Monday, March 24, 2025

Mr. Cal Is On the Trail (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday (Orange)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Mr. Cal was on the trail yesterday.  We never figured out what he was on the trail of, but we went searching everywhere.  At least it looped back, whatever it was, and brought us back home just in time for treats.

He got leaves in his hair in just the right spot, they looked like he had ribbons!

Almost back home.

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Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Our dear friend Diane is taking a break

accommodations we must make

we miss her poetry and wit

so carry on as Poetry Monday's a hit!

Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl and i are keeping it going while she takes a blog break, we hope temporarily.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let us know!

This week the theme is Orange.                  


We used to say nothing

could rhyme with the word orange,

now we know in Wales,

there's a Mount called Blorange.

Does this mean purple and silver,

the other colors that do not rhyme,

will also have a place name discovered

which will at a future time?


Sunrise sunset hues

speak of a new beginning

orange can mean hope


Future themes are:

Mar. 24 Orange (Today!)

Mar. 31 Turn

Apr. 7 Road

Apr. 14 Bring

Apr. 21 Free

Apr. 28 Jam


Today is:

Commonwealth Covenant Day -- Northern Mariana Islands

Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice -- Argentina

Dies Sanguines -- Ancient Roman Calendar (sacrifices to the war goddess Bellona)

Houdini Day -- see if you can pull a disappearing act in his honor

International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims -- UN

Kazimiras Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (return of the larks)

Komoeditsi -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calandar (honors the great Bear God, Meveshii Bog and includes sacrifices to the Great God of Honey)

Labour Day -- Christmas Island

National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day

National Revolution Day -- Kyrgyzstan

Otago Provincial Anniversary -- Otago, New Zealand

Pandia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Zeus that immediately followed the Greater Dionysia; date approximate)

St. Catherine of Sweden's Day (Patron against miscarriages)

St. Gabriel the Archangel's Day (traditional date, now usually celebrated in September; Patron of childbirth, diplomats, messengers, postal workers, stamp collectors, telephone workers)

St. MacCairthinn of Clogher (St. Patrick's "Strong Man" and fellow worker; Patron of Clogher, Ireland)

World Tuberculosis Day -- UN & WHO

Birthdays Today:

Peyton Manning, 1976

Alyson Hannigan, 1974

Lara Flynn Boyle, 1970

Sharon Corr, 1970

Mase, 1970

Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway, 1965

Annabella Sciorra, 1964

Star Jones, 1962

Donna Pescow, 1954

Louie Anderson, 1953

Alan Sugar, 1947

R. Lee Ermey, 1944

Bob Mackie, 1940

Steve McQueen, 1930

Byron Janis, 1928

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1919

Dorothy Height, 1912

Joseph Barbera, 1911

Clyde Barrow, 1909

Ub Iwerks, 1901

Dorothy Constance Stratton, 1899

Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, 1887

Edward Weston, 1886

Harry Houdini, 1874

Andrew W. Mellon, 1855

William Morris, 1834

John Wesley Powell, 1834

Fanny Crosby, 1820

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Nightline"(TV News), 1980

"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"(Play), 1955

"Native Son"(Play), 1941

"Letter from America"(Radio), 1946

Today in History:

Turko-Mongol emperor Timur sacks Damascus, 1401

James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England, 1603

The first game law passed in American colonies, by Virginia, 1629

Roger Williams is granted a charter to colonize Rhode Island, 1664

Britain enacts Quartering Act, required colonists to provide temporary housing to British soldiers, 1765

Benjamin West of the US becomes president of Royal Academy of London, 1792

In Hiram, Ohio a group of men beat, tar and feather Mormon leader Joseph Smith, Jr., 1832

Canada gives African men the right to vote, 1837

Robert Koch of Germany announces the discovery of the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis (mycobacterium tuberculosis), 1882

Oscar Straus is appointed the first Jewish ambassador from US (to Turkey), 1887

A. A. Popov makes the first radio signal transmission in history, 1896

"Census of the British Empire" shows England rules 1/5 of the world, 1906

Greece becomes a republic, 1923

U.S. Congress passes the Tydings-McDuffie Act allowing the Philippines to become a self-governing commonwealth, 1934

The longest game in NHL history is played between Detroit and Montreal; Detroit scored at 16:30 of the sixth overtime and won the game 1-0, 1936

In an event later dramatized in the movie The Great Escape, 76 prisoners begin breaking out of Stalag Luft III, 1944

The British Cabinet Mission arrives in India to discuss and plan for the transfer of power from the British Raj to Indian leadership, 1946

Elvis Presley joins the army (serial number 53310761), 1958

NASA spacecraft Ranger 9, equipped to convert its signals into a form suitable for showing on domestic television, brings images of the Moon into ordinary homes before crash landing, 1965

The United Kingdom imposes direct rule over Northern Ireland, 1972

In Argentina, the armed forces overthrow the constitutional government of President Isabel Perón, 1976

Archbishop Óscar Romero is killed while celebrating Mass in San Salvador, 1980

In Prince William Sound in Alaska, the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (42,000 m³) of petroleum after running aground, 1989

Discovery of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, 1993

Apple Inc. releases the first version of the Mac OS X operating system, 2001

Bhutan officially becomes a democracy, with its first ever general election, 2008

A series of emergency meetings is undertaken in Brussels to resolve Cyprus’ financial situation, 2013

Ukraine withdraws its forces from the Crimea, 2014

The Opportunity rover becomes the first to complete a Martian marathon, 2015

The US Military conducts it first ever drone strike against al Qaeda militants in southern Libya, 2018

The Tokyo Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games are postponed until 2021 because of Covid19, 2020

Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa, after collecting more than a million biodiversity samples, becomes Africa's first centralised biobank opening in Pretoria, South Africa, 2023


  1. You did well with the poems. I suspect Mr Cal was following "peemail" directions.

  2. Mr Cal was certainly intent. Both your poems made me smile.

  3. Precious things that Mr Cal was probably chasing her chipmunk. Of course she doesn't know that it would have had to run away by a thousand miles.

  4. I love your sparks about orange since I am orange girl, Team Orange and it is still my birthday week! Mr Cal was most likely tracking a very interesting critter. Have a Grand week.

  5. "That's a long walk" said the dog, (or was it its owner?)

    God bless.

  6. Mr. Cal keeps his nose to the road. He's a dog with purpose that's for sure. lol The quote about going out on a limb made me smile and it's true. Sometimes when you go out on a limb, you're rewarded. :) Have an awesome week, my friend! xo

  7. I had raisn bran for breakfast this morning but I forgot to dip them in chocolate. Have a blessed week.

  8. He's having the best of walks. I love watching pups explore their walks. He's so handsome.

    Love your take on orange.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. Fun and informative walk with Mr Cal ~ he is a cuties ~ love the 'orange' spark ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Nice poems, I did not know about the non-rhyming colours. Mr. Cal ... was he following his own trail home again?

  11. Mr Cal has to do a lot of reading on his walks. He's cute, we can picture him walking😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Monday🐾😽💞

  12. An obscure word sometimes classified as obsolete is "gilver," to throb in a way that's not really painful but may become painful if something isn't done about it. Teeth/jaws gilver when something is stuck between teeth and gumlines, e.g., and mild sunburns gilver.

    And a Scot walking quickly, but with a limp, used to be said to "hirple."

    But, is Blorange an authentic Welsh name, and if so does it have the "soft" G sound, which is found in English not Welsh?

  13. Mr. Cal was a busy boy. It must have been a very fun-filled weekend in your area so he had lots of peemail to catch up on.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Mr. Cal is a cutie. Great poem and spark. XO

  15. Mr. Cal was really on a serious mission. Those are fun Sparks and fun poems too.

  16. Great pics of Mr. Cal and a great poem too.

  17. Java Bean: "Ayyy, maybe Mr. Cal was on the trail of Carl's dirty laundry!"
    Charlee: "Our Dada seems to agree with Frank Sinatra about orange, given how much orange stuff he wears and has in his office and what color his car is!"

  18. I enjoyed walking with Mr Cal! Oranges give me the pip!


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