Thursday, March 6, 2025

Swallowed and Spit Out (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


One of the more sedate and contemplative church services of the year is the Ash Wednesday service, which was yesterday.

It's a bit sad to me, our church has the service at noon; not in the morning, so some people can attend before work, and not in the evening when the early shift working stiffs like me can be there, but smack in the middle of the day when there's no way for us to get away.

Thus each year i find myself at a lovely service in another church nearby with a wonderful pastor named Hyacinth who is very upbeat.

This year her sermon was based on a the true story of a young man who wound up, for all of ten seconds before being spit back out, swallowed and in the mouth of a humpback whale while kayaking with his father through the Straits of Magellan, and how we don't need to wait for such a huge event to take time to reevaluate our lives the way the young man said he wanted to do when it was all over.

Her words with the imputation of the ashes are, "Repent and believe the Gospel," which i find a quite refreshing positive change from the usual, "Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return."

She emphasized repentance is a turning back toward the cross when you find you're walking away from it, and i'm going to be lingering over this definition for quite some time.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Wound.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I know I said I'd do it

when pigs fly fast and far,

well this is a good try,

but pig ballet?  No cigar!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

We are all thankful the generator worked with no drips, runs or errors on Tuesday when lightning knocked out power to part of our neighborhood as well as thankful the electricity came back on four hours later.


Today is:

Alamo Day -- Texas, US

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Thursday:  Name Tag Day, celebrating those silly tags that say, "Hello, My Name is Illegible"!

Crufts Dog Show -- Birmingham, England (the World's Greatest Dog Show; Best in Show here is the most prestigious award in the world of dogs; through Sunday)

Feast of Excited Insects -- China; Korea (sometimes called Chinese Groundhog Day, the day insects are supposed to awaken for spring; date approximate)

Foundation Day -- Norfolk Island, Commonwealth of Australia

Headache Relief Day -- aspirin was patented today in 1899

Independence Day -- Ghana(1957)

Kirishima Jingu Otaue-sai -- Kirishima Jingu Shrine, Kirishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (rice planting festival)

National Frozen Food Day

National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

Oreo Cookie Day -- no history found on why this day, but if you like Oreos, do you need a reason?

Stoneware Pottery Appreciation Day -- internet generated by those who love stoneware

St. Colette's Day (Patron of Corbie, France; against the death of parents)

St. Rose of Viterbo's Day (Patron of exiles, people rejected by religious orders, tertiaries; Viterbo, Italy)

World Book Day -- UK and Ireland (most other countries celebrate this on April 23; more information is here)   

Birthdays Today:

Ryan Nyquist, 1979

Shaquille O'Neal, 1972

Amy Pietz, 1969

Connie Britton, 1968

D.L. Hughley, 1963

Tom Arnold, 1959

David Gilmour, 1946

Rob Reiner, 1945

Kiri Te Kanawa, 1944

Dave Gilmour, 1944

Ben Murphy, 1942

Willie Stargell, 1941

Valentina Tereshkova-Nikolaeva, 1937

Lorin Maazel, 1930

Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, 1928

Alan Greenspan, 1926

Ed McMahon, 1923

Will Eisner, 1917

Lou Costello, 1906

Bob Wills, 1905

Ring Lardner, 1885

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806

Anna Claypoole Peale, 1791

Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619

Michelangelo Bounarroti, 1475

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Both Your Houses"(Play; Pulitzer Prize for Drama), 1933

"La Traviata"(Opera), 1853

"La Sonnambula"(Opera), 1831

Today in History:

Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Guam, 1521

The First Fleet arrives at Norfolk Island (an external territory of Australia) in order to found a convict settlement, 1788

York, Upper Canada is incorporated as Toronto, 1834

After a thirteen day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers defending the Alamo are defeated and the fort is captured, 1836

Giuseppe Verdi's opera La Traviata receives its premiere performance in Venice, 1853

Dmitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society, 1869

Bayer registers "aspirin" as a trademark, 1899

The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins, 1951

United Kingdom colonies Gold Coast and British Togoland become the independent Republic of Ghana, 1957

After 19 years of presenting the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite signs off for the last time, 1981

Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers, 1992

A referendum in Moldova results in the electorate voting against possible reunification with Romania, 1994

Picasso's painting Tête de Femme is stolen from a London gallery, and is recovered a week later, 1997

Microsoft is fined €561 million for not providing E.U. residents with an alternative web browser to Internet Explorer, 2013

The Crimean parliament votes unanimously to make the Crimea part of Russia, 2014

NASA's Dawn space probe enters orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres, 2015

The world's oldest message in a bottle is found in Western Australia, thrown from the German ship Paula 132 years ago (12 June 1886), 2018

On his first visit to Iraq, Pope Francis meets with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the Shiite cleric's home in Najaf, 2021

Nikki Haley withdraws from the presidential race, leaving Donald Trump as the Republican candidate, 2024


  1. Wow, that sounds like an incredible sermon! I wish I could hear it.

    So happy they got your power back on relatively quickly.

  2. I would be happy for a working generator too.

  3. lovely 6 sentence, the poem, world history n so much info in the end!

  4. "Repent and believe the Gospel" was exactly what the priest said to us yesterday (only in Danish of course) ... and of course I like the "dust" one better ;)
    Your poem is fun. Dancing pigs sounds even worse than flying ones ;)
    And your thankful this time makes me wonder: Does every household have their own emergency generator? Here it's only hospitals and possibly very large and vital places like fire stations and suchlike that have those. Normal citicens, shops and so on just wait for the current to return.

  5. I do believe that that is the right preaching to spread. Repent and believe in the gospel in God. I like the fence and I see we've been warned about the dog and to stay out. Cute poem.

  6. I'll try to blog for Brian's Thankful Thursday. I got your tip about gathering together a few blog writing challenges and post them as one. I was feeling scattered as I tried to keep up with as many prompts as I could write. :)

    Thank you for sharing all your blog hops, & prompts.

    1. Sorry, I forgot to fill my name & website for my comment made at 4:56 am.

  7. We could see having a midday service as a second option but around here most of the services are in the evening. Even those that work from home can't really leave for a service at noon. That kayak thing was on the news and so amazing!


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