Saturday, September 1, 2018

Happy, Thankful Things (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


As seems usual now, it's been a week.  It included two twelve hour days, so my first thankful is that i've been able to keep up!

There were many things, mostly small things, but to me those count the most.

Ms. G found out i had wet laundry in the car, and insisted i use her dryer instead of me taking it home to hang up.

Ms. B got out of the hospital, and her son paid me a bit extra since i went and found the ironing instead of waiting for her to tell me what she wanted ironed.   It made her happy, which made me happy, too.

The grand-dogs visited twice.

We've had rain, just enough.

The kitty-greens grass that i grew for Tripod SissyCat actually did grow, in spite of the fact that i forgot it for a couple of days where it got no sun.

Tripod SissyCat is enjoying the greens.

She also didn't attack Coda, the German shepherd, when that crazy dog ran right up to her and started licking her.  That's not just a thankful, that almost amounts to a miracle. (She is now Tripod SissyCat, instead of just SissyCat, because a German Shepherd attacked her about two years before she came to live with us.)

My phone fixed itself.  It had decided i had headphones plugged in (i've never, ever done that) and i couldn't answer unless i put it on speaker, which i hate.  By the next day, it wasn't doing that any more.

A neighbor has asked me to come do a one time cleaning on her house right before her son gets in town, and i will be able to squeeze it in.

The Big Boss and his wife are out of town again, and this time they gave us two bags of organic fruits and veggies that they didn't eat before they left, as well as home made hummus and roasted Brussels sprouts.  He would live on fried food, cakes, candies, and other sweets.  She is a Pilates instructor and health foodie.  She wins unless he sneaks out to a restaurant, and so this time her winning the shopping wars got us enough really good food to last a few days.

No matter how things are going in life, there is something for which to be thankful, so please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.   

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) blog hop! Every week, bloggers from all over the world gather together here online to share with each other the things that they have been thankful for during the past week. Although the number ten is in the title, that is more of a suggestion than a hard and fast rule. Had a rough week and can only come up with one thing? That's OK! "I'm thankful that situation X wasn't worse" is a perfectly acceptable post. 

One of the best parts of this blog hop is the community that has developed over the years--and this community welcomes newcomers! Please take the time to read and comment on the posts of others; that's how we get to know each other. 

The link for the blog hop opens every Friday morning at 1:00 a.m. Mountain time, and closes the following Tuesday at 11:55 p.m. Mountain time.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Today is:

Aloha Festivals Royal Court Investiture and Opening Ceremonies -- Oahu, Hawai'i, US (opening events of the Aloha Festivals, a month long series of free events on every Island celebrating Hawai'ian culture)

Bahti Meskerem -- Eritrea (Revolution Day)

Bonnat Pig Fair -- Bonnat, France

Braemar Royal Highland Gathering -- Braemar, Scotland (one of the largest gatherings and Highland Games, celebrated for the last 900 years)

Buffalo Wing Festival -- Buffalo, NY, US (two days of celebrating one of this town's favorite foods!)

Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

Chicken Boy's Day -- the mascot of the now defunct restaurant by that name, the 22 foot statue of a boy with a chicken's head was saved from destruction and is now a pop icon in L.A. on Route 66

Constitution Day/National Day -- Slovakia

Day of Knowledge -- Estonia (an official Flag Day); Russia

Disaster Prevention Day/Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day -- Japan

Ecclesiastical Year begins -- Orthodox Christian

Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Hassaku Oshi-tsuki -- Tsuma, Oki Island, Japan (bull sumo, with bulls pushing each other out of the ring)

International Bacon Day -- good day for a double decker BLT with grilled onions and Swiss cheese

International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji/Save Japan's Dolphins Day -- the drive and hunt of dolphins begins today in Japan, and protest events are held around the world      

Japanese Festival -- St. Louis, MO (celebrating the history, culture, and people of Japan at the Missouri Botanical Garden; through Monday)

Mustaqillik Kuni -- Uzbekistan (Independence Day, 1991) 

National Cherry Popover Day

National Hummingbird Day -- not official, but someone loves them enough to have started this

National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day -- the day to celebrate the amazing words in the English language that do not rhyme with any other words

National Writing Date Day -- a day to make a date with yourself to go to a coffee shop or library or someplace and get some writing done; sponsored by Natalie Marie-Collins)   

Nutt Day -- for Emma M. Nutt, the first female telephone operator

Oyster Season begins

Partridge's Day -- patridge hunting season begins in UK

Presidential Message Day -- Mexico

Random Acts of Kindness Day -- New Zealand

Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight -- celebrating the food and drink of this beautiful land, through the 16th   

Sing A Silly Song in Bed Day -- now, this one has no real rhyme or reason

Sneeze-Wobbling Festival -- Fairy Calendar

St. Fiacre's Day -- Ireland and France (the rest of the church celebrates this Patron of gardeners on August 30)

St. Gideon the Judge's Day (Patron of Saint-Gedeon-de-Beauce, Canada)

St. Giles' Day (Patron of the beggars, blacksmiths, breast feeding, cancer patients, disabled/handicapped people, epileptics, forests, hermits, horses, lepers, mentally ill people, noctiphobics, paupers and the poor, rams, spur makers, woods; Edinburgh, Scotland; Toifa, Italy; against breast cancer, epilepsy, fear of the night, insanity, leprosy, mental illness, noctiphobia, sterility)

St. Simeon Stylites' Day -- Eastern Orthodox Christian

Teacher's Day -- Singapore

Wattle Day -- Australia

Anniversary Today:

Benjamin Franklin marries Deborah Read, 1730

Birthdays Today:

Timothy Duane "Tim" Hardaway, 1966
Gloria Estefan, 1957
Dr. Phil McGraw, 1950
Barry Gibb, 1946
Lily Tomlin, 1939
Alan Dershowitz, 1938
Don Stroud, 1937
Seiji Ozawa, 1935
Conway Twitty, 1933
"Boxcar" Willie, 1931
Rocky Marciano, 1923
Yvonne DeCarlo, 1922
Vittorio Gassman, 1922
Walter Philip Reuther, 1907
Edgar Rice Burroughts, 1875
Englebert Humperdinck. 1854 (composer, esp of opera Hansel and Gretel)
Johann Pachelbel, 1653

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Art Linkletter's House Party"(TV), 1952
"Androcles and the Lion"(Play), 1913

Today in History:

Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman establishes a Jewish community in Jerusalem, 1267
Adi Granth, now known as Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhs, was first installed at Harmandir Sahib, 1601
The first yacht race is held, between England's King Charles I and his brother James, 1661
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa forms in California, 1772
Juno, one of the largest main belt asteroids, is discovered by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding, 1804
Narcissa Whitman, one of the first white women to settle west of the 
Rocky Mountains, arrives at Walla Walla, Washington, 1836
The first Pullman sleeping car is put into service, 1859
The Solar Superstorm/Carrington Event: a huge solar sunspot and solar flare storm that disrupted telegraphy and allowed the Aurora Borealis to be seen as far south as the Caribbean occurs, 1859
Joseph Lister performs the first antiseptic surgery, 1865
Robert T. Freeman becomes the first African American to graduate from the Harvard Dental School, 1867
The first underground rapid transit system in North America, the Boston Subway, opens, 1897
One of the first science fiction films ever, A Trip To The Moon, opens in France, 1902
Alberta and Saskatchewan become the 8th and 9th Canadian provinces, 1905
Martha, the last passenger pigeon, dies at the Cincinnati Zoo, 1914
The United States, Australia and New Zealand sign a mutual defense pact, called the ANZUS Treaty, 1951
In Reykjavík, Iceland, American Bobby Fischer beats Russian Boris Spassky and becomes the world chess champion, 1972
Canada adopts the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of its Constitution, 1982
A joint French-American expedition locates the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, 1985
Luxembourg becomes the first nation to complete the transition to all digital tv broadcasting, 2006
After four Israeli settlers are shot at the Israeli settlement Beit Hagai, the Palestinian Authority arrested 250 members of Hamas, 2010
To avoid further fighting, Libya's Transitional Council extends the deadline to surrender for tribal leaders in Sirte, 2011
U.S. National Park officials notify 3,100 recent visitors of an outbreak of Hantavirus sourced to tent cabins in Yosemite National Park, 2012
In southwestern China, at least four people are killed by a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, 2013


  1. You are blessed because you are a blessing to others. I am thankful that the haze has cleared. Even though the weather is hot here, i am thankful for the sun and water that are easily accessible. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Love your thankfulness. And I am thankful that you got the brussel sprouts and not me. I can't come at them.

  3. Bacon and cherry popovers... I am a happy woman!

    I would have kissed Ms. G. I like line drying but in humid summers, my laundry never feels *quite* dry...

  4. That is a terrific list of thankfuls! Sorry it took me a while to visit, I just discovered you in my spam folder and approved all of them.

  5. I have one big thing to be thankful for this past week. The changes made in my medications finally kicked in and I feel like a million bucks. Energetic and happy...who knew it could happen.

  6. Those are wonderful thankfuls. Poor Sissy, I am glad this dog is sweet. Have a nice weekend! XO

  7. Being so thankful is important. I thank God for life each day. I wonder if Trump is thankful for want God has given him? Probably not. Having the stroke so very young has given me a thankful heart to see how important life is and it's the same with you Mimi. I can tell by what's in your blog. Wonderful blog all the time. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. The German Shepard should be thankful he still has a nose!

  9. You have much to be thankful for. I'm thankful that I've eliminated toxic people from my life. It makes me smile.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  10. "Tripod SissyCat". Excellent, except of course, for the reason she was so re-named!
    Good list of thankfuls as what may seem small at the time so often has the potential for great enjoyment. Here's to organic fruits and veggies and the end of 12 hour days!

  11. So many things to be thankful for! Hope you will have some rest now after that busy week!

  12. I love those things that fix themselves and leave us wondering how in the world did that happen!
    The kitty greens must be like perfume to attract Coda in that way. LOL
    Having to work two 12-hour days sounds so draining. Maybe good for money in the pocket, but exhausting to the body.
    Getting "just enough rain" is perfect!

  13. I love it when things fix themselves!
    How wonderful that the cat didn't completely freak out when the German Shepard decided to lick her. No kitty PTSD, I guess.


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