Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Holes and Rugs and Where’s My Mop, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl has had the last several weeks mostly off work as the scheduling computer at Mall-Mart has been giving the company fits, so i wasn't surprised to see the holes in his schedule when i showed up and looked at the papers on the fridge.

Next up, check the laundry room.

Not a good sign, right?

I tapped at his door in passing and he opened it, and as i told him he'd need to move to the sleep chair, he said, "For a while."

You don't have work today, do you? i asked.

"They called yesterday...nine to two," he answered, meaning they are trying to override the recalcitrant computer.

Okay, i told him, when you do you want to get up?

"When I can," he answered, cryptically.  Then he added, "Twenty-two minutes."

He scooted off to rest and i realized i was right, it's been a rough week.

Carl doesn't always put his clothes away, but when he does, he does it quickly by stuffing everything in one drawer.

Next job, get the bathroom ready so he can shower.  I made sure he had everything, then stripped the bed and began gathering clothes and sniffing the stuff on the hangers that were on backward or inside out.  A few did not pass the sniff test.

When he did come back in the room, he said, "Cough drops?"  Then he actually turned his head away and coughed.  I thanked him for doing that, as he has a chronic, persistent cough which is from allergies and he often just coughs right where he is, including toward the person to whom he is speaking.

It was time for a shower and i pointed out to him he had everything in there he needed and shouldn't come out until he was fully dressed.  Once he shut the door, i did more straightening, gathering, and putting the room back together.

Once i started the first load of wash, i came back to the room just in time to see Carl come out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his underwear.

It's okay, he's come out in less, but we are trying to help him choose to be more modest.

You have all your clothes in the bathroom, i told him, why'd you come out?

"Underwear has a hole!" he said and i told him to throw that pair out the bathroom door and i'd put it in the garbage.  No need to keep it if it has a hole and he's not going to wear it, right?

He actually did throw it out the door, and later i saw this.

The jammies he'd taken off when he went for his shower actually made it to the area where his laundry baskets usually are.  Of course, the baskets were in the room being sorted, but I give him an A for effort.

Then i found where he'd liberally powdered the floor again.

I just hope he got some actually on his feet, and that none of us ever slip because of it.

As Carl moved about having breakfast and getting ready for work, he chatted as he often does.  He was talking about something saying it was very tall, but i didn't catch what.  Then he asked about signing up for the Habitat for Humanity build our church will be doing next month.

"I want to sign up before it gets full," he said, and i told him it doesn't get full, they can always use another pair of hands for something.

"Oh, good!" he said, and moved on to talking about getting a birthday card for a friend and his search for a new job.  "Found a site, it was a scam," he said.

You do have to watch out for those, make sure your mom sees every site you go to for job searches was my response, and he nodded solemnly.  He's truly an innocent among wolves.

Well before his usual 8:45 heading to work time he was getting restless, asking about his ice vest and lunch.  I told him i'd have it ready by 8:30.

"Need it now," he said, and my response was to warn him not to go in to work early, he could get in trouble if he signed in early.

"I want to get ahead before they get too busy," he said, "and I'll check before."

Since he understood he needed to do that (his mother has drilled him well), we opened the freezer to get out his ice packs and like the walls of Jericho they all came a tumbling down.

This, i told him, is why you should take the time to freeze them flat.

"How do I do that?" he asked.

When they are thawed after you come home from work, i said, take a few extra minutes to put them in the freezer carefully, laying them down so they freeze stacked on top of each other.  I know you want to get it over so you can go do something fun so you cram them in there, but a few extra minutes putting them away right means they work better.

He was watching me intently the whole time i was showing him, but only time will tell if he is catching on.

Once he was gone, i went to get cleaning supplies and found this.

Ms. V seems to have gotten the redecorating bug, at least a little, and the old carpet is folded there with the stepladder on top of it (no, i don't know why) and a new rug, still wrapped, is next to it.

Later i found out that's not all.

"While we had the rug up, I decided I might as well polish the whole floor, even where the rug will go, but the polish has left streaks."

An alarm went off in my head and i asked what she'd been using.

"Just the polish."

We went to the laundry room closet and i figured out what happened.

Ms. V has two spray mops, the kind where you have a pad at the bottom and you squeeze a handle and it sprays out cleanser.

One is supposed to be for wood floors, the other has vinyl tile cleaner.

She'd not seen the note on the one for wood floors, dumped all the vinyl tile cleaner out of the other one and filled it not with wood floor cleaner, which you have to use first, but with straight polish.  Then she didn't go back over the polish with the separate dry cloths we keep to prevent streaking.

We now have a mess on our hands.  There's no mop for the vinyl tile floors, i had to fill a spray bottle with the cleaner and spray it out that way while mopping, being careful to remember not to squeeze the handle on the mop in order to clean Carl's floor.

When i get back to clean on Thursday, i'll have to see if the wood cleaner will get the streaky polish up, then try to re-polish and dry it, all so it can be covered with a rug and furniture again (yes, she moved the furniture to do all this).

Laugh, because otherwise you might cry, right?  How about some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Carnival Tuesday -- Granada

Day of Battle between Horus and Set; Aset gains the Horns of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Defence Forces Day -- Zimbabwe

Festival of Aventine Diana / Nemoralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (commemoration of the dedication of her temple; celebrated between now and the 15th, and rededicated as the Festival of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin after Christianization)

Festival of Xocotl Huetzi -- Ancient Aztec Calendar (first fruits of harvest festival; date approximate, but two weeks around the end of August)

Independence Day -- Central African Republic(1960)

International Left-Hander's Day -- sponsored by Lefthanders International

Lao Issara -- Laos (Day of the Free Laos)

Lesser Festival of Flora -- Ancient Roman Calendar

National Filet Mignon Day

Obon -- Buddhist (celebration to revere the ancestors; celebrated at different times even within Japan, but usually the biggest dates are in mid-August)

Runic Half Month As begins (the gods)

Skinny Dipping Day -- funny t-shirt:  I no longer skinny dip. I chunky dunk!

St. Cassian's Day (Patron of students and teachers; Brixen, Italy; Comacchio, Italy; Imola, Italy; Mexico City, Mexico)

St. Concordia's day (Patron of nursing mothers and wet nurses)

St. Hippolytus' Day (Patron of horses, prison guards/officers/workers; Bibbiena, Italy)

Tisha B'Av -- Judaism (began sunset yesterday, through sunset today)

Wall Day -- anniversary of the day in 1961 that the Berlin Wall began going up; observe it by trying to break down a wall or communication barrier somewhere in your own life

Women's Day -- Tunisia

Birthdays Today

Shani Davis, 1982

Midori Ito, 1969

Quinn Cummings, 1967

Danny Bonaduce, 1959

Dan Fogelberg, 1951

Kathleen Battle, 

Philippe Petit, 1949

Kevin Tighe, 1944

Don Ho, 1930

Pat Harrington, Jr., 1929

Fidel Castro, 1926

George Shearing, 1919

Ben Hogan, 1912

Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, 1907

Alfred Hitchcock, 1899

Bert Lahr, 1895

Annie Oakley, 1860

Lucy Stone, 1818

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Zaire/The Tragedy of Zara"(Voltaire's "Tragedy in Verse"), 1732

Today in History

The English army under King Henry V lands at the mouth of the Seine River, 1415

Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs is conquered by the Spanish, 1521

Tenbun Hokke Disturbance, in which Buddhist monks from Kyoto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto, 1536

John Smith submits the story of Jamestown's first days for publication, 1608

Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap, 1642

Founding of Litchfield, CT, 1651

Marie Antoinette and other French royals are imprisoned by Revolutionaries, 1792

Nat Turner sees the solar eclipse which he interprets as a sign from heaven to begin his ill-fated slave rebellion, 1831

Earthquake in Peru and Ecuador kills 25,000, 1868

Ferdinand von Zeppelin patents his "Navigable Balloon", 1889

First production in the UK of stainless steel by Harry Brearley, 1913

Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist in the United States Marine Corps, 1918

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) is established as a public company in Germany, 1918

The first barbed wire fence that would become the Berlin Wall is erected, 1961

The Apollo 11 astronauts are released from a three-week quarantine to enjoy a ticker-tape parade in New York, 1969

Michael Phelps sets the Olympic record for most the gold medals won by an individual in Olympic history, 2008

Footage of the previously unseen Kawahiva tribe is released; the Kawahiva is an indigenous tribe living in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and is thought to have had very little contact with the outside world, 2013

Iranian mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani becomes the first woman to win the Fields Medal in mathematics, 2014

Measles cases have tripled so far worldwide in 2019 according to the WHO, 2019 

Israel strikes an historic deal with the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations and suspends plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank, 2020


  1. I hope Carl does leran to stack the ice bags for his vest.

  2. Challenges! I so admire your patience, I would have blown up long time ago.

  3. Sometimes when someone is helpful it is the worst thing they can do. His mom should leave the cleaning to you. At least there is always job security working for that family.

  4. Java Bean: "Ayyy, leaving the new rug rolled up in its packaging seems like an excellent strategy to keep it clean, am I right?"

  5. I love Carl. He's most entertaining.

    Love all the funnies too. I laugh more than once. Thank you for that.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Oh Carl, I'm tired just reading this! Great funnies though!

  7. There's never a dull moment with Carl! Great funnies - I always wondered what the holes in Crocs were for!

  8. HI Messymimi - I've wanted to do WWW - but the comments are off ... so please count me out for this week - thank you ... Hilary

  9. Messy Mimi, you have the patience of Job with everyone. We think you need to Saint in front of your name.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Whatever they pay you could be doubled and still not be enough. XO

  11. You have earned your 'wings' and your 'crown' ~ Wow! What a day ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. You have the patience of a saint as you are one! Carl is a work in process. I hope he learns on the ice packs. Those are rock solid when lumped up in the freezer. I did that once grabbed the Swiffer vinyl mop and used it on my wood floor. I did the old on hands and knees to clean up that disaster! Hopefully never again! Take care. Enjoy the week. Love the stories.


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