Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.
Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays. Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.
Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you. What better way to start the week than with a smile!
Last time we were at Ms. SE's house, part of the family was on vacation with Cookie, but Emmie was home. You could tell she missed her big sister.
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Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week. While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.
Our dear friend Diane is taking a break
accommodations we must make
we miss her poetry and wit
so carry on as Poetry Monday's a hit!
Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border. Charlotte/Mother Owl and i are keeping it going while she takes a blog break, we hope temporarily. Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let us know!
At 211°F, water is hot
but the water is not
quite boiling.
There's vapor not steam
so do not dare dream
it is roiling.
If it’s steam you seek,
the situation’s not bleak,
keep exerting
more pressure, more heat,
try hard, you won’t be beat,
you’ll get it working.
Add just a degree
boiling steam you will see,
it's the point of my patter,
though some may decry,
you cannot deny,
to get steam, each degree does matter!
Future themes are:
Mar. 17 Steam (Today!)
Mar. 24 Orange
Mar. 31 Turn
Apr. 7 Road
Apr. 14 Bring
Apr. 21 Free
Apr. 28 Jam
Today is Saint Patrick of Ireland's Day! He is Patron of engineers, excluded people, ophidiophobics; Ireland; Nigeria; over 20 other towns/dioceses around the world; against fear of snakes, snakes and snake bite.
Today is a public holiday in the Canadian Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Montserrat, and Ireland, and widely celebrated throughout the world, especially with parades.
Trefuilnid Treochair (Feast of Triple Bearer of the Triple Key) is Ireland's National Day.
There are many Saint Patrick's Day Parades, although various cities around the English speaking world hold their celebrations on the Saturday or Sunday nearest the Saint's day (as did our area).
This year's Irish blessing:
With the first light of sun
Bless you
When the long day is done
Bless you
In your smiles and your tears
Bless you
Through each day of your years
Bless you
Thanks to Barb Kowalik and The Cat Blogosphere for the event badge.
Today is:
Act Happy Week begins -- acting happy releases the body chemicals that aid health, mental and physical
Dia de Benito Juarez -- Mexico (una Fiestas Patrias)
Ennensai -- Kyoto, Japan (festival and traditional performances)
Evacuation Day -- Suffolk County, Massachusetts, US (day the British troops left the city in 1776)
Festival of King Amenhotep I -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (rituals dramatizing his death and burial, held in the Valley; date approximate)
Kustonu Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (no planting today, to ward off insects)
Liberalia -- Ancient Roman Empire (fertility festival in rural areas)
National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day
Rubber Band Day -- patented in England this date in 1845 by Stephen Perry
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Birth Anniversary -- Bangladesh
St. Gertrude's Day (Patron of cats, for accomodations and lodging while traveling, gardeners, mentally ill people, pilgrims, poor people, sick people, suriphobics, travellers, widows; Nivelles, Belgium; against fear of mice and rats, fever, insanity and mental disorders, mice and rats)
St. Joseph of Arimathea's Day (Patron of funeral directors, morticians/undertakers, pallbearers, tin miners, tin smiths; Glastonbury Cathedral)
Submarine Day -- the sandwich or the submersible, your choice
Wellderly Day -- and the start of Wellderly Week, focusing on the health of the elderly
Anniversaries Today:
Wellesley Female Seminary is established, 1870
Franklin D. Roosevelt marries Eleanor Roosevelt, 1905
Birthdays Today:
Caroline Corr, 1973
Mia Hamm, 1972
Rob Lowe, 1964
Arye Gross, 1960
Vicky Lewis, 1960
Gary Sinise, 1955
Lesley-Anne Down, 1954
Kurt Russell, 1951
Patrick Duffy, 1949
John Sebastian, 1944
Paul Kantner, 1941
Rudolf Nureyev, 1938
Paul Horn, 1930
Nat "King" Cole, 1919
Bayard Rustin, 1910
Bobby Jones, 1902
Shemp Howard, 1895
Jim Bridger, 1804
Roger B. Taney, 1777
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"Camino Real"(Play), 1953
"Kiss and Tell"(Play), 1943
"Welded"(Play), 1928
"The Girl Friend"(Musical), 1926
"Wilhelm Tell"(Play), 1804
Today in History:
In his last victory, Julius Caesar defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Pompey the Younger in the Battle of Munda, BC45
Marcus Aurelius dies leaving Commodus as the sole emperor of the Roman Empire, 180
Led by Muhammad, the Muslims of Medina defeat the Quraysh of Mecca in the Battle of Badr, 624
Edward, the Black Prince is made Duke of Cornwall, the first Duchy made in England, 1337
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in New York City for the first time (at the Crown and Thistle Tavern), 1756
George Washington grants the Continental Army a holiday "as an act of solidarity with the Irish in their fight for independence," 1780
The Italian Republic, with Napoleon as president, becomes the Kingdom of Italy, with Napoleon as King, 1805
Henry Jones of Bristol patents "self-raising" flour, 1845
Stephen Perry of London patents the rubber band, 1845
John Joseph Montgomery makes the first glider flight, in Otay, California, 1884
The first practical submarine leaves the dock at NYC and submerges for one hour forty minutes, 1898
A showing of seventy-one Vincent van Gogh paintings in Paris, 11 years after his death, creates a sensation, 1901
Luther Gulick and his wife Charlotte found Camp Fire Girls (now Camp Fire USA), 1910
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley announce the creation of element 98, which they name "Californium", 1950
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, flees Tibet for India, 1959
Golda Meir becomes the first female Prime Minister of Israel, 1969
A referendum to end apartheid in South Africa is passed 68.7% to 31.2%, 1992
President Bush delivers an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein: leave Iraq within 48 hours or face an attack, 2003
Scientists discover that a large number of bacterial life forms live in the deepest part of the world's oceans, the Mariana Trench, which is about 6.831 miles, 2013
Archaeologists announce the discovery of an iron age warrior king burial ground that is about 2,500 years old and has 75 graves in Pocklington, Northern England, 2017
Africa's only female head of state, Mauritian President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, confirms she is resigning amid an expenses scandal, 2018
Chad begins repaying a $100 million debt to Angola with cattle, sending more than 1,000 cows to Luanda, 2020
Rio de Janeiro posts an actual temperature of 42°C but with a record heat index of 62.3 C (144.1 F), the highest in Brazil in a decade, 2024
WE are gladly acting happy all week and believe you me, it is NOT easy in these days of deceit and indecency from our government.
ReplyDeleteThat Anonymous comment was, as alwaysk from LOULOU but we didnt fill in the ANONYMOUS blanks because it's easier just to comment instead and tell you who we are!
ReplyDeleteHappy Saint Patrick's day.
ReplyDeleteHappy St. Patrick's Day to you! Bailie is a happy girl when we are traveling and she is home with her sitter, but she really misses having her family together and she especially misses Mom. Hopefully Cookie will be back soon.
ReplyDeleteHappy Saint Patrick's day, and thanksfor the poem. A small amount of energy can really make a big difference!
ReplyDeleteHappy Saint Patrikcs day all of you
ReplyDeleteI don't thing corned beef and cabbage are on the menu today so I will just celebrate Submarine (sandwich) day. Have a blessed week.