. Thankfulnes sure is a superpower. I always leave your thankful posts a better person.

  3. Your week is always busy. But it's lovely to see you got a nice lunch and time to eat it with your husband. That is something to be thankful for some days. I'm thankful that we've had a little better weather and hope the rain this morning doesn't last long.

  4. X-ray vision into one's life makes a difference in joy levels.

  5. What a busy week you had, not easy to find time to clean up a little, but look likes mission least on that one🎉🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  6. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I don't know how you manage to do so much in a week. XO

  7. Those are all really nice thankfuls and I'm glad your new bucket will be safe!

  8. I'm thankful you were able to get Ms JAIs medications to her and that you now have a new mop bucket again.

  9. Great thankfuls - how you manage to do so much baffles me!

  10. Wow, you really have a lot of wonderful thank you's. Enjoy them all. :-)

  11. I love this topic for the letter X, and I have to agree with you. Being thankful is like having X-ray vision!

  12. Oh ~ you are one busy lady ~ I am thankful for you and so glad your new bucket is safe ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Do you think it is possible to grieve the loss of a good mop bucket? Yes. Why yes I do. Ask me how I know... I am glad you found a replacement. Those things are golden.

  14. Busy week! (Nice to have that which seems lost to be restored (in one form or another)).
    We had a 70 degree day today (Monday) but it's going back into the 50s tomorrow, because, variety is the spice of life?!
    Have a well-paced week ahead.

  15. Lulu: "Busy busy week! Our Dada understands all about the traffic! Rumor has it that years ago, before our time, when he was working down near San Diego, he tried setting his hours from 5am until 2pm to avoid the traffic. And even then there was no guarantee he wouldn't get stuck at the Merge, whatever the Merge is!"


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