Thursday, August 1, 2024

Not Gone Yet (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


While the plague may officially be over, Covid19 still continues to swirl around us, rearing it's ugly head with the equivalent of a nasty cold for most people who have the misfortune of running into it again.

Ms. G, my Wednesday lady, had that misfortune and began to show symptoms early this week.

She won't admit it, but the forced rest is good for her, although she is spending all of the time champing at the bit to get back to all the stuff on her ever growing todo list.

Because i could not come over yesterday and actually be in her presence, she asked me to clean some items of Ms. Fiona's which had been left outdoors, a small shelf and a three-drawer plastic "chest," as well as a couple of Ms. G's gravity feeders for cats which she had over there until Ms. Fiona's cats were taken care of.

Once i was done at the cat shelter (they have ringworm again, doggone it), i armed myself with lots of bleach cleaner and disposable cleaning rags and gloves and sat outdoors in the shade in the 90+ degree heat and cleaned everything twice over, without Ms. G having to come out at all.

The feeders will go back in Ms. G's shed, the shelf and "chest" will be taken to Ms. Fiona at the care home where she now resides so she can use them, and Ms. G and i hope to resume our regularly scheduled programming next week.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Swirl.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Ay, yi yi and what have I done?

Will it be scary or will it be fun?

Should I have skipped lunch at one?

We'll find out after this run!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful Slow-Moe, Sweetie's car, seems to be running just fine.  Last Friday, after a very difficult drive back from NOLA in very heavy traffic (2 accidents, lots of stop and go and stopstopstop go), the power steering went out.  Turns out, it's something which can happen in that car when it has been in such awful traffic in the heat.  All you have to do is pull over, shut the car off, give the circuits a minute to get over themselves, and restart the car and it works again.  Now we know!


Today is:

Air Force Day -- US (declared by President Truman in 1947)

Anniversary of the Founding of Scouting -- first day of Brownsea Island Camp in 1907, where Robert Baden-Powell began Scouting

Armed Forces Day -- Lebanon

Earth Overshoot Day -- according to the Global Footprint Network, this is the date on which humanity has exhausted the Earth's budget of resources for the year

Emancipation Day -- Barbados; Bermuda (first day of the Cup Match); Guyana; Jamaica; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands (Trad.)

Fast in Honor of the Holy Mother of Jesus / Procession of the Cross and Dormition Fast -- Orthodox Christian

Feast of Kamal (Perfection) -- Baha'i

Fiesta de Santo Domingo -- Managua, Nicaragua (patron saint; through the 10th)

Girlfriends' Day -- a day to celebrate the women who enrich your life

Harriet Quimby Day -- first woman to earn a pilot's license, this date in 1911

Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri -- Hirosaki, Japan (through the 7th, parade and purification ritual to rid the the town of future illness and bad fortune)

Homowo -- Ghana (a festival of thanksgiving and remembrance, among various groups of Ga peoples, all through August and September.)

Independence Day / National Day -- Benin(1960)

Kalends of August -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observances

     Feast of Spes (personification of hope)

     Festival for Victoria (goddess of victory)

Lammas Day / Lammac Tide -- Christian, a Cross Quarter Day (called the Gule of August in Wales, and known as August Eve and Lady Day Eve)

Liberation of Haile Selassie -- Rastafari

Lughnassad / Imbolc -- Wicca and Pagan (based in the Northern Hemisphere on the Celtic Feast of Bread, beginning of the harvest season)

Minden Day -- British Armed Forces

Nagaoka Festival -- Nagaoka, Japan (through the 3rd, samurai procession, traditional music and dances, fireworks)

National Day -- Switzerland (where it is also called Swiss Confederation Day, when Switzerland became a single unit in 1291)

National Minority Donor Awareness Week -- US (bringing awareness to the fact that there are fewer minorities who are organ donors) 

National Non-Parent Day -- sponsored by The National Organization for Non-Parents and No Kidding!

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

Parents' Day -- Democratic Republic of the Congo

Respect For Parents Day -- with information here 

Rounds Resounding Day -- sponsored by Rounds Resounding Society (Grab your friends and sing a few songs that go in rounds, like "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Frere Jacques".)

Social Resistance Day -- North Cyprus

Spiderman Day -- he first appeared today in Amazing Fantasy #15, released Aug. 1, 1963

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori's Day (Founder of the Redemptorists, a/k/a Ligourians; Patron of confessors, final perseverance, moralists, scrupulous people, theologians, vocations; Pagani, Italy; Sant'Agata de' Goti, Italy; against arthritis, scrupulosity disorder)

World Breastfeeding Week begins -- International (the theme this year is "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All")   

World Lung Cancer Day -- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer  

World Scout Scarf Day -- wear your Scout Scarf in public today \

World Wide Web Day -- what would become our current ability to waste time reading blogs and doing other fun stuff was begun as an idea at CERN during August back in 1990

Yorkshire Day -- Yorkshire, England

Anniversaries Today:

Colorado becomes the 38th US State, 1876

Birthdays Today:

Tempestt Bledsoe, 1973

Robert Cray, 1953

Giancarlo Giannini, 1942

Jerry Garcia, 1942

Yves Saint Laurent, 1942

Ronald Harmon "Ron" Brown, 1941

Dom DeLuise, 1933

Tom Wilson, 1931

James Hill, 1916

Herman Melville, 1819

Maria Mitchell, 1818

Francis Scott Key, 1779

William Clark, 1770

Debuting/Premiering Today:

M2(TV Network), 1996

"The Rush Limbaugh Show"(Radio), 1988

MTV(TV Network), 1981

Today in History:

The future Caesar Augustus, Octavian, enters Alexandria, Egypt, and brings it under the control of Rome, BC30

Japan sends Ono no Imoko to the Sui court in China as envoy, 607

The Swiss Confederation is formed with the signature of the Federal Charter, 1291

Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile drive the Jews out of Spain, 1492

Henry Tudor, soon to be Henry VII, sails with his army to England, 1495

The first black Americans arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, 1619

Oxygen is "discovered" for the 3rd time, by Priestly, 1774

The Act of Union is passed in which merges the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1800

Slavery is abolished throughout the British Empire, 1834

First coast to coast automobile trip, from San Francisco to New York, is completed, 1903

The first Jeep is produced, 1941

Anne Frank makes the last entry in her diary, 1944

The United States and Canada form the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), 1957

Israel annexes East Jerusalem, 1967

Peat cutters discover Lindow Man, Lindow Moss, Cheshire, England, 1984

CERN physicists begin discussing building what would eventually become the World Wide Web, 1990

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia join the European Environment Agency, 2001

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia dies and is succeeded by Prince Abdullah, 2005

Buddhist treasures buried during the Mongolian Communist Purge in the 1930's are rediscovered in the Gobi Desert, 2009

Russia grants NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden one year of temporary political asylum; Snowden leaves Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, 2013

Two crowns and an orb from the Swedish crown jewels are stolen from Strängnäs Cathedral, Stockholm, 2018

Italian Gianmarco Tamberi and Mutaz Essa Barshim of Qatar avoid a jump-off by agreeing to share the long jump gold medal after tying on 2.37m at the Tokyo Olympic Games, 2021

South America experiences a winter heatwave, with temperatures in some places reaching up to 100°F/37.7°C, 2023


  1. So sorry to hear abiut Nrs G and the ringworm. You'd NEVER get me on a rollercoaster!

  2. ay yi yi at the photo indeed. I hope MS G recovers quickly that that the ringworm can be controlled. Glad you found some shade to do your cleaning in.

  3. That Covid-light is still a beast. Ay yi-yi to that photo and ppom! I am no sure I like rollercoasters, but then again not sure I detest them - actually same as your poem ;) well done. Cleaning in the shade sounds like a nice way to spend work time, still I hope Ms. G. is over her illnes next time.

  4. Good poem and good fence and Evil covid, lol.

  5. At least there is a fix for his car, but what a pain not knowing when it is going to act up and then to have to pull off and get it going again.

  6. That is a nice story and a good poem too. Hooray for a nice thankful. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Charlee: "Not ringworm again at the shelter! Nasty nasty fungus!"
    Lulu: "Our Mama and Dada have somehow avoided Covid so far, but they don't like us to say that because they think we might jinx it ..."

  8. Glad the car worked for you ~ lovely story and poem
    sorry about cat shelter infection ~ hope that is fixed soon ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Glad you figured out the car issue, but how annoying that must have been!!!

    It does seem like Covid is having a resurgence. Mom and Dad had fairly mild cases one time, but they are very good about keeping up with the vaccines. We are glad you were so careful to protect yourself too

    Sunny, thank you for sharing such gorgeous views of the area. We think it is OK for you to do what works best for you. All that walking probably bothers your legs. Mama and Dad take such good care. of you and Rosy.
    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Nice poem. You are a busy woman- I don't know how you do it all. XO


  11. thecontemplativecat here Oxygen is a good thing to discover. good poem. the roller coaster is definitely off my bucket list.

  12. Yeep! Having car problems is enough to one a nervous wreck! Glad it was easily fixed.

    I like roller coasters. But not after lunch at one. Just sayin'.

    Poor kitties, ringworm isn't fun. Having had kittens who had it, and gave it to me....Not nice at all.

  13. Nice poem. I know some people with Covid too. It's not gone yet. Have a great weekend!

  14. I love your 6s; they’re like homegrown joy.

  15. There's no way I'd take a ride on that!

  16. Good Six, but looking at that scary ride gives me goosebumps!

  17. "...outdoors in the shade in the 90+ degree heat..."
    Hope there was at least a tiny breeze.
    Rollercoasters from h e double l like that one? That's what youth is for, lol
    Scary and infuriating when cars stop doing what their supposed to in the middle of major traffic. Glad the cool down took care of the issue!

    P.S. Hope you don't mind, Mimi, I re-linked your Six. Couldn't figure out how to edit your original link in the Inlinkz dashboard!

  18. knock on wood in terms of avoiding running into a random, rogue Covid germ

  19. hey! that was me!! shoulda checked for the invisible ink in my pen!

  20. I agree that having a big lunch before a coaster ride might be a BAD CHOICE! Love the poem!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


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