Sunday, August 18, 2024

Proof of Humor (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Yesterday i asked Grandma if she's heard any good jokes lately.  She says she hasn't, telling me, "I don't hear any good jokes any more, but everyone I know is a joke!"

Aline done be tellin' her Mère, Clothile, "Mère, what done happen to you sense o' humor?  You don' be funny now."

An' Clothile say, "What you mean, I don' be funny?  Mais, I be you Mère an' I done make you, an' kep' you, too!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

Bits and bobs and trying my hand at photographing insects again.


This week, Egg White and Meringue are a little shy but still want to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   


Today is:

Bad Poetry Day -- Wellcat Holidays suggests you get back at your high school English teacher for making you read all that "good" poetry; get together with friends, write some truly awful stuff, and mail it to him/her!

Chung Yuan (Zhongyuan) Festival -- China (Festival of Hungry Ghosts; according to legend, during this 7th lunar month the souls of the dead are released from Purgatory to wander the Earth, and so today is the day to appease those spirits with joss stick burning, prayers and food, "ghost money", and other offerings; dates of this vary in other countries)

Hartjesdagen -- Amsterdam and Haarlem, Holland ("Little Hearts Day"; the folklore is that this was the day non-nobles could hunt deer in the woods around Haarlem, and became a two-day cross dressing festival, all men dressed as women, and women as men, to see how the other half lived; revived in recent years on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of August, because the 3rd Monday was the original celebration, and is still the biggest day)

Long Tan Day a/k/a Vietnam Veterans Day -- Australia

Mail Order Catalog Day -- the first one was published by Montgomery Ward this day in 1872, and was only one page (Do yourself a favor and opt out of the doggone things, save a few trees: )

National Ice Cream Pie Day

National Science Day -- Thailand

National Soft Ice Cream Day

Rushbearing -- Macclesfield Forest and St. Stephens Church Forest Chapel, Cheshire, England (ancient tradtion of bringing new rushes, plaited in traditional weaves, to carpet the church and keep it warm, always on the first Sunday after Aug. 12)

Serendipity Day -- and it's here serendipitously! begun by writer Madeleine Kay, it's the day to step out of routine, do something you've always wanted to do, and see what happens

St. Agapitus' Day (Patron of Palestrina, Italy; against colic)

St. Helena's Day (Mother of Constantine the Great; Patron of archaeologists, converts, difficult marriages, divorced people, dyers, empresses, nail smiths, needle makers; Birkirkara, Malta; Helena, MT, US; against fire and thunder)

Birthdays Today:

Andy Samberg, 1978

Malcolm-Jamal Warner, 1970

Christian Slater, 1969

Edward Norton, 1969

Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, 1962

Madeleine Stowe, 1958

Patrick Swayze, 1952

Elayne Boosler, 1952

Martin Mull, 1943

Robert Redford, 1936

Roberto Clemente Walker, 1934

Roman Polanski, 1933

Luc Montagnier, 1932

Rosalynn Carter, 1927

Shelley Winters, 1920

Greta Garbo, 1905

Max Factor, 1904

Meriwether Lewis, 1774

Virginia Dare, 1587 (first English child born in the Americas)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Private Lives"(Play), 1930

"Iphigénie"(Racine's dramatic tragedy), 1674

Today in History:

Founding of the oldest known Roman temple to Venus, BC293

Rome is occupied and plundered by Visigoths under King Alarik I, 410

Death of Genghis Khan (fell from his horse), 1227

A Portuguese ship drifts ashore in the Japanese province of Higo, 1541

The Boston, Massachusetts Evening Post begins publishing, 1735

Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, 1834

Pierre Janssan discovers helium, 1868

German engineer Karl Jatho allegedly flies his self-made, motored gliding airplane four months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers, 1903.

Mayor of Tokyo Yukio Ozaki presents Washington, D.C. with 2,000 cherry trees, which President Taft decides to plant near the Potomac River, 1909

A Great Fire in Thessaloniki, Greece destroys 32% of the city leaving 70,000 individuals homeless, 1917

19th US Amendment ratified (gives women the vote), 1920

Premier of The Wizard of Oz, 1939

The first commercially produced oral contraceptives are marketed, 1960

James Meredith becomes the first black person to graduate from the University of Mississippi, 1963

Steve Biko is arrested at a police roadblock under the Terrorism Act No 83 of 1967 in King William's Town, South Africa. He would later die of the injuries sustained during this arrest bringing attention to South Africa's apartheid policies, 1977

Massive power blackout hits the Indonesian island of Java, affecting almost 100 million people, 2005

Columbia's Chiribiquete National Park expands to 3 million hectares from 1.2 million hectares, becoming one of the Amazon's largest protected zones, 2013

Civilian researchers led by Paul Allen re-discover the USS Indianapolis 18,000 feet below the Pacific surface, 72 years after it was sunk by Japanese torpedoes, 2017

Food matter found in the 3,200-year-old tomb of Ptahmes, an official of Memphis, Egypt, is confirmed to be cheese, the oldest evidence yet of cheesemaking, 2018

Archaeologists announce the discovery of a megalithic complex of more than 500 standing stones at La Torre-La Janera, Huelva, southern Spain, 2022

The Canadian province of British Columbia declares a state of emergency as two major wildfires combine near Adams Lake, 2023


  1. That was a fun joke...MOL...Your pictures are outstanding! Good catch on the dragonfly. And what a great Selfie the kitties took. We're impurressed😺😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  2. Egg White and Meringue are little cuties. Insects I find hard to photograph and you did really well. I do love your skyscapes too.

  3. Marvelous photos. Insects are a tohough sublject and you really did well. Is it the same blue dragonfly? If yes I'm impressed that it sat still for so long.

  4. Lovely photos. Yes, it's hard photographing insects. They just won't keep still (mol)!

  5. You are certainly developing your insect skills. The colours this week are a delight, especially the blooms and the dragonfly.

  6. Such adorable white kittens with cute names. Funny joke and great photos, especially the dragon fly. XO

  7. HA! There are lots of jokes around here too. Such lovely photos and those white kittens are so darn pretty!

  8. Egg White and Meringue !!!! ewe both bee awesum pawsum sno white kittehz !! :) ♥♥ heerz hopin ewe both find yur for everz...two gether...bye de end oh de month =^..^= and oh em cod, dorothy and toto haz been round fora while huh !! :) ♥♥

  9. That is an impressive dragonfly, and good captures of both it and the bee!

  10. Wow! to the dragonfly photos ~ fun Cajun joke and great series of photos too ~ especially your sky photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Charlee: "Dragonflies and bees! Fascinating to stare at, and to play with, if they get in the house! Except bees have a pointy end ...

  12. Mom thinks Egg White and Meringue are just too cute for words and loves their names. The dragonfly is a fascinating insect, and your photos of it are amazing.

    Have a great week.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. I remember taking some photos of a dragonfly with my smartphone years ago and I was astonished (and pleased) they came out. Ours was yellow so I LOVE seeing a vibrant and different shade!

  14. Neat photos, you do a fine job with insects. I have problems trying to photograph them, often I just get them centered in the phone screen, and then they fly off! :/
    Cute kittens...

  15. The kitties are so adorable. Great pics.

  16. Egg White and Meringue are cute. Mice flowers and window reflections too. I rarely see insects that are still enough to capture in a photo.

  17. A short and sweet Cajun joke! As for your photographs, they're brilliant, especially the close-ups.


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