Saturday, August 24, 2024

And Good News, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's a beautiful Thankful Day again, and my first thankful has to be the patience of people whose blogs i follow for whom i am falling sadly behind in my reading.  I am trying, it's just work gets me tired and it's hard to catch up.

Have you ever seen those highway signs where they let you know how many minutes to a certain exit, or if there's a back-up or accident or road closure?  I am thankful i notice them, and read the one last week in time to get off the interstate for an alternate route to Grandma and Grandpa's house, or i would have been stuck with everyone else in a two-hour delay as there was an 18-wheeler overturned and the whole thing was shut down.

Grandpa was thankful, too, as he can't stand it when we can't get the shopping done early.  As far as he is concerned, everything should have been done yesterday!

Any time Ms. G is gone, as she was last week, i'm on critter duty.  I was thankful to get it done early last Sunday and still get to Becca's place on time.

Then came Monday and i was thankful i got Carl's, Ms. G's critters, Ms. D, and Ms. JAI all on the same day, thankful i was able to move the washer, thankful i was able to remove the splinter, thankful those super-busy days don't come along quite so often as they used to.

By Tuesday, i was thankful to rest.

Then came Wednesday, and i was thankful Ms. G let me come with her to set up the camper, "Patience."  It was a beautiful park, and i'm also glad after a day back in town, she was able to get back down there and stay.

I'm thankful most of my days don't go as long as that day did, taking a camper out of storage, getting it attached and driven where it needs to be, and set up, is no joke.

Also, April the Calico and Sassy the Black Cat are there and safe and Sassy likes me already, as much as she likes anyone (she's not much for being petted, she rubs on your leg instead).  April is warming up.  I'm thankful Ms. G kept them.

Ms. SE and i are both still grinning ear to ear over her new dishwasher, it makes it easier for her to keep up between my visits and it's easier for me to do the catch up when i arrive.

Now we'll be thankful when we can teach the boys to read the sign on the outside which tells you if the dishes are clean or dirty and get them to quit putting dirty dishes in on top of the clean ones.

I'm also thankful there wasn't an overwhelming mountain of clothes to fold this week.

Thursday evening was a leaders' meeting for the church circle groups, and we were thankful for Greek food, fellowship, and getting prepared for another year.

The good news from the cat shelter is, it is official, they've put an offer in on a new building!  It's in a better location (still not too far from where i live) and more than twice the size of the one we're in now.  There will be a wing for quarantining cats with URI, ringworm, or anything else, separate rooms for FIV kitties, a bigger laundry area for Ms. Leyla, it's a dream come true.  

We're months away from occupancy as it will need some renovation, but it's on the horizon and everyone is excited.  Stay tuned.

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Today is:

Birthday of Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival for Luna -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Festival of Mania -- Ancient Roman Calendar (to placate the Manes, a day when the Mundus, the portal to the afterlife, is open and the dead are free to roam)

Flag Day -- Liberia

Flitting Appreciation Day -- another "holiday" with no particular reason except that someone who enjoys flitting around wanted to celebrate it

Gangara Fire Festival -- Atago Shrine, Ikeda City, Japan

Independence Day -- Ukraine(1991)

International Bat Night -- through tomorrow, go enjoy these wonderful creatures; or

International Day Against Intolerance, Discrimination and Violence Based on Musical Preference, Lifestyle, and Dress Code -- sponsored by the Romanian Humanist Association and the Sophie Lancaster Foundation

International Strange Music Day -- as declared by strange musician and composer Patrick Grant

Knife Day -- internet generated, but how would we cook without them?  today remember how much you do each day with a good kitchen knife.

National Flag Day -- Liberia

National Peach Pie Day

National Waffle Day -- Cornelius Swarthout patented the first waffle iron in the US on this day in 1869, so it is sometimes noted as National Waffle Iron Day

Pluto Demotion Day 

St. Bartholomew's Day (Patron of bookbinders, butchers, cobblers, Florentine cheese merchants, Florentine salt merchants, leather workers,plasterers, shoemakers, tanners, trappers, whiteners; Armenia; Borgo Tossignano, Italy; Boves, Italy; Carpineto dell Nora, Italy; Civitella in Val di Chiana, Italy; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Gambatesa, Italy; Gharghur, Malta; Lipari, Sicily, Italy; Maastricht, Netherlands; Magalang, Philippines; Plzen, Czech Republic; Potosí, Bolivia; Salzano, Italy; Trino, Italy; against nervous diseases, neurological diseases, and twitching) related observance

     Schaferlauf -- Markgroeningen, Germany (Festival to honor St. Bartholomew, Patron of Herdsmen, on this day or the weekend after; includes traditional barefoot race by children of active shepherds and water carrying contests; also now has a music festival)

     Wayzgoose -- a traditional day for master printers to throw an end-of-summer party for his workmen

St. Owen of Rouen's Day (Patron of the deaf; against deafness)

Vesuvius Day -- anniversary of 79CE eruption which destroyed Pompeii, Stabiae, and Herculaneum

Waratambar -- New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea (a native thanksgiving)

William Wilberforce Day -- Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, OH, US (birth anniversary of founder, in 1759)

Birthday's Today:

Rupert Grint, 1988

Chad Michael Murray, 1981

Marlee Matlin, 1965

Reggie Miller, 1965

Cal Ripken, Jr., 1962

Craig Kilborn, 1962

Steve Guttenberg, 1958

Stephen Fry, 1957

Oscar Hijuelos, 1951

Michael Richards, 1950

Gregory Bruce Jarvis, 1944

Mason Williams, 1938

Yasser Arafat, 1929

Hal Smith, 1916

Jorge Luis Borges, 1899

Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, 1890

Daniel Gooch, 1816

William Wilberforce, 1759

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Facts of Life"(TV), 1979

Today in History:

The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius buries Pompeii and Herculaneum, 15,000 die, 79

The Visigoths under Aleric begin to pillage Rome, 410

King John of England, a/k/a Humpty Dumpty for having to issue the first Magna Carta, marries Isabella of Angoileme, 1200

Six thousand Jews are killed in Mainz after being blamed for the bubonic plague, 1349

The printing of the Gutenberg Bible is completed, 1456

The first English convoy lands at Surat, India, 1608

Calcutta, India is founded, 1690

British troops invade Washington, D.C. and burn down the White House and several other buildings, 1814

Charles Darwin is asked to travel on HMS Beagle, 1831

The Panic of 1857 begins, touching off one of the most severe economic crises in US history (Which just goes to show you, the more things change, the more they stay the same), 1857

Cornelius Swarthout patents the waffle iron, 1869

The Wolseley Expedition reaches Manitoba to end the Red River 

Rebellion, 1870

Captain Matthew Webb became first person to swim English Channel, 1875

Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera, 1891

Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal, 1909

Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly non-stop across the North American continent, 1932

The treaty creating NATO goes into effect, 1949

France explodes its first hydrogen bomb, thus becoming the world's fifth nuclear power, 1968

Voyager 2 (launched 1977) reaches Neptune, 1989

Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1991

The first RFID human implantation is tested in the UK, 1998

Argon fluorohydride, the first Argon compound ever known, is discovered at the University of Helsinki, 2000

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines the term "planet" such that Pluto is considered a Dwarf Planet, 2006

The 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have A Dream' speech is commemorated in the U.S., 2013

Astronomers announce the discovery of an earth-like planet named Proxima b orbiting star Proxima Centauri, 2016

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro orders the army to help contain fires in the Amazon after widespread environmental destruction, wildlife loss and international criticism, 2019

US adventurer Victor Vescovo is the first person to visit the deepest point of every ocean when he reaches Molloy Hole, in the Arctic, 2019

British-Belgian teen Mack Rutherford, age 17, becomes the youngest person to fly solo around the world, landing at Sofia, Bulgaria, after a five-month journey across 52 countries, 2022

Norwegian Magnus Carlsen defeats Indian teenager Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa in a tiebreak to win his first Chess World Cup championship, 2023


  1. Crazy busy, but good busy. No major disasters, but loads of positives. Great, and thanks for sharing your thankfuls.

  2. Good thing you missed the mess on the highway no matter where you were headed. I will keep your probable move to a new cat shelter location in my prayers.

  3. That was a really nice list of thankfuls and hooray for the shelter expanding, that's great!

  4. Great news about the shelter ~ and great thankfuls too ~ always something to be grateful for each day ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I really enjoyed reading all your thankful! And I can understand those extremely busy days...believe me! It's sure nice when we get a break from the pace.

  6. How I've missed reading your Thankful posts! They always remind me to count my own blessings! Just lovely!

  7. How wonderful that a new shelter is in the offing! And I'm glad the new dishwasher is helping make your life easier as well as Ms. SE's. Good luck with training those boys! I hung my homemade laminated note right over the handle that opens the dishwasher; that way even I don't forget :)

  8. The bigger cat shelter is a huge thankful! I'm so happy about that.

  9. Lulu: "We have some of those signs on the freeway here where it tells you how long to get to a certain exit or a certain city! But our Dada says their accuracy is highly conditional on whether or not somebody up ahead of you did something stupid five seconds after you passed the sign ..."

  10. Another week where you manage to find so many reasons to be thankful. Our MOm also appreciates those signs, especially when they alert you to future closings so you can plan ahead.

    Have a good week.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. I'm also thankful the blogging community is patient; I think everyone understands that there are more good things to do than hours in the day, and blogging/blog reading doesn't always get done. You've had a busy week! Setting up a camper does take work. I love the name; I'll have to talk to John about coming up with a name for ours. Great news about the shelter getting to move to a bigger place!

  12. Great post. How exciting about the shelter. Very good news.

  13. I'm so pleased you managed to rest on Tuesday, you deserve it!


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