At Ms. G's yesterday, she was, as always, so busy hatching plans and putting out fires and trying to figure out up from down, we were all over the place.
My job is to try to keep up, especially in the "toting barges and lifting bales" department.
It was time for a Cramco run (the big box store where you buy so much you can't cram it all in the car, especially Ms. G's car, where she already has it crammed full) to buy 128 pounds of cat litter, 60 pounds of birdseed, and a case of soda, besides the groceries.
The transfer to the shopping cart was just fine, the transfer to the car was great with the help of a very friendly and strong store employee, it was the transfer, by me, of all the stuff to the house where something went sideways.
Namely, i didn't watch where i was going and caught a part of the cart we use for helping us move heavy stuff right in the forehead, and got myself another nice goose egg which will eventually drain down and cause a lovely shiner.
It's all part and parcel of the work, and i'm used to it happening, me ending up bruised or strained or stretched or scratched somehow in the course of manual labor, and all i'm going to tell people when they ask is, i got in a bar fight and they should see the other guy.
Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Parcel.
While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!
It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day! This week's image and my poem:
Ain't we the cutest?
We're quite a pair!
Each of us knows
the other's always there.
We got each other's
backs it's true,
working together
in all we do.
Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. It's time to share something for which i am thankful.
Today i'm thankful we had a great final lesson for the semester at Bible study and then a nice get-together after.
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Today is Shelter Pets Day! Support your local shelters with goods or a monetary donation if you can.
Today is:
AFL-CIO Day (date of merger in 1955)
Bathtub Party Day -- celebrate how much fun it is to take a nice, long, hot bath in these days when showers prevail; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays
Boycott Day -- commemoration of the city bus boycott begun this day in 1959 in Birmingham, AL, US in response to the arrest of Rosa Parks
Constitution Day -- Sudan
Day of the Ninja -- sponsored by Ninja Burger!
Discovery Day -- Haiti
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development -- UN
King's Birthday -- Thailand, also National Day and Father's Day (for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birth anniversary, the founder and "father" of the nation)
National Sacher Torte Day
Nones of December -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also observed
Faunalia -- rural festival of Faunus
Repeal Day -- US (celebrating the repeal of Prohibition)
St. Bassus of Nice's Day (Patron of Nice, France)
St. Nicholas' Eve -- Belgium; Czech Republic; Hungary; Netherlands; Romania; Slovakia; parts of the UK; special observances include
Avond -- Leewvarden, West Friesland (St. Nicholas visits and, if you are good, promises to return with trinkets and candies, which are left in waiting shoes)
Bonhomme Noel -- France (Celebration of "Goodman Christmas")
Klausjagen -- Arth and Kussnacht, Switzerland (with a procession of mitre-wearing figures by the Lake of Four Cantons)
Krampuslauf -- Austria (St. Nicholas celebration, which begins the evening before the Saint's day, involving chasing and throwing snowballs at the Krampus, the imp who travels with St. Nick to punish the bad children)
Zwarte Piet -- "Black Peter", the companion of St. Nicholas who keeps track of the good and bad children, arrives in many areas tonight
Swap a Christmas Cookie Recipe Day -- because it's fun to try new ones
World Soil Day -- International Union of Soil Sciences
Birthdays Today:
Frankie Muniz, 1985
Margaret Cho, 1968
Gary Allan, 1967
John Rzeznik, 1965
Art Monk, 1957
Morgan Brittany, 1950
Jim Messina, 1947
Jose Carreras, 1946
Jeroen Krabbe, 1944
J.J. Cale, 1938
Chad Mitchell, 1936
Calvin Trillin, 1935
Joan Didion, 1934
Little Richard, 1932
Otto Preminger, 1906
Strom Thurmond, 1902
Walt Disney, 1901
Bill Picket, 1870
George Armstrong Custer, 1839
Christina Rossetti, 1830
Martin Van Buren, 1782
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"Catskills on Broadway"(Revue), 1991
"I Do! I Do!"(Musical), 1966
"Band on the Run"(Album), 1973 (US release date)
"The Dark at the Top of the Stairs"(Inge play), 1957
"The Abbot and Costello Show"(TV), 1952
"Dragnet"(TV), 1951
"Kejser og Gililaer/Emperor and Galilean"(Ibsen play), 1896
"Symphonie Fantastique"(Berlioz symphony), 1830
Today in History:
Cicero reads the last of his Catiline Orations, BC63
An earthquake in Naples leave about 35,000 dead, 1465
All Jews are expelled from Portugal by order of King Manuel I, 1496
London auctioneers Christie's hold their first sale, 1766
Henry Knox begins the transport of Fort Ticonderoga artillery to Cambridge, Massachusetts, a key to later forcing the British Fleet out of Boston Harbor, 1775
C F Schoenbein obtains patent for cellulose nitrate explosive, 1846
President Polk confirms that gold has been discovered in California, triggering the next year's "Gold Rush", 1848
Daniel Stillson of Massachusetts patents the first practical pipe wrench, 1876
The first automated telephone switching system is patented, 1879
The first electric car makes its debut; it could go 15 miles between charges, 1893
University of Pittsburg makes the first use of numbers on football jerseys, 1908
The American League for Physical Culture is founded in NYC, the first US nudist organization, 1929
The 21st Amendment, which repealed Prohibition, is ratified, 1933
Sister Elizabeth Kenny's new treatment for infantile paralysis receives approval, 1941
A cold fog descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing at least 12,000 in the weeks and months that follow, 1952
The United Nations General Assembly adopts Pakistan's resolution on security of non-Nuclear States, 1976
Shuttle Atlantis launches world's 1st nuclear-war-fighting satellite. 1988
The Civil Partnership Act comes into effect in the United Kingdom, and the first civil partnership is registered there, 2005
Human remains previously found in 1991 are finally identified by Russian and American scientists as those of Tsar Nicholas II, 2008
Malta becomes the first country in Europe to outlaw conversion therapy, 2015
Russia is banned from the next Winter Olympics in South Korea over state-sponsored doping, 2017
The letter by Albert Einstein from 1954 on the concept of religion sells for $2.9 million at Christie's in New York, 2018
WHO says 142,000 people died of the measles around the world in 2018, nearly 20,000 more than the previous year, 2019
Imani and Hermien, hippos at the Antwerp Zoo, test positive for Covid, the first of their species to do so, 2021
Construction begins on world's biggest radio telescope; the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in South Africa and Australia is planned with a collection area of nearly 500,000 square meters and is built to test Einstein's theories and search for extraterrestrial life, 2022
OUCH. Look after yourself please.You matter. That couple looks made for each other.
ReplyDeleteOh, how mama wishes we were not 'anonymous'and have to fill in all our info always but we love your goose egg and ice right as it happens will help one not happen but arnica is good stuff or a steak, haha. Just kidding, And we're sure the other guy will NEVER mess with your mama again!
ReplyDeleteOuch! I hope it stops hurting very soon.
ReplyDeleteThose two and your poem fits nicely together.
Not even going to ask what Ms. G drives, lol but yowee, Mimi, that looks like it still hurts. I hope it heals quickly.
ReplyDeletePhotos of dogs and their people like the one above brings a smile every time. And your poetic commentary - perfect.
That's the way to wrap up the semester!!
Mom is like that too, she is always having stupid accidents when she does things and then has a lot of explaining to do.
ReplyDeleteA knock on the head is not exactly good payment for hard work. But life happens and we keep on going don't we. I really like the red Floral fence. I assume poinsettias for christmas.
ReplyDeleteLine after line I giggled (Cramco; 128 pounds of cat litter, 60 pounds of birdseed;) 🤣 ... and then I saw your bump and felt sorry for laughing. I hope it heals quickly and without too much discomfort.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nasty fall! I have fallen hard many times in the past, and I take care not to have a fall at my age. Of course I will, despite all my care!
ReplyDeleteOh dear ~ do take care of your self ~ fun poem ~ great fence photos ~ hugs,
ReplyDeleteWishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I'm sorry about the bruise. I hope you are doing well. Love the poem.
ReplyDeleteunnecessary admonition: two things: a) extra exertion 2) accelerated motion...imo, we are, all of us, at the stage that while both are part of continuing life, sometimes giving up one for the other is advisable
ReplyDeletegood Six?
ReplyDeletePoem/photo: perfect.
That looks painful. I hope you heal quickly. Nice poem and thankfuls. XO
ReplyDeleteDang, your day really did end with a bang! That's a really good thankful too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteThat is quite the goose egg on your forehead. Lucky you didn't get a concussion. Ms. G needs to get a hired hand with lots of muscle.
ReplyDeleteWoos - Misty and Timber
Wow, that's a nasty looking bruise. Hope that heals quickly.
ReplyDeleteOw! Maybe you need a helmet! Eeeep!!! I like the grumpy twosome poem. :)
Oh thta looks painful! I hope you have some arnica cream to rub in several times a day. I also think maybe it's time you tell Mrs G that you need help getting heavy things from car to house. If she can't help, then is there someone she could call to help with lifting?
ReplyDeleteOh, oh, and ouch!! Hope that gets better soon...
ReplyDeleteGreat poem and great photo!
MOL your story made us MOL, Mimi...we hope it just was a story🙏 if not Here are some Healing Pawkisses just for you🐾😽💞
ReplyDeleteLulu: "Ouch! That is quite a big bump!"
ReplyDeleteCharlee: "Our Dada's biggest work-related injury is the time he cut his hand on a tape gun and filled up a sink in the bathroom with blood. Later on somebody saw it while he was off getting patched up and they went to the manager and said, 'I think something bad happened ...'"
Your poem for the TWINS (!) is brilliant! They say people often look like their pets (I'm glad we don't have a snake!!).
ReplyDeleteHugs, Pam