It used to be that Sunday afternoon attendance at Bedside Baptist was mandatory in our house.
Yesterday, I got up, fed kittens, managed the usual getting out of the house crises, got to church in plenty of time to help set up for a farewell reception (youth pastor and family moving) and a newcomer's luncheon on the same day, missed the sermon to help with the Sunday school lesson craft, got home just in time to feed kittens and go to a foster committee meeting for the cat rescue, ran 3 errands on the way home to feed kittens and get the kids to take Little Girl to meet her ride for AWANA, #2 Son to paintball game, and Bigger Girl to work, came home and cooked dinner, fed kittens, got done with that just in time to go pick kids up, and finally got the kitchen cleaned and fed the kittens again so I could eat my dinner around 8pm.
Oh, well, I figure I will get plenty of rest when I go for the long dirt nap.
In honor of national humor month:
An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, "How do you expect to get into heaven?"
The boy thought it over and said, "Well, I'll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, 'For heaven's sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!' "
Today is
Big Wind Day
Cerealia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of fruit)
D.E.A.R. Day (a/k/a Drop Everything And Read)
Egg & Dairy Festival
Festival to Preserve Corn
Licorice Day
Look Up At The Sky Day
National Licorice Day
Russian Cosmonaut Day
St. Zeno's Day
Thank Your School Librarian Day
Walk on Your Wild Side Day
Birthdays Today:
Riley Smith, 1982
Claire Danes, 1979
Nicholas Brendon, 1971
Shannen Doherty, 1971
Nick Hexum, 1970
Art Alexakis, 1962
vince Gill, 1957
Andy Garcia, 1956
David Cassidy, 1950
Tom Clancy, 1947
David Letterman, 1947
Ed O'Neill, 1946
Herbie Hancock, 1940
Dennis Banks, 1937
Tiny Tim, 1930
Ann Miller, 1923
Beverly Cleary, 1916
Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, BC599
Today in History:
Constantinople falls to the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire, 1204
The formal inquest of Galileo by the Inquisition begins, 1633
The first edition of Tatler Magazine is published in London, 1709
The American Civil War begins at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861
George C Blickensderfer patents a portable typewriter, 1892
Pierre Prier makes the first nonstop flight from London to Paris, in 3h 56m, 1911
The strongest surface wind gust ever measured, 231 mph, at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 1943
The Salk vaccine is declared safe and effective, 1955
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel into outer space, 1961
Samuel Doe takes over Liberia in a coup d'etat, ending 130 years of peaceful and democratic presidential successions, 1980
The first launch of a space shuttle, the Colombia, 1981
The Euro Disney Resort officially opens (now Disneyland Paris), 1992
Canter & Siegel post the first commercial mass Usenet spam, 1994
Thankful Thursday
19 hours ago
I don't know how you keep up the pace. On the positive side, I'm glad that the children are healthy and enjoying activities. I hope you enjoyed your dinner when you finally did get it!