Saturday, August 17, 2024

Busy, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's Thankful Day, and it's been busy.

I'm thankful for busy.

Grandma once again ate a whole cheeseburger last Saturday.  It's one of the few things she does have an appetite for.

When we got back into our area, traffic was built up in an unusual pattern, meaning an accident, so i managed to skirt around and my Sweetie and i got all the errands run, we were both thankful to have nothing left over to nag at the backs of our minds until Monday.

Ms. V had tried to polish her wood floors and talk about a mess.  I was thankful the new rug was going to cover a lot of it.

Ms. S had a friend visiting, and as always, i was thankful for a break in the day to be able to visit with the two of them before getting back to "toting barges and lifting bales," as i like to say.

On Tuesday, i almost got caught up with everything, and i was very thankful.

Of course, i'm behind again by now, but i'm happy to keep trying and that makes me thankful, too.

GusGus die Fledermaus gave me a scare Wednesday morning when her check engine light came on.  I was most thankful it was an informational code, not a repair code, and the problem had already taken care of itself.

I'm thankful i was able to get all 3 jobs done that day, and especially that Ms. G and i got everything done she wanted except hand watering the plants outdoors, which she has to do herself.

Back at Ms. V's place on Thursday, i was thankful when Ms. V told me we would tackle the streaky parts of the floor when she got the right cleaner.  Meanwhile, when she had to go take a phone call in the middle of getting the rug down, i was thankful i got frustrated enough with the trouble it was causing to get my dander up and so i was able to wrestle the thing into submission and get it in place.  

Ms. L "lost" his phone that day, too.  He was sure he'd brought it in the bedroom with his other things, but couldn't find it.  I'm thankful i questioned him closely and figured out where he's set his things, then moved the blanket Ms. V had pulled off the bed so i could make the bed.  There, under the pajamas and two charge blocks, was the phone.

We were thankful for rain on Thursday.

Friday i was thankful for the back roads to the church as there'd been an accident on the freeway again, thankful it was cleared out by the time i circled back to Ms. G's place to take care of her critters since she's out of town, thankful cleaning at Ms. GA's place went well.

The cat shelter, i'm thankful to say, was the crown of the day, as we got everything done early and the three residents of the shelter which have been there longest all got adopted!

I'm also thankful today is International Homeless Animals Day.  We are thankful for our four kitties, all originally strays (3 were bottle babies).

As well, we are thankful for all the black cats which have graced our lives, Frank, Oz, Shadow, and Badlands Blackie.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Clark and his co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Pencil Day -- internet generated, but since a pencil can draw a line 35 miles long, write under water, in zero gravity, or upside down, what's not to celebrate!

Black Cat Appreciation Day -- they deserve a day! black cats even have a Facebook page     

Day of Rituals in the Temples of Ra, Horus, and Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Drink Coffee at the Office from A Sippy Cup Day -- begun by someone with a sense of humor, who wants you to see how long it takes people to notice

Festival of Diana -- Ancient Roman Calendar

International Geocaching Day   

International Homeless Animals Day® -- International Society for Animal Rights   

Jari Kemerdekaan RI -- Indonesia (Independence Day)(1945)

Meaning of "Is" Day -- thank you, Clinton!

National Honey Bee Day -- US

National Thrift Shop/Thrift Store Day -- no history on it, probably started by a thrift store having a summer sale; still a good idea

National Vanilla Custard Day

Odin's Ordeal begins -- based on the Ancient Norse legend, Modern Odinists and some Asatru practice silence for nine days, through the 25th

Portunalia -- Roman Empire (honoring the god of locks, keys, ports, and harbors)

Prekmurje Union Day -- Slovenia (celebrates the Slovenes in Prekmurje being Incorporated into the Mother Nation)

San Martin Day -- Argentina (death anniversary of General Jose de San Martin, liberator of Argentina, chile, and Peru)

St. Hyacinth's Day (Patron of Camalaniugan, Philippines; Ermita de Piedra de San Jacinto, Philippines; Kradow, Poland; Lithuania; Poland; against drowning)

Birthdays Today:

Mark Salling, 1982

Donnie Wahlberg, 1969

Sean Penn, 1960

Jonathan Franzen, 1959

Belinda Carlisle, 1958

Guillermo Vilas, 1952

Robert Joy, 1951

Robert DeNiro, 1943

Francis Gary Powers, 1929

Maureen O'Hara, 1920

Harrison V. Chase, 1913

Mae West, 1892

charles I, last emperor of Austria-Hungary, 1887

Samuel Goldwyn, 1882

Davy Crockett, 1786

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Life of Brian(Film), 1979

"Symphonie Liturgique"(Honegger's Third Symphony), 1946

Animal Farm(Publication date), 1945

"Gotterdammerung/Twilight of the Gods"(Opera WWV 86D), 1876

Today in History:

The Peace of Bergerac gives political rights to the Huguenots, 1577

John White returns to Roanoke, Virginia, to find no trace of the colonists he had left there 3 years earlier, 1590

Robert Fulton's steamboat Clermont begins its first trip up the Hudson River, 1807

Solymon Merrick patents the wrench, 1835

The first bank in Hawaii opens, 1858

Patent granted for an electric self starter for automobiles, 1891

Pike Place Market, the longest continuously-running public farmers market in the US, opens in Seattle, 1907

Fantasmagorie by Émile Cohl, the first animated cartoon, is shown in Paris, 1908

First meeting of Narcotics Anonymous in Southern California, 1953

Quake Lake is formed by the magnitude 7.5 1959 Yellowstone earthquake near Hebgen Lake in Montana, 1958

East German border guards kill 18-year-old Peter Fechter as he attempts to cross the Berlin Wall into West Berlin becoming one of the first victims of the wall, 1962

Category 5 Hurricane Camille hits the Mississippi coast, killing 248 people and causing $1.5 billion in damage, 1969

Venera 7 launched. It will later become the first spacecraft to successfully transmit data from the surface of another planet (Venus), 1970

Double Eagle II becomes first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean when it lands in Miserey near Paris, 137 hours after leaving Presque Isle, Maine, 1978

The first Compact Discs are released to the public in Germany, 1982

The first forced evacuation of settlers, as part of the Israel unilateral disengagement plan, starts, 2005

Afghan archeologists discover the remains of a Buddhist site located south of Kabul, 2010

Trogloraptor marchingtoni, an unusual spider discovered in 2010 is determined to be a new family of spiders previously unknown in the world of science; the new spider family has been named Trogloraptor, meaning 'cave robber', 2012

LIGO picks up images of two neutron stars colliding, the first time scientists have ever been able to witness that event, 2017

The landmark power-sharing deal signed by military and civilian leaders is celebrated in Khartoum, Sudan, with a transitional government to take over as of the beginning of September, 2019

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill becomes the first US university to send students home and convert to all online classes after 135 Covid19 cases are detected on campus, 2020

One in five US hospital ICUs are at or over 95% capacity due to Delta surge of COVID-19, 2021

 The WHO holds its first Traditional Medicine Global Summit in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 2023


  1. I am thankful all your thankfuls worked out well and that phone was found.

  2. Those are all wonderful thankfuls and I'm really happy for the kitty adoptions!

  3. Good that Grandma feels like eating well once in a while. Black Cat day! All cats are special to me.

  4. Ah yes, the burst of adrenalin that frustration provides! It can be a very good thing :) And I'm so glad your shelter's three longest-residing cats were adopted; that is a lovely thing.

  5. I always enjoy your thankful lists. I am glad Grandma has something to eat that she really enjoys. XO

  6. It is nice to look back at the week, and no matter how many problems there might have been, to still find reasons to be thankful. You do that so very well.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Quite the list of thankfuls ~ glad Gus is hangin in ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, poor homeless animals! We wish all the pets could get adopted into good homes!"
    Oona: "Oona's Dada once again failed to do a Black Cat Appreciation Day post for her. See if Oona tells him 'Hi hi!' the next time he comes into the room where she is. Hmph."

  9. It must be so rewarding to see the cats find forever homes!

  10. You always have so much to be thankful for!

  11. always good to have alternate routes (in our area, the towns on the ocean always have extra traffic...locals know the side streets, thankfully)
    busy week, yo
    good TToT

  12. Phones are the hardest to find if you can't call them. I keep mine on mute most of the time, so I am stuck if it's misplaced. The other day I dropped it and it slid under a soda machine at the mechanics, whew that it didn't go too far!


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