Okay, so maybe I'm not a true Luddite, but heaven knows I'm first cousin to one.
I am very clueless, and have no idea how to incorporate pictures into a blog. Heck, I had owned my cell phone for 2 years before someone taught me how to take pictures on it. Downloading them and posting them -- well, I call this the most boring blog in the world for many reasons, and my lack of ability to make this pretty is one of them.
Maybe, if we can find all of the right wires and such, one of my kids can figure it out.
In honor of national humor month:
Don't look back - something might be gaining on you.
Today is
Baby Massage Day
Commodore Perry Day
Every Day is Earth Day
Golfer's Day
Humane Day
Independence Day, Croatia
National Cinnamon Crescent Day
National Love Our Children Day
National Siblings Day
National Windmill Days, Netherlands (through tomorrow)
Salvation Army Founders Day
St. Fulbert's Day
St. Hedda's Day
World Championship Cow Chip Throw, in Beaver, Oklahoma, the Cow Chip Throwing Capital of the World -- through the 17th
Birthdays Today:
Haley Joel Osment, 1988
Mandy Moore, 1984
Ryan Merriman, 1983
Liz McClarnon, 1981
Shemekia Copeland, 1979
Steven Seagal, 1952
John Madden, 1936
Omar Sharif, 1932
Max Von Sydow, 1929
Chuck Connors, 1921
Harry Morgan, 1915
Joseph Pulitzer, 1847
James Bowie, 1796
Commodore Matthew Perry, 1794
Today in History:
The first Jewish ghetto is established in Venice, 1516
The Charter of the Virginia Company of London is established by royal charter by James I of England with the purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America, 1606
The first law regulating copyright is issued in Great Britain, 1710
The Mount Tambora volcano in Indonesia begins its peak eruption period that lasts until July 15, 1815
The 10,500 inhabitants of the Greek town Messolonghi start leaving the town after a year's siege by Turkish forces; very few of them survive, 1826
The NY "Tribune" begins publishing under editor Horace Greeley, 1841
The safety pin is patented by Walter Hunt of NYC, who sells the rights for only $100, 1849
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is founded in New York City by Henry Bergh, 1866
The first Arbor Day is celebrated in Nebraska, 1874
Mexican Revolution leader Emiliano Zapata is ambushed and shot dead by government forces in Morelos, 1919
Warner Brothers debuts the first 3-D movie, "House of Wax," 1953
Adolf Eichmann is put on trial as a war criminal in Israel, 1961
A 7.0 earthquake kills 1/5 of population of Iranian province of Fars, 1972
H J Heinz, Van Camp Seafood & Bumble Bee Seafood say they would not buy tuna caught in nets that also trap dolphins, 1989
A rare tropical storm develops in the Southern Hemisphere near Angola; the first to be documented by satellites, 1991
Thankful Thursday
19 hours ago
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