Tuesday, August 6, 2024

To Work or Not to Work, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

MallMart has "gifted" Carl with time off.  Sort of.

It's a mixed blessing.  It does keep him out of the heat (he pushes carts in the parking lot) but it also means no pay.

Then there's the matter of him hanging around the house all day making messes, even while i'm there trying to clean.

The laundry room had a mixture.  The clean clothes were in a pile with a note on them in Ms. V's handwriting.  She is trying to keep us from having to wash his clothes over and over when we don't know what Carl washed and what he didn't.

The stuff in the dryer was Mr. L's and wasn't quite dry and the stuff in the sink smelled questionable.  I turned the dryer on and decided to wash what was in the sink.

Carl poked his head out of his room and said, "'Sup?"  I told him it was the usual, and he had his pillow and blanket out there already.

After the usual toothbrushing, he headed for his chair then came back and said, "Comb."

He grabbed a comb and started in on his hair.  You're going to be going to sleep and messing up your hair anyway, i told him, why do you need to comb it now?

"Just needs it," he said, and hey, why not?  Style your hair, then let your pillow restyle it, and then you go after it again.  Works for Carl, i guess.

I also noticed one of his combs was near the sink where he brushes his teeth and had what looked like toothpaste on it.  I washed it without comment.

While he napped in his sleep chair, i cleaned his bathroom and got it ready so he could easily come in and take a shower later, whenever he decided to get up. 

Carl almost never puts the top back on anything, but i've noticed while cleaning his place, if there's a top to something, there's probably a bottom somewhere.  It might even be nearby.  Yesterday i was able to match everything, so all his bathroom stuff had tops on it.  Ms. V is always grateful when that happens.

He did me the favor of staying asleep until the bathroom was clean and much of the work was done.  When he did finally come in he wanted to tell me about applying for new jobs.  He's tired of working outdoors and i can't say i blame him.  He also talked about several things he wants to do this month at the various parks around here, including a campfire.

Will you toast marshmallows and make s'mores? i asked.

His eyes lit up.  "Those are so good!"  Then he decided it was time to shower and dress so he could eat breakfast.  While on the way he grabbed a bag to show me.

"School supplies!" he said.

Why do you need school supplies? i asked.

"For the church, you know," he said and i did know.  I also know they'd gotten all the supplies they needed.

"Shoot!" he said when he found out.  "What do I do?"

I told him i'd take them and see to it they went to someone who needed them, and he was happy and ready for his shower.

After deciding on which shorts (the one with the big pockets) and which polo top (the yellow one), i sent him into the bathroom with those plus his boxers and socks.

He popped right back out and said, "I need to check on my mother!"

What he meant by that i have no clue, but he left the room and came back a few minutes later.  I asked him if his mother was okay and he looked at me quizzically.  "Um, yes?" he said, seeming unsure.

I still have no clue what that was about.  He might not, either.

He showered and dressed and then Ms. V dropped the news, "Your work called, they want you to come in.  You need to eat quickly and get over there."

That's where the "sort of" comes in.  They schedule him off, then call him randomly to come cover a shift.

We went into power mode, so to speak.  I got the ice vest ready, ice chest packed, and sandwich, fruit cup, cheese stick and carrot sticks ready along with a bottle of water.  His mother urged him to try to get online to check his schedule while he was having a bowl of cereal.  They were unsuccessful and he was finally sent off to work, with much fanfare and running back and forth for things -- where's my vest!  I need sunscreen! -- and told to have one of the people at work help him figure out what was wrong.

I'm not holding my breath on them being able to get to his schedule online any time soon.

How about some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Accession Day -- United Arab Emirates (accession of H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan)

August Tuesday / Culturama -- St. Kitts and Nevis

Carnival Tuesday -- Antigua and Barbuda (Last Lap Jump Up); St. Vincent and Grenadines

Feast of Everything Green Except Money -- Hooray for veggies! You'll need them before you have that root beer float.

Festival of Nut and Ra; Chief Festival of Thoth -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival Tuesday/Horse Races -- British Virgin Islands

Fox Hill Day -- Nassau, Bahamas (final day of their Emancipation celebrations)

Hiroshima Day -- related observance

     Peace Festival -- Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Japan

Hot August Nights -- Reno, NV, US (celebrate cars and music of the 50's and 60's at the largest classic car and nostalgia event in the United States; through Sunday)

Independence Day / National Day -- Bolivia; Jamaica

National Fresh Breath (Halitosis) Day -- shouldn't that read, anti-halitosis?

National Night Out -- US (sponsored by National Association of Town Watch, to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness) www.natw.org/

National Root Beer Float Day -- A&W Root Beer really gets into this day http://awrestaurants.com/rootbeerfloatday

Sts. Justus and Pastor's Day (Patrons of Alcala, Spain; Madrid, Spain)

Tanabata Festival -- Sendai, Japan (Japan's largest Tanabata 'Star Festival', through the 8th)

Teinne Festival -- Ancient Celtic Calendar (Teinne, the Celtic Holy Fire, sometimes called Tan; date approximate)

Transfiguration of the Lord -- Orthodox Christian

Wiggle Your Toes Day -- internet generated, and my suggestion is to celebrate it with a cool drink out by the pool if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, and by toasting your toes in front of a fire if you are in the Southern Hemisphere

World's Fair of Money -- Chicago, IL, US (the greatest money show on Earth, including dealers, exhibits from around the world, family activities and educational programs; through Saturday)

Birthdays Today:

Romola Garai, 1982

Melissa George, 1976

Soleil Moon Frye, 1976

M. Night Shyamalan, 1970

Michelle Yeoh, 1962

Catherine Hicks, 1951

Dorian Harewood, 1950

Shirley Ann Jackson, 1946

Peter Bonerz, 1938

Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob, 1934

Andy Warhol, 1928

Robert Mitchum, 1817

Lucille Ball, 1911

Clara Bow, 1905

Hoot Gibson, 1892

Alexander Fleming, 1881

Louella Parsons, 1881

Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, 1861

Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1809 

Daniel O'Connell, 1775

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Help"(Album debut), 1965

Today in History:

Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada founds the city of Bogota, Colombia, 1538

Holland (The Dutch Republic) sells Brazil to Portugal and the two 

countries sign the Treaty of The Hague, 1661

The first private military school in the US, Norwich University, is 

founded in Vermont, 1819

The Russian Geographical Society is founded in Saint Petersburg, 1845

William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by the electric chair, 1890

Alice Ramsey takes three friends (none of whom could drive) to become the first women to complete a transcontinental auto trip, 1909

Gertrude Ederle becomes the first woman to swim the English Channel, 1926

Prometheus, a bristlecone pine and the world's oldest tree, is cut down by the US National Forest Service, for reasons even they cannot explain, 1964

The Federal Voting Rights Act is signed, 1965

A low-pressure system that redeveloped off the New South Wales coast dumps a record 328 millimeters (13 inches) of rain in a day on Sydney, 1986

The United Nations Security Council orders a global trade embargo against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, 1990

NASA makes the still disputed announcement that the ALH 84001 meteorite, thought to originate from Mars, contains evidence of primitive life-forms, 1996

The incoming coalition government of the United Kingdom discontinues the use of the controversial ContactPoint database of all children in that country, 2010

After a century of silence, Mount Tongariro in New Zealand erupts, spreading volcanic ash across the country's central North Island and affecting airports, 2012

The Curiosity Rover, controlled by NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, lands safely on the surface of Mars, 2012

The world's largest ever Pinball tournament, "Pinburgh," is held in Pittsburgh, PA, US, with 700 machines, 2015

In an attempt to end 5 years of civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kilr and rebel leader Riek Machar sign the South Sudan Peace Accord, 2018

According to the World Resources Institute, a quarter of humanity is running out of water, 2019

Director Greta Gerwig becomes the first solo female filmmaker to surpass US$1B at the global box office with the film, Barbie, 2023


  1. I do hope they sort out Carl's schedule. Soon.

  2. You would think his work understands his challenges and would see the need to give him a regular schedule, but I guess not. It would be very frustrating.

  3. It certainly is hard to work outside. I'm sure the company he works for is trying to keep him working. It would be difficult to have Carl for an employee.

  4. I agree with the others, it's been way too hot for anyone to work outside. Carl sure keeps you guessing!

  5. I love Carl and you are so good for him. Bless you.

    I am so done with this heat. I'm ready for fall and cooler temperatures.

    Love all the funnies and that last one made me spew my coffee.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Chaplin: "I remember when Mama was still teaching, she would definitely steal things from home and bring them in to the classroom. According to Dennis she even did it once with a pet parakeet!"
    Charlee: "Boy I wish we still had that parakeet ..."

  7. Another peep into the world of Carl! I feel some toasted marshmallows coming on.
    Very funny funnies, you've reminded me I need a hair cut!

  8. Would it be possible to just do his laundry once a week and have him not touch it? :)

  9. Carl is sure entertaining ~ and keeps you busy for sure ~ great 'hair' funnies ~ You are an angel ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

  10. thecontemplativecat here. the school supplies dilemma would hit us teachers with the lists provided to stores. This told students and parents who listened to what we wanted. Little girl wanting glue sticks! I feel like I had one of these girls every year of teaching.

  11. Well, Carl sure can make your day interesting albeit a bit challenging. We don't blame him for not wanting to be working outside. Hope he can find something inside that he likes too

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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