Saturday, August 31, 2024

Dangerous Words (Six Sentence Story)


"Heavens to Betsy, Hūnga, just give me a minute, we'll be out the door as soon as the cookies come out of the oven!"

Mimi laughed and then laughed a bit more as Tom growled, "'Heavens to Betsy', really, you can't even swear properly, you are a relic!"

"Our favorite family story about my Nana taught me about epithets, there were 12 people in a 3 bedroom, one bathroom house for Thanksgiving and everyone was tense and Papa decided for some reason, duck had to be on the menu.

"My Nana tried to dissuade him but he insisted and when she got back from their last run to the store for the supplies, she pointedly looked at him while emptying the bags and said, 'and I got your effing duck, too!'"

Mimi was pulling the cookies out of the oven as she continued, "Yes, my meek as Moses Nana dropped an f-bomb, her first, last, and only, right there in front of all the adults in the family and not only did my Papa learn his sweet wife had her limits, I learned from that story to save such language for when I really mean it."

As Tom just shook his head and she pulled out Hūnga's harness to head for the door, she added, "So just remember, if you ever do hear me use such a word, run!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Relic.      

(I may have told this story before, but guess what?  It's one of my favorites, so it gets a repeat.)



  1. I don't recall reading this story before. The "f" word is very popular here in Australia, so many people don't seem able to speak without it.

    1. My town's preserved the art of speaking without the F-word, or even the S-word, by defining public use of profanity as Public Drunkenness & Disorderly Conduct. Even if people haven't been drinking, nasty words can get them a few hours in the drunk tank.

      Pris cilla King

  2. I suspect this has published too early - but was very glad to read it. And loved it.

  3. There's something about dogs and kitchens - they know it's the heart of the house, even if it is a Café.
    Nana's story made me laugh as did the admonition to Tom who, I trust will take Mimi at her word!

  4. Good advice: "to save such language for when I really mean it" Nice tale about your Nana and Papa and an unnecessary duck.

  5. Love this - always good to see some of the gang in the SSC&B, especially Hūnga!

  6. lol
    (there's a saying among certain 'outsider' types that it's not when we're mad and making noise, it's when we're angry and are very, very quiet)
    good Six yo

  7. Lulu: "Our Dada says there is a TV Trope about this! It is called 'Precision F-Strike'!"


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